The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 104: Belongs to 朕 (below)

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Forced to bow his head, Jin Ye heard the most majestic voice he heard in his life. "Jin Ye, the King of the Heavenly Kingdom is coming. You do n’t lead your subjects to the border to kneel, but dare to gather soldiers to fight against Ye. Who gave you so much courage? "

As soon as this remark came out, Jin Ye only felt that a large mountain was suddenly pressed down on his shoulders, his legs could no longer be supported, and he couldn't say a word. In the horrified eyes of Brother Silla of the Royal Palace and the guards, he knelt down and thundered. On the ground!

"King!" A dozen monks in the royal palace shouted indignantly and gave out a scream of grief and indignation. They could no longer restrain the huge humiliation of rising hearts. They flew up one after another, sacrificed their own instruments, and rushed to the sky. Go to the same place with Li Yan.

However, they were only halfway through, and the Datang masters under the seat of Li Yan, like the gods of the heavens, stood down, and the sword in their hands cut out a piercing sword-shaped sword, and then landed in the flying Silla. Monk's head.

In the same real world, the Shilla monks roared again and again and issued their strongest attack on the art. At a time in the air, it was like two meteor showers in opposition, gorgeous and beautiful.

Unfortunately, in a blink of an eye, the meteor shower that fell from the sky washed away the star tide from the ground. Those Silla monks who loyally guarded the Lord exploded one after another, bursting into a cloud of blood and spirits in the air. Extinct!

In recent years, the Tang Dynasty civilization has developed rapidly, and it has benefited more than the embargo.

The great monk around Li Min, where is the real strength that can be compared with those around Jin Min?

But it was a face-to-face meeting, and more than a dozen Silla monks who flew up, no one survived!

The battle was extremely clean and clear, showing the absolute power of monks of Datang.

This scene was not only seen by the monks and armorers of the Shilla Royal Palace, but also hundreds of thousands of people in Jincheng. They all widened their horrified eyes. Many people who had not bowed before, worshiped and fell to the ground one after another under the fear brought by such absolute strength.

Li Min glanced at Jin Xu, who was kneeling on the ground, and said tremblingly, he said lightly: "The power of Datang is powerful in all respects. It is not just the war of the army. If you think your army is properly, you can stop Datang's conquest The monk strength of Datang is incomparable to yours. Sister Jin, have you not died yet? "

During the Tang army's expedition, Li Xun always appeared in the army with the incarnation of the emperor's eyes, but now, it is not the incarnation but the real person in the world that is driving to Jincheng.

The strength of Datang is the root of Li Yan.

This kind of strength is reflected in the battlefield, in the governance of the country, and in the individual strength.

There were restrictions on the army's campaign, but he did not take personal shots.

If Shilla had the national strength of the old Khitan, Li Ye could not go to Yeluabaoji casually, but the monk force in Jincheng now does not pose any threat to Li Ye.

The monk under his seat just killed a dozen Silla monks, and there was no monk in the whole Jincheng. This is the deterrence of absolute strength.

Jin Ye supported the ground with both hands, so he could barely throw himself into the ground. When he heard what Li Yan said, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you kill the king, Silla will not die. The king has the prime minister, and there is a country, Toshihiko. They will lead Silla to battle the Tang Dynasty to the end ... "

Li Min laughed slightly, and with a wave of his sleeves, several **** human heads fell down in front of Jin Min.

When he saw the human head in front of him, Jin Yan's eyes fell out.

That's the head of the Prime Minister Park Ruiqian and the scholar Park Jinghui!

Time, gold

I just feel dim.

In a country, without the monarch, chaos will occur, but as long as the prime minister has the talent and the possibility of stabilizing the situation, if the prime minister is followed, the court and the field will immediately be chaotic. How can they resist the invasion of powerful enemies?

Jin Yong still gave up. Although he couldn't look up, he still said forcefully: "My king, there are also generals, and hundreds of thousands of elite troops ..."

At this moment, Jin Xuan was suddenly very grateful. He acknowledged the identity of Baiji King after Xuan Xuan. Although this was a national shame before, it seems that Xuan Xuan is not a good thing for this land, at least in the first place, not to mention the other party is his canonized king. How can it be regarded as Silla? people.

Another human head appeared in front of Jin Mao.

This time, Jin Zang's five internal organs began to violently surge.

That's Zhen Xuan's head!

Zhen Xuan has been killed by Li Yan? !!

Jin Yao was desperate, his heart was as dead as death.

It's over, it's over.

Li Min's faint voice sounded again in the sky, full of majestic irresistible.

"Jin Zheng, you have committed the following war against heaven, now you know the guilt?"

Hearing this, Jin Ye only felt that his body was full of blood and rushed to his brain! Fighting against heaven, can I confess sin? What do I know? It was your Tang Dynasty who took the initiative to attack. Am I going to suffocate my neck? Is it a sin for Silla not to surrender?

What a reason!

Suddenly, Jin Yong remembered his life experience.

When he was young, he was also the country's Toshihiko, a talented leader who cultivated talents, and learned the world's best. He was called the greatest hope of Silla Zhongxing by everyone. At that time, watching the Xinluo News Agency's Luojianghe, I vowed countless times, and one day will have great power at hand, we must purge the rivers and mountains and reproduce the prosperity!

However, the world is difficult, and he is just a bitch. Even if he is extraordinary, praised by the whole country, the first king did not set himself as a reserve, but passed his throne to his brother.

That ’s it. Fortunately, Dingkang Wang Shouyuan was not long. He only sat on the throne for a year and then gave up. He thought he had the opportunity, but who would have thought that the **** passed the throne to a woman!

Under the rule of the Holy Queen, the already shattered Silla dynasty, the military and political situation quickly fell into a state of complete collapse, countless rebellious thieves in the country began to make rebellious acts, and Zhen Xuan directly held up her banner against the dynasty!

The army has repeatedly made expeditions, but due to the general's incompetence and the official style of greed, the reward and punishment of the True Saint Queen are unknown, and they have repeatedly defeated!

Seeing that the once glorious dynasty would collapse, I could n’t sleep at night, how many times I dreamed at midnight, but I watched everything, I could n’t do anything, I had to bear the burden and tell myself, I must Keep a low profile and plan later.

After all, the Queen of the Holy Saint collapsed, and she finally came to the throne. In the past few years, facing the impending collapse of the dynasty, she has been worried all the time, and she can't wait to let the dynasty resurrect within a day.

But I ca n’t do it that way, reasoningly tells me that everything must be done step by step, and anxiety can only be bad, so I have patience, sleep more every day, and get better every day. I have to rest birds every day, and gradually ...

For more than three years, I worked hard for three years, punished corrupt officials, cleaned up the official order, established a perfect reward and punishment system, refined the three armies and soldiers ... In order to give the soldiers more armor, advocated for frugality and serve the country Attitude, I haven't repaired a courtyard in more than three years, I haven't sew a new dress, and now I have n’t eaten meat for half a month!

Under one's heart

The National News Agency finally got better. Seeing that in just a few more years, they would be able to counterattack the so-called post-Baekje and post-Goguryeo, so that the Silla River will be unified again and the Silla's glorious prosperity will be restored. Who can think of, That Tang Dynasty intruded at this time!

The Tang Dynasty was too strong. In order to deal with them, he did everything he could, even at the expense of humiliation, and admitted Zhen Xuan's identity as the post-baiji king! The big war is coming, in order to save the country, he did not hesitate to order Jianbi Qingye ... I have done everything, but why did it end like this?

Why? !!

Heaven, you can't be blind, don't you see my efforts? !!

Cangtian, a thief and a thief, you are a jerk, watching Silla fall, but showing nothing!

If this is destiny, if this is the number of days, then my golden magpie, the king of Silla, will never give up on this!

For my country and for the glory of our ancestors, I, Jin Mao, even if I have to sacrifice my life today, I must change my life against the sky!

The golden crippled kneeling down, suddenly the coat was dancing wildly, and the powerful aura of ripples spread from his knees. Under the overwhelming strength of Li Qi, he stood slowly and firmly inch by inch. stand up!

The monks and guards of the palace were surprised to find that their king's back suddenly became as straight as a gun, like a mountain shore, like a pine and cypress, and even if the wind and rain hit and the hurricane was added, they would not bend even a point!

Jin Yan straightened his back, looked up at Li Li, who was invincible in the sky, his face was firm, his eyes were full of war, his eyes were full of war!

He pulled it out, pulling out a gleaming long sword from the storage bag. In a short time, his body's aura burst like a tide, and his light was like a moon. Compared with the rolling blue clouds under the sky, he seemed to have the power to fight.

He held up his long sword and pointed at Li Yan, who was like a god. He screamed as hard as he could: "Li Zhi, even if you are a high-powered man, you have strong strength. Today, I ’m going to fight against you! I want to let you You know, my golden magpie is the king of this land!

"I have a sword in my palm, I ca n’t help it! If you kill me, I will destroy you. If I die, I will go against the sky!"

The words fell on the ground, and Jin Xuan's feet burst into anger, and he flew up and attacked Li Xie with a sword, opening up a bright light for Jin Cheng in the end!

But at this moment, a ray of blue light radiated from the mid-air, and when there was no room for hair, there was no obstruction, and it accurately penetrated Jin Yan's brows!

The blood shot from the back of his head, Jin Zheng was stiff, his eyes were suddenly dissipated, and the sword in his hand fell along with it. The body just shook and fell to the ground.

No more interest.

Under the sky, Li Min retracted his finger and scanned the body of Jin Min with an understatement. "Sorry, this day is too big, you can't stand it."

The monks of the palace stayed, and the guards froze. They stared blankly at Jin Mao's body, and could not even more clearly feel that there was no vitality in that body anymore, which left them speechless and unable to return to God for a long time.

Just now I saw Jin Yan's vigorous momentum, and when he heard the other side's stern declaration, they thought that their king would have the ability to change the world. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the Emperor of Datang just moved his fingers, and their king died so much that he could not die.

This ... is a gap in absolute strength, and it is not something that fighting spirit can make up for at all!

Li Yan looked at the shilla-like capital of the king at his feet, and the people kneeling in the middle of the market. They smiled silently, waved long sleeves, and shouted, "From today on, this land belongs to Datang I!"

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