The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 54: Crisis and victory (2)

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The northern deadlocked war situation was broken due to the Battle of Luzhou, including the abdomen of one of the elite grassland cores, and the Khitan Army lost nearly 600,000 troops.

At this point, Datang ’s 500,000-500,000 Chang'an ban in the northern border, plus a small number of frontiers. Although the number of troops is still inferior to that of Khitan, there is no longer any other party ’s absolute repression. .

Therefore, under the command of Li Maozhen, Datang's army began to launch an orderly approach to Khitan to determine the overall offensive of the war.

Except for Luzhou, the battlefield in the northern border that had been calm for a period of time was once again raging, and there were successively fierce battles of varying scales in various places.

The northern battle was provoked by Khitan. Before the Khitan comprehensive attack, although the main force was blocked in Juyongguan, Beikou, Yuguan and other places and could not enter the Great Wall, small-scale recreational vehicles, through continuous efforts, continued to Other places penetrated into the border.

They burned and looted everywhere, and frequently engaged in battles with the Datang Frontiers.

At the stalemate, the main forces of the two sides were safe and sound, but small-scale fighting has not stopped.

Because of the previous defense strategy of the Tang army, many frontiers in counties, counties, and villages did not have reinforcements and were weak. Even if they discovered the invasion of the Khitan Ranger, they could not destroy it. They could only protect the key targets, which was extremely extreme.

But now, the first Tang Dynasty frontier to launch a counterattack and obtain the results. Now the military order issued by Li Maozhen is to clear all Khitans in the territory, one not to let go and one not to stay.

These reinforcements arrived day and night, waiting for reinforcements, and they were all elite, unexpectedly elite. With the cooperation of reinforcements, those Khitan cavalrymen who had been stared to death by the frontier but had no power to deal with them alone are now wiped off the ground by a wave.

Although the number of reinforcements in each place is not large, whether it is armaments or combat power, the soldiers of the frontiers are stunned. The Khitan cavalry faced them, even if they were small in strength, they would be beaten with no power to fight back, and they could only be mourned in despair.

These reinforcements are only a small part of the Chang'an banned troops that have temporarily "turned to zero".

Within the Great Wall, the frontier forces and the embargo joined forces to sweep the leaves in the autumn wind, and the Khitan cavalry infiltrating the grasslands soon wiped it out.

Li Maozhen arranged such an operation for a very clear purpose, mainly for two reasons.

First, boost morale. The Khitan cavalry removed in various states, counties, and villages, although the absolute number is not large, and the total is less than 100,000, but one clean victory after another, but it is conducive to stimulating the morale of the army.

In the case of Tang Jun's passive defense for a long time, and the situation has been calm for so long, it is very important to boost morale for the next main battle.

Second, clean up all the eyeliners of Khitan to ensure a thorough rear. In the process of cleaning up the Khitan small cavalry, those Khitan monks who used this to hide their tracks were almost targeted by the Tsing Yi Shumen.

In this way, even if the Khitan side knew that Tang Jun was very likely to counterattack, it could not know the specific time, which was conducive to the action of the main force.

Once the decisive battle has begun, these Khitan cavalry originally inside the Great Wall may cooperate with the monks to threaten the Tang army's grain roads, grain silos, and even cause disaster to the hometown, which may cause instability. This situation will never happen again.

Even if the decisive battle entered the stage of anxiety, Yeluabaoji wanted to send people to infiltrate Datang to do something to change the situation. Without this group of people who have been active in the Great Wall for a long time, people who are familiar with the situation responded. There is basically no achievement.

To a certain extent, this arrangement by Li Maozhen is also to prevent Yelu Abaoji from using the other way to return to the other, imitating the old truth of the whole truth and emptying the door in Luzhou.

North Exit.

Mottled Guan Cheng

Here, the two dogs leaned against the collapsed earth wall to rest, and the afternoon sun hit the dirt, and there were countless tiny dusts tumbling under the beam.

Thanks to the truce during this period, Ergouzi's injuries have been restored. Although he is still injured and is not included in the battle sequence, Ergouzi has been consciously doing training in the field.

I just practiced boxing and knives, tossing for an hour, exhausting my body that was still recovering, and sweating heavily. Now he was sitting on the ground like a dead dog, exhaling his steaming tongue.

"It's going to get colder."

In the shade in front of the earth wall next to him, there were sounds of bulls and eggs. He was looking up at the **** sun, his face was vicissitudes and seriousness, and his eyes seemed extremely deep. "

Ergouza disturbed his head, a little embarrassedly, "I may not understand what it means to get colder, but I know very well that after your injury this time, I'm afraid I can't go back."

The beef egg turned to look at Ergouzi. This hot-tempered and hard-bodied muddy leg, if it was disrespected by his subordinates in the past, would surely make the other party increase his memory. But now, there was no trace of dark on his face, and his eyes were full of affinity and concern.

He whispered: "Second son, how can you tell me how you are good, young, but not motivated, this is not good. You must learn to think proactively and consider more things on the battlefield so that you can Go further in the army ... "

Seeing that the cow egg was going to be a long story, the two dogs wailed and hugged their heads in pain.

Since the repulsion of Khitan, the Confucians represented by Zhang Zai have shown great fighting power here, and they have become a very popular group in the military camp. When we get along, the influences are mutual. Zhang Zai and others were invaded by the Beikou frontiers. Correspondingly, people like Niu Dan gradually became infected with a few books.

Of course, the two dogs would never admit it, they all had book gas on their heads. In a more reasonable way, he thinks that it should be arty, and the most accurate way is Handan.

However, this does not stop the enthusiasm of the bull egg for "improvement". He taught Zhang Zai what is the way of fighting in the battlefield, and also allowed the other party to understand what is the meaning of the same robe, and what is the real thing about the hide of the horse.

And Zhang Zai's thoughts also made Niu Egg understand that if he wants to be an excellent general, general, and general, he cannot always be vulgar, and he does not speak about literacy. He learns how to get along with his subordinates and lead the ministry. , Care about the war situation, think about the way to win, etc ... are very necessary.

In a nutshell, Niu et al. Inspired Zhang Zai's bloodiness and armed Zhang Zai's limbs, while Zhang Zai wisdomned Niu et al.'S mind and inspired their upward fighting spirit.

But just like when Zhang Zai fights, he often kills his eyes and ignores everything. He yells and sacrifice himself to serve the country, and he ca n’t wait to be part of the Qidan people. In his spare time, cattle and other people follow Zhang Zai and others to read and ask. It is inevitable that it will become arrogant and give birth to a sense of superiority.

No matter what, Ergouzi thinks that the current ox egg is no longer okay and just kicks itself a few feet, but it is still a good phenomenon to start trying to reason with Yan Yuese as much as possible.

"The weather is getting colder and autumn is approaching, which means that this war has been fighting for a long time, and it is likely that the time for decisive battle will come."

Niu Yu converged his cultural temperament, mainly because of the desperate expression of holding his head by Ergouzi, and gave no confidence in the blow. He could only sit beside the other side and talk to the other side in an ordinary tone.

After seeing Dutou finally returning to normal, Ergou put down his hands and looked at each other curiously: "Doutou have heard any news?"

The cow egg nodded sternly, and said with a glorious tone: "Not long ago, the deed in the direction of Luzhou

The Dan army was wiped out by my king division. The 600,000 Qidan fighters were almost wiped out by the army. What a brilliant record!

"You know, what does this mean ... forget it, this means that our army has no major disadvantage compared with the Khitan Army's combat power!

"The war situation has been deadlocked for a long time. Now that Wang Shi has opened up the situation, it will be the time of the counterattack-Zhang Zai said that. And for you and me, this will be a life and death crisis. The **** battle that coexisted with the founding! "

Hearing this, Ergouzi looked uplifted.

But soon, his eyes were a little stunned.

Niu Dan glanced at him, and he laughed and said, "What's the matter, I received a letter from the family the day before, and I know the little lady of the Liu family in the village. I heard that the soldiers in Beikou are fierce, and I worry about tears for you day and night. You are so distressed that you ca n’t wait Go back and marry someone? "

These words made Ergouzi's face flushed.

He looked at the egg with disbelief, "How do you know ... you peeked at my letter ?!"

Niu Qi shrugged his lips and said, "Look at your unpromising situation, this kind of thing still needs to peep at your letter? I'm the father of two fat boys, and here they are!"

As Niu Zi said, Ergouzi's face was all red to the neck, just like a little woman, so anxious to dig a hole into it. The cow egg is in a village with him. These things are things that can be clear without much guesswork.

Niu Dan didn't intend to let him go. He smiled and continued: "If you say that the little lady of the old Liu family, she is indeed handsome, and it is rare that she is good-natured and sensible. Jiji. If you died on the battlefield, she would never worry about getting married! "

Two dogs thought along the words of the bull. This young man who can be three in and three out in the battlefield and has a lot of Khitan fierce soldiers at the North Exit. He is really a good man, but at the moment he looks sad and looks sad. It looked very unpromising.

Nougat patted him on the shoulder, and said gravely: "Ergod, listen to me, go back and get married. You have been fighting in Beikou for a long time, and the military skill of killing the enemy is enough for you to rise to my position. It is not shameful of you. And last time you even got into your life, you can be considered a big husband.

"The battle going down will be even more brutal. If you don't go back now, you're afraid that you won't take a daughter-in-law in this life, why not lose your head?"

The second dog said in surprise: "All heads, this is not like what you said, you make me a deserter ?!"

Niu Dan slaps on his head, hating iron can not be made into steel: "There are more of you in the army, not more of you, less of you, a lot, do you really want to live up to the little lady of the Liu family? Your sick mother, Not relying on her to help you look after you, can you kill the enemy and make achievements in the battlefield ?! "

Having said that, the bull stood up, patted the dust on his buttocks, and finally turned back to Ergouzi: "It is not easy for people to live for a lifetime, even more so for ordinary people like us.

"It is a blessing to be able to eat and wear warm sutras to succeed and live safely and securely for a lifetime. Now that you have military skills and you can return to your hometown, don't drill the horns of the horns, and let the people who are waiting for you home every day are sad!

Dutou said what he shouldn't say, and then left.

Leaving two dogs helpless.

He originally thought that when he mentioned that the final battle was about to come, he wanted to inspire his fighting spirit, so that he could follow his opponent in the battlefield and forget to fight, in order to inspire other colleagues to go forward, and finally win good results. The dream of the head "going forward" itself.

Looking at the back of the cow egg, Ergou then realized that no matter how many Confucian scholars Zhang Jie had instilled in the idea of ​​meritorious service and glorious lintel, Niu Egg, a man who has been fighting on the battlefield for many years, And never forget what you really care about and want to cherish.

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