The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 95: Offensive and defensive response

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Unsurprisingly, Li Xun's envoys to the Bohai State later brought back news that the Bohai King Da Weixu was willing to resign to Tang and obey the Tang decree. Also returned was the messenger of the Bohai State.

Instead of summoning the ambassadors of the Bohai State in the eastern city of Liaoning, Li Yan arranged for the other party to go directly to the tribute to Chang'an. As for the encyclopedia enshrined by the messenger, Bo Haiwang Dawei's initiative proposed that he could send army monks to follow the Tang army's proposal, which was politely rejected by Li Zhi.

He despised the strength of the Bohai State and let them participate in the battle, most of which only hindered him.

The next operation was logical, Tang Jun crossed the Yayu River in batches, and rushed straight to the Datong River basin.

At this time on the peninsula, the post-Korean dynasty, also known as post-Goguryeo, was established in the north for the Gong descent, and the territory area was still the largest. The southwest was the post-Baekje dynasty established by Zhen Xuan, and the southeast was still the Shilla dynasty.

Therefore, the opponents that Tang Jun first attacked were not much different from those two hundred years ago. They were all Goguryeo. It's just that, compared with the Goguryeo of that year, the current Goguryeo site is too small, and a large area of ​​land in the north has fallen into the hands of the Bohai State.

Because the upper reaches of the Datong River are in the hands of the Bohai State, and the lower reaches to the estuary are in the hands of Goguryeo, the first important goal of the army is Pyongyang.

"Ten years ago, Silla broke into chaos, and thieves started to run around. The first person to raise the banner was Zhen Xuan, the post-Baekje king. This so-called post-Goguryeo king descendant was originally a descendant of the Goguryeo clan. Not in the original Baekje territory, but in the north.

"Later he gradually occupied the former Goguryeo blockbuster territory. After Zhen Xuan claimed to be the post-Baike queen, she also claimed to be the post-Goguryeo king.

On the way to the march, Niugu talked with Ergou about the opponent to be cut off in this battle.

Nowadays, the beef egg is not the commander, but the deputy commander, the second dog is already the commander, and because of his two years in Chang'an Xiushang Academy, the name has also changed, called Xu Zhong, which is the surname plus On the ranking.

The two men are currently soldiers of the Forbidden Army. They are stationed in Youzhou on weekdays. This time, the East Army expedition mobilized all the Forbidden Army troops near the North Border. They were also in the battle.

"Compared to the Khitan people, these Koreans are not so much worse? It seems that this time the battle will be smoother and military skills will be easier to handle." The two dogs grinned twice, rubbing their fists.

The ox egg gave him a slap in his head, and he scolded angrily: "It is already a commander, why is it still so unstable, on the battlefield, that can be underestimated? All opponents, before they become dead, It's worth your hard work! "

Ergouzi nodded quickly, but the laughter didn't stop, apparently, he didn't listen to the words of the cow egg too, and his face was full of longing for military power.

Nougat understands the mood of Ergouzi. After all, the other party hasn't been married for a long time, and they have just had a child. Now it is the idea to build a career and build a wife's future. This is the case for men. After they are married, they want to quickly develop their careers so that their wives can enjoy prosperity and wealth.

As a comer, Niuzi has to educate Ergouzi every day. The core is to let him take a rest. Don't remember to die on the battlefield. Being able to go back alive is the biggest responsibility to his wife.

At this time, after Goguryeo went to Gongsu, he also learned that Tang Jun was about to attack.

As a descendant of the royal family, the bow descendant is far-sighted and has no small heart. The ten-year battle on the battlefield has also cultivated all parties

Faithful qualities-despite ten years in the battle, they have not made a lot of territory.

Before the world attacked the Tang Dynasty, it was the bow descendants who sent monks to respond to Khitan's call.

The Silla dynasty is already rotten and can't be settled when the middle school is chaotic. Naturally there is no time to distract him. Moreover, the Shilla site is now far away from Datang, while Baekje is a little bit safe and has not so many ideas.

Only Gongzu, consciously the Goguryeo family, has deep hatred left over from the Tang Dynasty. Emotionally, he does not want to see the Tang Dynasty become stronger again. From a philosophical point of view, if the Tang Dynasty restored its heyday, it might be possible again Send troops to Goguryeo.

So he sent some monks to join in with Khitan.

Unfortunately, the end result is not good. The world-wide attack on Tang's mighty offensive, Mo said that it failed to destroy the Tang Dynasty, and even failed to prevent the Tang Dynasty from flourishing, which has made Gongzu unhappy for two years.

Most of the reasons for unhappiness are from anxiety.

After learning about the Tang army's attack this time, Gongzu was almost shocked. After repeatedly confirming that the news was correct, he quickly summoned his Majesty's Minister to discuss strategies to deal with the Tang army's attack.

Previously, those soldiers and generals in Goguryeo who were also arrogant. When I heard that the Tang Dynasty came to attack, most of them were frightened and scared for a long time to come up with an effective strategy.

A small part is immersed in the glorious achievements of previous battles. I can't understand the power of the Tang Dynasty. I can't understand what soldiers are to block water from the soil. This time, we must emulate the King of the Sui Dynasty and kill the Tang army like a mountain. , And then build a Jingguan.

In the face of the noisy courtier, Gongzu was very sad.

His family knows his own family affairs, let alone say, the prosperity of Khitan's soldiers and the strength of monks, he is still clear. Even the plight of Khitan's unity with the Quartet has been torn by Tang Jun in less than a year. Ye Lang is arrogant?

When Gong Yi couldn't sleep at night, a turning point appeared.

The monk who went to spy on the military situation reported in return that Tang Jun had sent only 100,000 riders.

"Only one hundred thousand steps riding?" Gong Yi heard this number, as if someone standing on a cliff, suddenly found that the so-called cliff is actually only one foot tall, it would not bring danger to himself at all. .

"Even if you only launched 100,000 steps, they came to attack us. This is too underestimated!"

"The Tang Dynasty was too proud and complacent, they just humiliated themselves!"

"One hundred thousand soldiers and horses, this is simply to die!"

The civilian officials and generals were cheered up at the same time after being informed by the bow descent. In their eyes, the Tang Dynasty was so proud that they didn't take them seriously. This prideful strategy of using soldiers undoubtedly gave them a golden opportunity.

"King! The Tang Dynasty deceives people too much, and the Admiral can't tolerate it. Please ask King Xu to go out, and the Admiral must let the Tang Dynasty know what a warrior is!"

"King, please be a pioneer!"

When the generals were happy, they immediately fought. Even the most pessimistic person before, after learning that Tang Jun had only 100,000, he also had a hard-working spirit.

Gong Yi was satisfied with the response. Goguryeo right now is indeed not strong, and it is not comparable to Goguryeo more than two hundred years ago. If the Tang Dynasty attacked with heavy soldiers, he would really stand still.

But now, it seems that Emperor Tang Li of the Tang Dynasty has not been so well-known by others. After winning a world war like Tang,

Like everyone else, it inevitably swells. Now I just want to destroy Goguryeo with only 100,000 soldiers. This is making mistakes and giving myself a chance!

Gongzu smiled, twisted his beard and thought for a while, still thought it was not important, Tang Jun was still very strong, and he must go all out to defeat Tang Jun cleanly and decisively, and beat the Tang dynasty, so they knew that , This land will never be ravaged again.

With this in mind, Gongzu began to point out: "Pei Xuanqing, my king ordered you to be a defense ambassador for the North Camp. Today, he went to Pyongyang city to preside over the Pyongyang war. Shen Chongqian, my king ordered you to comfort the ambassador to the North camp and cooperate with General Pei. You During this trip, they must not let Tang Jun cross the Datong River! "

Pei Xuanqing is the most brave and warlike general of Her Majesty's Majesty, and Shen Chongqian is his Majesty's most resourceful conspirator, and the two men are dispatched together. He has no reservation at all.

Pei Xuanqing and Shen Chongqian took up the orders one after another, both with high fighting spirit and full of confidence. "The king is assured, I will let Tang Jun come back forever!"

In late July, Tang Jun assembled outside Pyongyang.

After Zhao Polu inspected Pyongyang ’s city defense, he turned back to Li Ye and reported: “Your Majesty, Pyongyang City ’s city defense is very tight. The moat was speeded up and dug deep. The city walls have also been strengthened and raised a lot, and various defense equipment is complete. It seems that Korea made up its mind to guard against death. "

After Tang Jun entered the territory of Goguryeo, he did not encounter any scale resistance along the way. The Goguryeo army and monk Mo said that they did not appear in the wild, and even the small cities in the border areas were directly abandoned by the other party.

Obviously, Goguryeo concentrated his forces on the front line of Pyongyang City, so as not to give Tang Jun various opportunities to break, his fingers were clenched into fists, and with an absolutely superior force, Tang Jun could not attack the strong city. In the end, he could only do nothing. return.

Li Ye was not surprised by Goguryeo's strategy. This was a wise choice. "How many defenders are there in Pyongyang?"

Zhao Polu replied: "According to the observations of the generals and the comprehensive information, there are no less than 200,000 defenders in Pyongyang, and no less than 50,000 elite soldiers in the two left and right Acropolises!"

Pyongyang City and the two right and left Acropolises have formed a glyph-shaped defense system with the help of the terrain, which form a corner of each other, which is quite difficult to understand from a strategic perspective.

Li Xun smiled inexplicably. "In the face of 100,000 steps, 300,000 soldiers and horses guarded the city, and Qi Ping's life was considered a lot of battles. Such strange wars have not yet been fought."

Zhao Polu naturally understood Li Yan's meaning, and then laughed, "If it were in our country, war would not be this way of play, and the Tang people did not ignore the habit of shrinking turtles. According to Chen's opinion, these Koreans are probably scared ... "

The siege force must be several times the defending side. This is the normal state of war. Without several times the enemy's strength, the attack and defense would not dare to attack the city. In the same way, if the defensive side has several times the force, it will not defend the city wall, but will take the initiative to engage in diplomatic battle with the enemy.

After all, although defending the city takes advantage, the city itself is extremely harmful, and the buildings and wealth of the people in the city will suffer great losses in the war. Therefore, defying the city is often a last resort and is the last resort.

Li Xie waved his hand to indicate that Zhao Polu didn't need to say more, and said directly: "Korea thought that if he was a turtle, he could save his life, but he did n’t know that the turtle shell would be hard enough. Koreans know that 70,000 soldiers of Datang are enough to conquer any strong city in the world! "

"Let's take orders!"

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