The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 59: Crisis and victory (7)

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Yeluabaoji is very determined to fight, he wants to show his courage and fighting spirit, and prove that he has at least nothing worse than Li Yan.

But before the Beitang Tang army broke the Khitan camp, the Khitan army received a retreat order, demanding that the soldiers who were able to leave the war, discard all the heavy and detached from the battlefield at any cost, and quickly return to Khitan Yikun.

Si Jinbu did not enter the battlefield to defeat Tang Jun. Instead, he first returned to Yikun Prefecture in Qilao Tushan to build a line of defense and respond to the retreat of Khitan.

Not only the Khitan Army at the North Exit, but also the Khitan Camp outside Pingzhou Yuguan, also received such an order. A slight difference is that the Yuguan war situation has not yet entered a situation that is about to collapse, so the master will be required to leave a broken back song to cover the main force's retreat.

Such an order was naturally issued by Yeluabaoji, and only he could issue it.

This shows that in the face of the heavy blow, Yeluabaoji was furious enough to trample the divine sacrifice into flesh, but he did not lose his mind at the last moment.

"Kidan has no chance of winning the battle with Tang Jun. The Tang said that the Qingshan stayed without worry and no firewood. The army retreated at this time, although it would also suffer heavy losses, but as long as we can retain a vitality for Khitan, we have the possibility of a comeback. . It is not my wish to bury the Khitan warriors at the border of the Tang Dynasty. "

When Si Jinbu evacuated the camp, Yeluabaoji immediately looked at the north exit in the sunset, and said such a thing to Yeluo Rugu.

At that moment he looked painful as if he was twenty years old.

Yeludi Rugu did not answer, and his heavy heart made him speechless.

The lonely shadow of two people and two horses was stretched by the setting sun on the open grassland.

In this world-famous battle against Tang, Khitan mobilized more than two million soldiers and was able to safely withdraw to Yikun Prefecture. It is expected that it will not exceed 30%. After this battle, the Khitan State has been in fact and can only survive for a long time.

The premise must be that Tang Jun does not chase into the grassland, or that Yi Kun can block Tang Jun's front.

The dawn of the dawn was falling from the sky, and the blood-stained ox eggs and two dogs raised their heads panting like cows, and there was no Khitan in front of them. The robes next to him stunned for a brief moment, and then shouted like a mountain tsunami.

Behind them was the **** sea of ​​the Khitans, completely covering the lush grassland.

The Khitan Army fled the night, and originally wanted to cover it at night to try to open up a safe distance. However, the Tang Army ’s offensive was not day and night, which made their plan unsuccessful and could only be pursued all the way.

Now that the night is gone, the corpses lying on the grass cannot see the new dawn. Only General Tang Jun, who was cheering among the corpses of the ground, could greet their glory when they were exhausted after a night of fierce fighting.

The Battle of Beikou came to an end, in a way of victory.

Even if there were fighting in the follow-up, it would no longer occur at the North Exit. As Beibei garrison soldiers, Niu Egg and Ergouzi, including Yangzhou Confucian scholars who came to support and reborn, have obtained what they want at this moment.

Something called a newborn.

Over the battlefield, Li Yan and Li Maozhen overlooked the parties, and looked at each other with smiles.

The end of the Beikou Battle marked the end of Khitan's national power, and the national war against the northern border of Datang ended in a disastrous defeat.

Although there are fighting outside Yuguan, it will not last for a few days.

"The Northern War situation, although it took a long time,

In the end, I did not fail to live up to my responsibilities. Li Maozhen patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, his words full of joy.

Li Ye was undecided: "Did Qidan be defeated, will the war in the north end?"

of course not.

Li Maozhen knew this very well.

She calmly said: "Without the death of Khitan, this war will not end!"

Li Yan looked at Yi Kunzhou's direction and played with the taste: "Yeluo Baobao thought that if he evacuated from the Great Wall, he would be able to stay alive and continue his life for the Khitan kingdom? That was just a delusion."

Li Maozhen pondered: "The remnant of the Khitan Army that is fleeing is retreating in the direction of Yikun, and the situation over Yuguan should be the same. After this fierce battle, the soldiers are very tired, and they must attack the instrument with a geographical advantage Kunzhou, I am afraid that it will take a while to cultivate. But during this period, Khitan will certainly strengthen the defense line of Yizhou Kunzhou. The longer the time, the stronger the defense line will be. "

If Tang Jun wants to have a good state to enter the grassland and completely destroy the Khitan kingdom, he must take a proper rest.

This is a paradox.

Unsolvable contradictions.

But here at Li Yan, this is obviously not a problem.

He smiled proudly: "Si Jinbu did not join the battlefield, but chose to go back to Yikunzhou to defend, staring at their Tiger Guard and Wolffang Army, naturally they would not be idle, now they have rushed to Yikunzhou Yelu Abaoji thought that if he kept Yikunzhou, Qidan would have a way to live, but in my opinion, Yikunzhou was the end of his life. I had dug a grave for him in Yikunzhou and waited for him to go to sleep. "

King Qi, who had been exhausting his defense for the northern border and counterattack, was surprised to hear this.

She stared at Li Yan with her eyes wide open: "Are you planning?"

Li Yan gave her a strange look: "Do you think that I will let Yale Abaoji, who provoked the world to attack the Tang Dynasty, return to the West Tower alive? Would you be satisfied that this battle just defeated and attacked my North Tang Dynasty, offensive? My majestic Qidan barbarian? "

Li Maozhen was speechless.

She blushed and became angry and angry: "Don't think I don't know what you can do! When you solved Mayin, you said that you had secretly contacted the yellow head and crotch on the grassland. The battle has now hit You haven't seen them, even at the most deadlocked times, you haven't let them do it, are you waiting for today? "

After speaking these words in one breath, Li Maozhen stunned himself first.

Then she slanted Li Li, complacent, and satisfied with the wisdom of the other party's planning.

For the childishness that Li Maozhen occasionally revealed, Li Yan has become accustomed to seeing the other side is really happy, so he didn't say much to attack the other side's self-confidence.

He did secretly contact the yellow heads and crickets, which had been suppressed by Khitan, and he was not willing to lose his status. Both of these are big families on the grassland. Although there are not many military forces on the Ming Dynasty, they have a great influence.

It is just that Li Yan cannot do anything to them.

Contacting them earlier only confirmed the possibility of alliance between the two parties.

To make the Yellow Heads and the Badgers really raise their troops, it also needs time. Let them see the victory, not the risk of a blow, but the rebellion failed, but was completely obliterated by Yeluabaoji.

When the Tang Army and the Khitan Army were at a deadlock, the Yellow Heads and the Badgers were naturally incapable of action. At that time, the risk was too high. But after the Luzhou battle, he

We saw hope, made up our minds, and started preparing.

If they weren't ready then, Li Wei would be unhappy. When everything is clear, and there is no suspense at all, what does Li Zhi want them to do? To pick peaches, you have to water the tree first.

Now that the Beikou war is over, the Huangtou and Yanji have already begun operations.

"The frontiers have fought fiercely over the years, and it is not easy to guard the frontiers. They can rest. But the Changan embargo is now the key time for them to play a role in building the country. Rao is a bit exhausted and must persist until the last moment.

When Li Xun said here, he became more and more confident. "Don't forget, we still have the grassland tribal army to drive. Whether it is the tribal army from Luzhou or the tribal army captured at the North Exit, they can hit the wind. Fight.

"The Khitan Army retreating to Yikun Prefecture also has many tribal fighters. When they saw that the warriors were not Khitans, they chose to fight alongside the Tang Army. Naturally, they knew what to do to survive."

According to the arrangements of Li Yan and Li Maozhen, half a month later, Tang Jun arrived in Yi Kunzhou in a mighty manner.

Of the Tang army, the Chang'an embargo was of course the absolute main force, but this time it was not the Datang Frontier that assisted them, but more than 200,000 grassland tribal troops.

The situation of the Qilaotu Mountain is more complicated. It is a relatively rare terrain on the grassland. The gully is horizontal and vertical. There are many Guanchengs built on the terrain based on the terrain. With various deep grasses of different sizes, it is very split offensive. The role of Fang Bingli.

There are many opportunities for war in such a zone.

This is a battlefield that is naturally beneficial to the defense.

However, just after the fiasco, I saw a large number of relatives and friends who were unable to fight to death, but they were just lucky Khitan fighters who had escaped a life. Even if they occupied Guancheng, they could not feel much security and morale was not high.

Especially when they saw the grassland tribal army groaning and flaunting outside Guancheng, many people looked bleak.

The spiritual appearance of the grassland tribal army at this moment, and its fighting spirit, looks better than the Changan embargo.

When they flexed their muscles, they looked fierce, and the Khitan fighters' eyes were extremely hot, as if the other party was not an extraordinary warrior but a slave of cattle and sheep wealth.

To be realistic, in the face of huge amounts of wealth at your fingertips, a disciplined army is not as good as a robber.

The grassland tribe army that came to rob is no different from the robbers.

If they insist, they have to be stronger.

The war progressed from spring to autumn, and the grassland tribal warriors had no time to raise fat cattle and sheep. Without grabbing the cattle and sheep of the Khitan people, it will be difficult for them to survive, and their tribe will suffer the devastation in the cold winter.

Of course, the Khitans who have been robbed of cattle and sheep will certainly not survive the winter.

But no one cares, because they can't survive this war.

When there are only so many living things-even less than in previous years-the only way to survive is to reduce the number of people who need to eat.

Li Yan looked at Guan Cheng of all sizes and smiled and said to Li Maozhen: "The prairie people are always the wealth of the Han people, and they have to go south to **** them. Now, we will grab the Khitan.

Li Maozhen squeezed his fist, his eyes burned, "I have no interest in the cattle and sheep of the Khitan people, but I want to rob them of their qualifications to survive in this world!"

The Yi Kun State War broke out immediately.

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