The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 134: Heaven and earth vision

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"Master, what might they do to us?" Liu Xiaohei swallowed and asked indifferently, I miss Master to say too terribly.

Chu Nanhuai was mad at seeing Liu Xiaohei. This boy was always bullied by Li Wenwen, but now he is insignificant and slippery. Where is there a little general style?

"How do these indigenous people treat their enemies, don't you know? After they fought against each other, they used their enemies to sacrifice and draw blood and live sacrifices!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Xiaohei couldn't help taking a step back, his back chilling, "No, right? We are their gods anyway!"

Chu Nan sighed coldly, "The **** in their eyes is only your sister, and we are at best God's servants! Besides, they don't believe your sister now, they will think that your sister has deceived them. By that time, your sister will It ’s blood sacrifice, and we can imagine what happened next! "

Liu Xiaohei frowned, "What shall we do?"

Listening to Chu Nanhuai's meaning, this group of indigenous monks who had obeyed their orders and followed them to fight against them should unite against them, or even kill them. Is it okay?

This group of people used the tradition of living sacrifices, but he has seen it with his own eyes, even when Su Emei's "Divine Power" was at its heyday, he could not let these people give up this etiquette completely, 100,000 stubborn and extremely cruel.

Chu Nanhuai hasn't spoken yet, Li Wenwen doesn't know where to run over, grabs Liu Xiaohei's collar, slips him aside, and says to Chu Nanhuai:

"Master, I found that those indigenous monks were secretly meeting in the temple and did n’t know what they were talking about. I wanted to go in but were blocked out! And the monk team also gathered. See if they have recently Are you going to do something to us? "

Chu Nanhuai's look changed, and her mood suddenly became heavy.

Speaking of which, from the beginning, Su Emei ’s “god” identity was false. They deceived the indigenous monks, used the other party to help them find potatoes and corn, and then accepted Li Zhi ’s order for the Tang dynasty. They died in blood and conquered a large area of ​​land.

Their ultimate purpose is just to master the place thoroughly and provide a steady stream of resources for Datang's power. It is by no means a god-given force-they do not.

The Aboriginal people here are called "Indigenous" by their contempt-this is a self-arrogance, and they do not look down on each other's title.

Morally, Chu Nanhuai understands that these people are not good people, and the means are not decent.

But "God" has never been a good generation, and the various means by which "God" controls believers have always been deceived-to deceive them into demon, to deceive themselves to solve disasters, and deceive them to have glory in the afterlife.

So Chu Nanhuai didn't have any guilt.

But for now, these aboriginal monks, because their conditions have not improved, finally began to doubt the authenticity of Su's eyebrow "God", and intend to resist and overthrow the mountain that was pressed on them, which made Chu Nanhuai Some emotion.

To some extent, this move is the awakening of Aboriginal monks.

It is a manifestation of culture.

Unfortunately, the purpose of these "Aboriginal Gods" was not to obtain the qualifications for mastering their own destiny, but to use the blood of the false **** Su Emei to sacrifice their true deities and look forward to their understanding. , Be given strength again by the gods.

They were not awakened or enlightened.

They are still on the same old road.

"Since they are going to resist, we also have only one option: suppression. We are not their gods, but we can be their gods, as long as we have the power to make them unmatchable! Call our monks and prepare for battle." Chu Nan Huai said to Li Wenwen.

Li Ye sent fifty monks over, this is their own strength.

Li Wenwen nodded, dragging Liu Xiaohei to summon manpower and arrange tasks. At this time, Su'e frowned and said to Chu Nan: "There are 200,000 indigenous soldiers who follow us, and there are more than 100 monks. We are afraid that we cannot defeat them. "

The city of Teotihuacan, as the center of Indian civilization, had only about 100,000 residents during its heyday. This shows that the number of Native Americans is small.

However, their number of monks is very large. After these years of battles, there are still 150 to 60 people killed. Although due to the disappearance of the divine power, the number of monks will inevitably decrease in the future, but there is still a force that cannot be underestimated.

Chu Nanhuai Shen said: "This power is ours. We have fought with us for so many years. The habit of obeying orders has been cultivated. It is also our servant who will control this land and plunder various resources in the future.

"So, although they are going to fight against us right now, we don't need to kill them all. Just annihilate those who question your identity as the" **** "and deter the rest.

"The root cause is, to us, this is a war to suppress riots. The ultimate goal of the war is to let most people obey us and let us drive them. Remember your identity, you are their 'God', this A point was originally false, but from now on, it must be true! "

Su Emei's eyebrows frowned slightly, but soon opened again.

For Datang's imperial domination, some things must be done.

Although she didn't want to be presented as a statue, she was embarrassed in the face and lived as a symbol of a dead person—if it wasn't for this, she would not leave Xianting and come to the world. But being able to contribute to the prosperity of the Great Tang Dynasty and live up to Li's expectations, all this is not an insurmountable problem.

"Master, they are out!"

When Li Wenwen and Liu Xiaohei summoned over fifty Datang monks, the aboriginal monks also assembled.

They were in the southern square of the main street called "Death Avenue", while the aboriginal monks rushed out from the north of the city, and the crowds on Death Avenue were like a flood.

The monks took off from the positions of the Sun Pyramid, the Moon Pyramid, the Butterfly Palace, and the Feather Temple, and more than a hundred people drew robes and drew slowly towards Chu Nanhuai and others.

Chu Nanhuai ordered everyone to prepare for the battle. Seeing that the sun was sinking in the sun and the sun was sinking in blood, he suddenly felt that today might be a different moment, and turned to ask Su Emei: "What day is it today?"

"Autumn equinox," Su Emei said.

Her words shrank and her pupils shrank.

Not only her, but Chu Nanhuai, Liu Xiaohei, Li Wenwen, and Brother Tang all changed their faces.

The sun slowly fell to the west, the northern wall of the Feather Snake Temple was golden, the edges of the limestone wall were gradually clear, and there were suddenly wavy stripes floating on the stone steps. In the bright sunshine, there was a sudden aura overflowing, a giant python from the sky!

The serpent swam around, flying like flying, with its mouth open and tongue out, majestic and mysterious, trembling!

"What is this?" Liu Xiaohei and Li Wenwen looked at each other, and they saw each other in shock.

The mutation did not stop because of this exclamation. The avenue of death seemed to have been summoned somehow. The stone tower of the temple swayed violently in a hurry, as if it had encountered an earthquake, but it was so rich and indescribable. Transpiration emerges, but in a blink of an eye, the Reiki Guanghua will be like snowflakes and dense like a star sea!

The entire city of Teotihuacan suddenly “immersed” in the ocean of aura.

The aboriginal monks have long forgotten to kill Xiang Nanhuai and others. In a burst of yelling, they worshipped at the Temple of the Feather Serpent, and kept talking about what was in their mouths.

The monks who had recently been conquered in Teotihuacan City were the most religious, and they chanted their praises to the gods:

"The fourth generation of the sun is dead, the world is in darkness, people are yelling and moaning, all living things are sinking in terror, the gods pity the world, lower the bonfire from the depths of the universe, bring us light, and build the sun And the moon pyramids allow us to dedicate ourselves to our piety.

"Brave God, who would jump into the bonfire and turn itself into the sun, and always illuminate this world that is about to be swallowed up by darkness? He is no longer possessed of his own freedom, but he will be worshipped by generations. Jumped into the bonfire? It was Nanawat, and Texist Carr ... "

Sudden changes have made Chu Nanhuai, the second monk, scratching his head.

He didn't have to feel his head right away, because the mutation had just begun.

In the sea full of aura, the Sun Pyramid trembled suddenly, a beam of light soared up into the sky, without knowing its end, it was spectacular.

Immediately after, on the Avenue of Death, 36 steps away from the Sun Pyramid, there was also a pillar of light in a temple, and then the Avenue of Death Temple, 72 steps, and the Feather Serpent Temple, 96 steps ...

A beam of light continued to rise into the dusk sky, leaving only a dark blue sky, and an indescribable deep vortex appeared at the end of the beam, as if communicating with another world.

Followed by 144 steps away from the temple, 520 steps away from the temple, 945 steps away from the temple, up to 1,845 steps away-at the end of the Avenue of Death The Moon Pyramid also rises the same beam of light!

The beam of light has not stopped spreading.

The avenue of death has reached its end, but the straight line where it lies extends out, two hundred and eighty-eight steps away, there is a pillar of light in the top of Cerovagodo mountain, in a temple!

The last beam of light is a mountaintop temple at 3,780 steps away from the Sun Pyramid!

At this point, the sunset has fallen, and the countless stars are shining in the night sky. At the end of the ten beams of light, it is no longer a chaotic vortex, but a sphere appears, with different sizes and large differences, and colors. Different, but with distinct colors.

It's like a gem hanging from the sky.

It's just that the largest gem is bigger than the winter melon, and the smallest gem has only a little glow like fireflies.

Starting from the Pyramid of the Sun, including the Temple of the Snake and the Pyramid of the Moon, on the straight line of the Avenue of Death, the end of each temple's rising beam of light corresponds to a gemstone.

At this time, Chu Nanhuai and other talents noticed that there is a canal in the middle of the temple between 144 steps away from the Sun Pyramid and 520 steps away from the temple. The center of the canal is away from the sun. There are 288 steps in the pyramid. In the night sky opposite, there is a layer of aura of light in the middle of the "jewel" at the end of the two beams of light.

"What the **** is this ?!" Liu Xiaohei has been shocked by the mysterious and incomprehensible picture in front of his legs.

He didn't know, but Chu Nanhuai had already seen the clue.

He closed his eyes, shrugged his fingers and widened his eyes suddenly, his eyes full of horror that could not be covered.

He suddenly turned to look at Su Emei.

But he saw Su Emei's head bowed slightly.

Chu Nanhuai is a master of Taoism, and Su Emei is an immortal of Xianting. Their masters and apprentices' understanding of the stars outside the sky is obviously not comparable to Liu Xiaohei, a teenager who has not yet won the championship. But even with their knowledge, they can only vaguely confirm the "identities" of several of these "gems"!

Just not waiting for them to communicate with each other, the mutation happened again.

Suddenly, the sky turned round.

The "jewels" in the night sky were spinning, "supporting" their beams of light away from the pyramids and temples, spinning quickly in the mid-air, forming a dazzling strip of light. In the entire city of Teotihuacan, the rich aura was like the twisted seawater, raging and spreading wildly, so that the sand and stones were flying everywhere, and the whistling and gas explosion sounded one after another.

Countless objects were drawn into the air, ordinary people were blown down, and monks were dancing wildly.

Su Emei raised her head and stared at the center of the night sky.

After the diffuse gorgeous colors, Xinghai was no longer visible, and she clearly felt that there was great terror, great mystery, and great power, which was about to descend from the void behind those "jewels"!

The avenue of death at the foot, and the pyramids and temples together form a giant law formation!

It is like the Five Avenues Gate in the Tang Dynasty, borrowing the Xianxian Sword from Xianting.

However, the power contained in this large array at the foot is obviously much stronger than the large array that can be triggered only by the teaching of the Five Avenues!

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