The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 109: Original

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In a large period of time, the use of troops to Xiangluo was at the same time as that of Silla. At a specific point in time, when the Lingnan Marine Division led by Yang Xingmi arrived in Jeju Island, the post-Baekje Zhen Xuan had surrendered. When the Lingnan Marine Division was sailing eastward, the whole area of ​​Silla was calm.

This is the first time the Lingnan Marine Division has made an expedition across the sea. Logistics support is very important. The flanks must also be safe. Li Yan has made all plans with Yang Xingmi with all the factors that can be considered.

The Lingnan sailor who broke through the heavy waves finally saw the clear blue sky. Although the sea behind him was still swept by the wind, the sea in front of him could already be called calm.

Yang Xingmi ordered the marine engineer to inspect the loss of supplies, casualties, and report it immediately. When the casualties of the soldiers were almost negligible, and the reserve stone on each cruiser was consumed nearly 20% of the news, Yang Xingmi's face was a bit ugly.

"General, the spirit stone is consumed too much. If you encounter such a storm again, please think twice about the army ..." Lieutenant General Zhou Ben addressed Yang Xing with his fists.

During the battle period and the incident, he, as a deputy general, would not have a slight discount on the execution of Yang Xingmi's military order, but afterwards he had the responsibility to speak up.

Yang Xingmi looked at Zhou Ben and said after a moment of silence: "How do you think the soldiers would suffer if Ben wouldn't order the consumption of these two spiritual stones?"

Zhou Ben groaned for a moment.

He came from the gate, and the family has been familiar with the sailor for generations. It is said that he is still descended from Zhou Yu and is naturally familiar with the battlefield. "Our ships are all sea ships. Guarding. As far as the previous situation is concerned, there will be several unlucky ships overturning and there will be no more than a thousand casualties.

Yang Xingmi nodded, Zhou Ben's reasoning was similar to his thinking.

He said: "More than a thousand casualties would have been unwilling to see."

Zhou Ben's eyes changed.

If it is an ordinary general, I won't say much at this moment, but he is Yang Xingmi's confidant and he has a close relationship with each other. After thinking about it, he said bluntly: "General, compared with the 100,000 army, the casualties of more than a thousand people are trivial However, the loss of 20% of the spirit stone is too much, and the value and role of the two cannot be compared at all. The war has not yet begun. Consumption of 20% of the stone for more than a thousand soldiers will greatly reduce the combat power of the fleet ... "

At the level of the rank of Vice Admiral Marine, soldiers are numbers in the eyes of generals. To win the war, they often have to weigh the pros and cons. In terms of function, no one-percent of the soldiers can compare with 20% of the spiritual stones.

The so-called mercy-free army is the truth.

Zhou Ben's opinions are in line with the ideas of most generals.

Yang Xingmi shook his head, "This is not the case. The spirit stone in the cruiser may be enough, and the war will not be consumed. Of course, the spirit stone may not be enough. That is uncertain. But it is certain. The thing is, more than a thousand soldiers are useful at all times.

"Uncertain things we can't grasp. Only certain factors can be grasped. The general will lead the army and will not pin the hopes of the army on victory. Do you understand?

"The most important thing is that before the war began, we didn't even see the soldiers of the Lao Kingdom, so we broke down more than a thousand soldiers ourselves, which is very bad for morale. The sea is vast, and no one of us in Lao Country has been there. The unfamiliar lands, the next war is unpredictable, no one is sure what the war situation will be.

"In the face of the unknown battlefield, there may be difficulties that come one after another, and morale must not be hurt. Only by raising the morale and vigor of the army can the army defeat all difficulties and dangers!

"Do you understand?"

Zhou Ben obviously didn't think so much and so deeply. After listening to Yang Xingmi's words, he was surprised and lost in thought. After half a ring, I finally figured it out, and could not help but admire: "The general is wise, he will be late."

Yang Xingmi waved his hand to signal Zhou Ben to retreat and continue to observe the sea conditions.

This is his first time as a general, leading a large army alone, dare not be half slack. He was absolutely right about his previous decision. However, as an excellent general, he must always reflect on himself. At this time, things have passed, and he can't help but start to weigh the advantages and disadvantages and analyze them carefully.

Gradually, Yang Xingmi frowned.

"General Yang just said that, and I was very satisfied."

Hearing this sentence, Yang Xingmi's expression shook, and he couldn't go looking for the figure of Li Yan, and immediately kneel on one knee. "Chan, Lingnan Water Teacher General Yang Xingmi, see Your Majesty!"

Li Yan appeared in front of Yang Xingmi, and ordered the other party to get up.

"My minister is a bit humble, and I dare not say that it is all right. I also ask His Majesty to give directions to the minister." Yang Xingmi respectfully said.

Li Yang did not feel disgusted with Yang Xingmi's climbing up the pole, and he acted in a similar manner. "Every general has his own opinion on the way of the battlefield, and some conflict with each other. Apart from common sense, no one can Resolutely say that others understand what must be wrong and which must be right. The same principle sometimes leads the soldier to win, sometimes it fails. "

Yang Xingmi was puzzled.

Li Zheng turned his head to look at him, and said, "But there is one thing you must remember, even the soldiers of Datang, even ordinary soldiers, the value of life is not something that can be measured by spirit stones, no more!" You can fight to death, but you must not die because of the humiliation of the Lord without seeing the dead!

"To save a hundred people with a thousand people, even if there are five hundred people killed in the end, you must rescue them! This is my style of the Datang Army. Only in this way will the three armies be able to work together and be fearless, and my Datang will be able to stand on top of the world. You, Understand? "

Yang Xingmi's heart moved, and he suddenly realized that he quickly fisted: "Remember the teachings of His Majesty!"

Li Min nodded and began to discuss the upcoming war with Yang Xingmi.

Looking at the boundless sea, Li Xun said slowly, "More than 200 years ago, Datang had a battle with the state of Lu, which was also a battle between sailors.

"The Laos and the peninsula have a strip of water, and there is often exchanges between them. Laos then had the idea of ​​touching the peninsula and plotting that land. They chose the closest target, Silla. In order to deal with Silla, Laos and Baekje Formed an ally.

"During the Reign of Emperor Gaozong, Datang conquered Korea, defeated Baekje, and Silla went to court, but the country was unsuccessful. So he sent troops to attack Baekje. In the three years of Longshuo, a war broke out in the Baijiangkou area. Liu Ren was willing to lead the Datang Marine Division with more than 10,000 soldiers and more than a hundred warships, fighting fiercely with more than 40,000 soldiers and more than 1,000 ships and eventually winning the battle.

"In that battle, the Li Guo sailor lost more than 400 warships and lost countless soldiers. Because of the fear of I, Datang attacked the Lao country and could not resist it. Not only did it repair the sea defense on a large scale, but it also later turned the country from Asuka East. move.

"Since then, Lao Guo began to send Tang envoys to Tang to learn all aspects of my Tang civilization."

Yang Xingmi also knows a little about this battle. At this moment, after listening to Li Yan's old story, he naturally knows what he meant, and he quickly hugged his fist: "Your Majesty, rest assured, Lingnan sailor will fight hard and will not humiliate the prestige!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly, with a few words of encouragement.

The last batch of envoys to Tang Dynasty arrived in Tang Dynasty more than 60 years ago. Li Xun remembered that in the past few years, Lu Guo also wanted to send Sugawara Dao to come to Datang, but this person felt that the Tang Dynasty was chaotic, and it did n’t make sense to come, so he did n’t start.

Since then, he sent Tang to disappear from history.

In the history of Laos, there have been two major reforms, one was the Meiji Restoration, which was Lao's study of the West, and the other was the Dahua reform, which was Lao's study of the Great Tang.

But in Li Yan's view, things go far beyond reforms

Li Xun continued: "The land of Lao Kingdom has always been a barren land. People hunt and hunt for their livelihood, and they use caves in the countryside. The tools they use are only stone bones. Until the Yayoi period, the" Dulairen "appeared in Lao Kingdom and brought pottery. , Iron, bronze, and paddy field culture, Laos only entered the agricultural society and developed civilization. "

Three elements of civilization: city, writing, bronze. Before the "dulai people" appeared in Lao Kingdom, they did not have these things. In other words, they are not a civilized society, but a group of real wild people.

Yang Xingmi was confused: "Your Majesty, what is 'dulairen'?"

Li Yi smiled inexplicably, "It's the people who have migrated from our Central Plains."

Yang Xingmi's eyes widened.

Li Yan did not lie to Yang Xingmi, it is true.

Although Lao scholars in later generations believed that in addition to China ’s past, the “Dorai” also had the past of the Korean peninsula and its vicinity. However, the “Dorai” has a highly developed agricultural civilization with extremely high levels of farming, construction, wrought iron, and textiles. Height is the pinnacle of that era.

It wasn't Li Yan's rhetoric. The fact is that, except for China, those wild areas could not have owned them at that time.

"In a nutshell, the reason why the Lao Country entered the agricultural slave society from the barren era, possessed civilization, and pursued its roots, because the Central Plains were there.

Li Minqun tapped the ship's side with his fingers and looked at the distance slowly and said, "And the identity of those who came here, do you know?"

Yang Xingmi shook his head, his face blanked: "I don't know."

Li Yan sighed, pointed to Yang Xingmi, and looked a little speechless.

Suddenly, Yang Xingmi was blessed to the soul, and thought of a possibility, missing his voice: "Is it really Xu Fu?"

Xu Fuxian deceived Qin Shihuang into believing in the technique of immortality, and brought with him a large fleet of the most advanced in the era, and established his own kingdom in overseas places.

Li Xun's eyes were profound: "In addition to Xu Fu, in the so-called Yayoi period of Laos, who else can bring such an agricultural civilization to them?"

Yang Xingmi suddenly realized that he was inspiring and turned away from rudeness. He punched him hard in the palm. "So, the people there are the descendants of our own people? When we go to attack the country, we are not actually two. Battle of the kingdom ?! "

Li Yan sighed and said, "I have sent troops to Silla and Laos this time. The reason why they did not declare war is because this is not a war between the two countries. Yang Xingmi told the generals that we are not invading other countries, but rather Dominate the country! "

Yang Xingmi's passionate clenched fist: "Let ’s give orders!"

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