The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 154: Changan Ship and White Bull

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Yang Xingmi stared at his commanding fleet. There was a lot of pride in his heart. There was a kind of spirit that no matter how powerful and unmatched enemy troops and rough seas could be, he could not stop him from going to the sky.

Two years ago, the only three cruisers in the Lingnan Marine Division, or the magic weapon of the Marine Division, were always hidden in the battlefield, and they were unwilling to take them out. Once they were used, it was the crucial period for the victory.

Now, the cruisers in the bay are lined up in a row, such as giant sea monsters. At first glance, it seems that there is no end in sight. You don't need to count at all, Yang Xingmi knows that there are now eighteen cruisers in the Lingnan Hai Division!

Two years ago, this was an unthinkable number, but to this day, Yang Xingmi feels that he should be taken for granted.

For the past two years, he has watched a cruiser with his own eyes, launching from the dock at Haimen River Gate. At the beginning of each launch, his hand trembled with excitement. But then, a batch of cruisers appeared in the sea division water village, he had no waves in his mind.

What he thought was just how to make good use of them to line up and maximize their combat power.

In addition to the eighteen cruisers, there are countless small cruisers in the navy division. The reason why this "small" word is added is that, in addition to their size, these warships are mainly semi-craft warships. More than wood.

But even a small cruiser can now resist sea waves and waves, without having to worry about being overturned by a hurricane. Of course, the premise is not to encounter the hurricane that humans cannot resist.

However, even for the devil-like hurricane, the Lingnan Haishi is not afraid. Now the Haishi has a comprehensive wind and wave warning system-that is, there are too many monks who can be used as scouts.

At present Lingnan Marine Division, the small cruiser is the lowest battleship. The warships without the Lingshi Lingmu formation have all withdrawn from the Lingnan Hai Division. Therefore, the scale of the Lingnan Haidi Expeditionary Fleet has not expanded, and it is still 100,000 troops.

"General, Haimen Jianmen sent someone to say that 'Chang'an' is ready to go into the water. If nothing goes wrong, you can follow us westward!" Lieutenant General Zhou Ben hurriedly reported.

"What?‘ Chang'an ’can be launched ?!” Yang Xingmi's face changed, “Hurry to take a look!”

"General, the fleet will go to sea soon, and you will need to preside over the ceremony later ..." Zhou Ben quickly persuaded, "this end will not replace you, you still ..."

Yang Xingmi groaned a little, "Also, the ceremony can not be abolished, this is a major Western expedition. You now go to the Haihe Jianmen and stare. If‘ Chang’an ”works, then let them follow the fleet later!”

"Final command!"

After Zhou Ben left, Yang Xing closely caressed the ship's side and tried his best to calm down the mood. He still couldn't stop the excitement, as if he had returned to the cruiser.

The reason is naturally very simple. The "Changan" type warship is the latest battleship developed by Haihe Jianmen. All are constructed of spiritual stone and wood. Its strength is like that of a cruiser compared to an ordinary battleship, and it is even better than that!

Since the establishment of the ocean routes to the Americas, huge amounts of cultivating resources have been continuously transported back to Datang, and Haihe Jianmen has been developing pure weapon warships. But this is not only a problem of insufficient resources, but also many technical difficulties.

When Yang Xingmi went to the Haihe Yamen not long ago, Liu Zhiyan also told him that there were many problems left unresolved. I didn't expect that this was just three or four months later, and the other party even let "Chang'an" appear successfully.

Thinking about the power of "Chang'an", Yang Xingmi could not help but surging.

Two hours later, the Western Expeditionary Fleet had been promoted, and Yang Xingmi finally waited for Zhou Ben's return. The other side was trembling and looking at the ghost, which showed that he was not only agitated, but was really scared by Chang'an's ship.

"General, it's done! The Chang'an ship is nothing like something on earth!" Zhou Ben said the answer that Yang Xingmi expected.

"It's so good, very good! With these two Chang'an ships, the Western Expedition Fleet has no reason to build a career! I'll take a look here!" Yang Xingmi immediately left the cruiser.

After actually seeing the Chang'an ship with his own eyes, Yang Xingmi was shocked and speechless, although he was psychologically prepared.

Because Changan ships can not only sail on the sea!


Guanzhong, Fengxiang House's official road, the smoke billowed, and a large army was marching. The flags were displayed, and horses and horses, such as Long Ruhong's team, meandered along the road without seeing the end.

"Lao Niu, this is the so-called land rowing boat? It's amazing!" The two dogs wearing commanding armor, riding on the majestic beasts of horses, pointed at the strange things beside them and asked the ox eggs.

It is a strange object, but it is actually a heavy car. However, this type of car is as large as a house without horses, and the wheels are not two but six. Two monks practicing on it use the spirit stone to urge them. The matrix method, "driving" it forward.

When traveling, the vehicle was faint aura of light, and the speed was not too fast, but it was comparable to the ordinary strong man running with all his strength.

How far is it to travel a day with a strong man running at full speed?

"You don't understand this. This is not called 'Zhou'. Although it is bigger, it is still called a car. I forgot the original name, but our Tiger Guard called it 'White Bull'." Said that he is now the commander, and Ergouzi is his vice general, that is, the vice commander.

The leader of the Tiger Guard will be Zhao Polu, who was formerly Anton's protector. This time the Great Tang expedition, the generals in the army all returned to their positions and rushed to the Western Regions with their own elite.

The Tiger Guard is one of the Chang'an banned troops. In addition to the Langfang Army, the other two elite troops are composed of monks who are all in the realm of Qi training and above.

When they were in Anton, they were fortunate to have entered Zhao Polu's eyes. This time the army went west, Zhao Polu transferred him to his Majesty.

The Tiger Guard is not a pure cavalry, and the soldiers are inevitably slow to rush on the road. The heavy transportation is also very inconvenient. In order to solve this problem, the craftsman supervisor developed this kind of vehicle that was called "white bull" by the soldiers.

This title is called because the soldiers felt that this vehicle was as hard-working as a cow, and when the formation was launched, a light white aura radiated.

White bulls are not only used to carry grains, ordnance, and other heavy weights, but they are also regular monks who practice qi. They also sit on the road to hurry up, and they don't have to go down to walk on their own.

This white bull of the Tiger Guard, along with the fierce beasts and horses, marches on the official road, and naturally it is "a ride in the dust." The daily march of three hundred miles goes without saying, six or seven times the speed of ordinary army marches.

"This kind of good thing is actually used as a car. Our Datang is really powerful now!" Ergouzi expressed his sincere admiration, "Exceededly powerful!"

Niu Hei laughed and said, "If I put it ten years ago, I wouldn't even think about it. Who would tell me at that time that a march can go hundreds of miles a day, and I would break his head! But now, three hundred There is nothing in it, this is really a vicissitudes of the sea. "

At this time, the two of them followed, and the knight on top smiled, "This is our Tiger Guard. The Changan embargo is not in such a good condition. A good horse with a good saddle usually means that we have arrived. On the battlefield, it is necessary to attack the fortified city, fight against the enemy, and play a key role. Every battle must be a fierce battle, but we can't be complacent. "

The ox egg and the two dogs turned back and saw Zhang Zai. The former laughed: "This is natural. Good things are given to us without reason, but let others fight."

Speaking, I slapped Ergouzi's head in a slap. "This is a reminder, you know? What did General Zhao say? From the moment we appear on the battlefield, it means that the face of war has completely changed. The battle of the army is the world of blitz! We must be fast and steady! "

Ergouzi took a look at Niu Gao aggrieved, dare to be angry, but did not dare to speak. Zhang Zai was used to this scene and was not surprised.

He looked in the direction of the Western Regions, and remained silent for a while, his eyes murmured distantly: "There is such a strong army in Datang, is there any border in the world?"


There is no boundary in the world. Zhang Changan does not know. He is very clear that life has a boundary, and this boundary is death. He looked at the monk at the Crescent Inspectorate in front of him, wondering how long the other party could live.

From the "escape" of Baer Sihan City to the city of Broken Leaves, Zhang Changan and Sai Dianchi went straight to the city's largest crescent temple group. The base of the Supervision Institute is here.

In the capacity of Saidianchi, naturally he soon met the principal priest here. He anxiously explained the assassination situation he encountered, and regretfully pleaded with the principal priest to convene a manpower and let him kill him back to Baer Sihan City. Datang monk avenged.

"The monks in the Tang Dynasty were so arrogant that they dared to come to the real God's territory, and stabbed me in the street, Saidian Chi Jensining, the descendant of the great prophet! This is a provocation against the true **** and the Caliph! We must fight back, and we must give powerful Fight back and drive out the Tang monks from Balsi Khan! "

When Sai Dianchi said these words, both in tone and expression, he acted impeccably, fully expressing his state of shame and anger to a nobleman-his performance was of course perfect. On the way, Zhang Changan had already Trained him many times.

There were no accidents, and the principal priest of the Supervisory Court of Balasasar did not agree to Sai Dianchi's request. He wasn't stupid. Naturally, he knew that the Tang monks would not stay in Baersihan City, and the Tang dynasty didn't come to attack the city. When Saidian Chi brought people back, the daylily was cold.

The principal priest, known as Susanna Nadin, can also think that the actions of the Tang Dynasty to dispatch dozens of major monks and hundreds of practicing monks must not be simply to find revenge on Saidian Chi.

He patiently persuaded Sai Dianchi to calm down and think about the intentions of the Tang Dynasty with him.

The next day, Nadine suddenly sent the monk to Baersihan to return to the details of the monk ’s actions that day. After learning that many monks, including several major monks, had been captured by the Tang monks, Naddin's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

"The priests who are the monks know a lot of things. The Tang people will take them back, and they will definitely interrogate them. I don't know how many secrets will be exposed!

"It is conceivable that some of our strength in the Black Khanate will be learned by the Tang Army. According to the current situation of the battle between our Supervisory Academy and Tang Jun, and the performance of the Tang people in Barth Khan, they are Might be bigger! "

Suddenly Nadine summoned the main staff of the Supervisory Institute of Broken Leaf City and threw out these remarks when he came to the temple to discuss matters.

He is the consul general of the Supervision Institute of the Black Khanate. If the strength of the Supervision Institute of the Black Khanate is destroyed by the Tang Army too much, or the situation of fighting with the Tang Army deteriorates, one can imagine his situation.

It was at this time that Zhang Chang'an, who was next to Saidian Chi and attended the meeting with Surazar's face, saw the main figures of the Supervision Institute.

Although the Supervisory Institute is in a crescent church, they do not appear in front of people on weekdays. The monks of the Western Business House can enter the temple as believers, but there are limited places to walk.

The specific classrooms and residences of the Supervision Institute cannot be known to the people in the Western Business Office, and it is even more impossible to know who is the monk of the Supervision Institute.

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