The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 87: For resources for voyages

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In fact, Da Shiming is right. There are a lot of things Li Zhi has to do right now. The required cultivating resources are astronomical figures. With the vast land and resources of Divine Land, even without the immortals of Xianyu, they are still burdened by the court. weight.

However, before today, Datang's resources are sufficient to meet demand.

In addition, potatoes and corn have been planted on a large scale. After the people do not lack food, they can grow more cash crops and raise more livestock. The food pressure of the entire country has been reduced, followed by the development of hundreds of industries and industries, and the overall improvement of wealth.

Although there are many students enrolled in the practice college, it actually consumes little resources. After all, the exercises are there and only the monks need to teach. That is, there will be few elixir aids, and there are not many magic instruments, which can only be used for the top students.

However, as long as they graduated from the college, entered the army or officialdom, they would have standard rations and standard elixir rations. Even if some students do not work, return to the family to participate in family affairs, or be hired by businessmen, they are destined to have at least magical instruments and elixir.

Specific to the reinvention of the meritocratic cultivation of things, in fact, as long as the fairy goes to the earth, even if there is no elixir, this can be easily done. For the monks in fairyland, the injuries during the gas-refining period can be cured with the touch of a finger.

With Li Zhi's dominant position today, it is not impossible to reopen the Kunlun channel.

However, the dilemma of the descendants of the immortal being repaired by the descendants was unable to be resolved for the time being. In addition, the re-integration of the immortal will certainly have a great impact on the order in the world, and Datang is not ready yet.

Therefore, Li Yan does not consider this option for the time being. After all, the immortals are also high-level monks. Their role in heaven and earth is not fundamentally different from the role of real life in the world.

"To rebuild the practice of the meritocratic, it still requires a lot of resources. In fact, doing this is to allow the wounded monks in the army to be completely treated. As long as they don't die, they can be completely restored.

"Now that the monk in the fairyland has lost the power of worship in the world, the cultivation has fallen back to its original level. To further enhance its strength, it must have the supply of cultivation resources.

"The immortals of Tang Dynasty have lost their faith in the world, and their cultivation has been lowered. When they fight against the immortals in the field of war, they do not have an advantage. I will do everything possible to improve the combat power of the army of the world. The fairy of Li was the first to defeat, but it was a joke.

"So everything is a question of 'money'. It seems that before the decisive battle in the Western Regions, it is still necessary to mobilize a considerable part of the cultivation resources outside Datang."

Thinking of this, Li Xun couldn't help but stop and give up the envoy to rest. Instead, he came to the city wall of Qingzhou, stood on the eaves of the tower, stood with his hands, and quietly looked at the wild.

For Li Yan, the night does not affect his sight, his gaze through the heavy night, looking to the end of the East.

Over the past few years, the dynasty has concentrated on the cultivation of resources for the supply of cultivation colleges, craftsman supervisors, and Xianyaofang. All aspects have made good progress.

Whether it is the increase in the number of monks in the real world, monks in the gas refining period, or the replacement of weaponry in the military, various uses, including the successful development of large-scale lethal weaponry, and the improvement of war horses' elixir refining, are proving With the profound cultural heritage of Divine World.

All are glorious, with the improvement of the real power of the imperial court, the power of the folk self-cultivation has naturally benefited, and the strength has been significantly enhanced.

Following this trend, Li Yan is convinced that Datang, twenty years later, will be invincible in the world. Even if it is a unified practice, it is definitely not a daydream.

However, as the Tang Dynasty settled the Mobei Grassland, it sent troops to defeat the Xizhou Uighur in the Western Regions, rebuilt the Anxi Duhufu, and showed the mighty Tang Dynasty not weaker than the prosperous era of the New Century. The Western Regions, including the states to the west of the Onion Ridge, became nervous.

In these two years, the crescent religion with the Black Khanate as the bridgehead

Monks, the secret struggle with the Tang Dynasty has never stopped. Whether it is the Tsing Yi Shumen, the Void Gate or the whole truth, monks are dying every day.

Although there were reasons for Li Zhi's ordering the monks to penetrate west and prepare for the war, this was at best the fuse. The hegemons of cultivation of the East and the West have inevitably met again. With their respective ambitions, it is impossible to coexist peacefully.

There is always one side of the cultivation force that will enter a new world and push their cultivation civilization to a new height.

Therefore, Li Zhi had not used it for 20 years to develop Datang, preparing for the battle that was destined to separate the strength of the Eastern and Western cultivation forces.

In order to improve Datang's strength as soon as possible and win the upcoming war, Li Yan must gather a large amount of wealth for cultivation at a rapid rate.

"Have Liu Zhiyan arrived in Qingzhou?" Li Yan turned to ask his grandson. Although she and Shao Mingming were personal guards, they still belonged to the Tsing Yi Yamen sequence. On weekdays, they helped Li Min to communicate with the Tsing Yi Yamen and upload their duties.

"Tomorrow will be in Qingzhou."

After hearing the answer from Da Shiming, Li Min nodded.

The leader of the Long River Gang, Liu Zhiyan, and her gang were the first groups of rivers and lakes that Li Yuan gathered in his early years. Unlike the Tsing Yi Qianmen, which is responsible for military intelligence, the Long River Gang is only responsible for matters related to river transportation. Previously, when Li Zhi was a Pinglu Jiedong minister in Qingzhou, the court's supplies to Qingzhou were all transported by the Long River Gang.

When Li Min was fighting in the Central Plains and needed to mobilize a large number of supplies, the Long River Gang also contributed a lot.

After Li Zhi entered the main gate, under his advice, the Changhe Gang cooperated with the government to rectify the transportation and became the world ’s largest river gang. The transportation of all kinds of materials, including the South Grain and North Transport, was in the Changhe Gang.

Really, now the Changhe Gang is not a river or lake force, but a court force. However, whether they are under the jurisdiction of the three ambassadors or whether they are assigned to the Ministry of Households or the Ministry of Industry has not yet been determined.

In any case, under His Majesty, the Long River Gang has the most ships. Because many large ships are built every year, it is also the best in shipbuilding technology.

Especially after Li Huanping settled Huainan, known as an elite sailor, Changhe Gang absorbed a large number of craftsmen of His Majesty Wu King. Now it is not only reliable for various river boats, but also for making sea boats.

When Nanzhao was flat, Annan was also settled by Sun Ru and Yang Xingmi. The Great South was completely stabilized, and the overseas trade of Datang merchants flourished again. Before the Lingnan Festival, Liu Yin vigorously supported maritime merchants in order to improve his own strength, and now the maritime team is even larger.

The sea vessels of Datang Maritime, including the ships of the Jiangnan Marine Division and Lingnan Marine Division, are under the responsibility of the Long River Gang. However, although the Long River Gang is responsible for shipbuilding, it is not in the army sequence and does not involve military power.

The next day, Li Zhi met Liu Zhiyan at the Jiedushi Mansion in Qingzhou.

Li Yan and Liu Zhiyan haven't seen each other for a long time. In recent years, Li Zhi has been busy with things in the Northwest and Mobei, and there are not many places that need the help of the Changhe Gang.

"Liu Zhiyan at the Haihe River, see Your Majesty!" Liu Zhiyan saluted respectfully. Haihe Yamen, this is the name of the Changhe Gang nowadays. When their final affiliation is finalized, I'm afraid the name will change.

Unlike the charming and enchanting leader of Song Yi in Tsing Yi, Liu Zhiyan, the leader of Haihe Yemen, not only has a gentle temperament, but also a calm temperament. It seems that he has always been Xiaojiabiyu. Of course, it might just be in front of Li Ye that she looks like this.

Today, Liu Zhiyan is also a real monk.

Since he is his own, Li Xun had to hush and ask for warmth. After a while, Li Xuan introduced the topic: "Some time ago, I asked Peng Zushan and his apprentices to go to the Haihe Jianmen to discuss with you the construction of a magic ship. How is it going? "

Liu Zhiyan replied neatly: "It is difficult to build a magic ship.

The degree is very large. Docks around the world did not have such experience before. Even if they were supervised by craftsmen, they had not made such a huge weapon. Especially the sea ships, the sea ships that are suitable for the army to fight, are even bigger.

"After discussing with the master and apprentice Peng Zushan, it was still considered that it was difficult for the shipyard to manufacture the entire ship. The main problem was to build the entire ship, which required too much basic materials. The cost of replacing the original wood is staggering.

"Therefore, officials and others thought that only ships can meet the standard of weaponry on some structures, such as offensive and defensive weaponry, sails, and paddles. Based on this part of the structure, portraying the array method can allow ships to Withstands wind and waves, fears no ordinary reefs, and sails without relying on sea breeze.

"Now Peng Zushan and his apprentices are rushing to make such half-craft vessels, and they will be able to take shape in a few days. If the situation goes well, even if the sea boat built is traveling against the wind, it can travel hundreds of miles a day, if it is downwind. It is not impossible to use eight hundred miles a day with the help of wind through the formation method! "

Hearing this, Li Min could not help taking a deep breath.

Eighty miles a day, this speed has not lost to him how many sea freighters on the earth when he came across.

That is to say, from the aspect of navigation only, the semi-crafted sea vessel manufactured by Master and Apprentice Peng Zushan already has the ability to conduct large-scale frequent commercial transactions around the world.

This made Li Xun happy.

Apprentice Su Emei is now fighting on the other side of the world. Due to the lack of strong opponents, their war has progressed quite smoothly, the area of ​​conquest is constantly expanding, and more and more cultivation resources are under control.

If Datang's voyage fleet can be built, then Li Zhi's required rectification resources can be resolved smoothly.

In fact, there are many maritime merchants from Datang to the west. Ordinary sea vessels of Datang can also reach the heartland of Food Fresh.

However, on the one hand, it is sailing along the coastline. As long as the monsoon and ocean currents are used, there is no great difficulty; on the other hand, the speed is really too slow. Depending on the monsoon and ocean currents, they rely on the sky to eat, and the time period is too serious. , Failed to meet military requirements.

Moreover, the difficulty of sailing westward is not the same as the difficulty of sailing eastward to the Andes.

But if the half-craft vessel in Liu Zhiyan's mouth can be built, then Li Zhi can let the Datang Fleet sail eastward to receive the rich cultivation resources there.

"When you reach Tianzhu west, you will be in contact with the cannibal forces, and it will be difficult to steadily raise resources for war. If you do not reach west of Tianzhu, those islands in the south are too small and resources are too small."

With this in mind, Li Yan told Liu Zhiyan to let her communicate her order, and told Peng Zushan to approve the construction of the semi-crafted sea vessel. When the sea vessel enters the water, he will go to check it in person.

Liu Zhiyan naturally obeys the sacred order.

After the other party left, Li Yan supported the cheek and began to sketch the chart in his head.

As we all know, Datang's voyage fleet must sail eastward to reach the Americas on the other side of the sea.

In other words, before the voyage fleet was established, Li Yan had to ensure that his country was under control, otherwise the fleet would not be able to sail normally.

Fleet sailing, after all, is different from the monk leaping through the mountains and the sea, and it is impossible to follow the route of Chu Nanhuai. It is an inevitable choice to go through the country and cannot be avoided.

"Fortunately, the Mobei Grassland has already been beaten. Now that you are working on Korea and Lao Guo, you don't need to worry about someone flanking the flanks." Thinking of this, a bit of a smile appeared at the corner of Li's mouth.

In this era, compared with the glorious and prosperous Datang civilization, the small states and small countries around it are indeed not much different from the savages, saying that they are barbarous and are not demeaning to them.

Therefore, Li Zhi's decision to send Datang to the east did not hesitate.

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