The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 190: Focus (below)

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Although the food front in the Black Khanate has completely collapsed, and many of the retreating army have also fled, the Standing Army, as an elite division, still maintains order. After all, they are all warriors, not so casual. The chaos is mostly volunteers of the landlords.

Especially in the southern part of the Black Khanate, because the Tiger Guards and the Yulin Army fought each other, the soldiers were exhausted, and even if they were chasing, they could not run too fast and on foot strength.

After all, White Bull can't be compared with fierce beasts and war horses, so the closer to the border of the Eclipse, the better the order of the Eclipse army, and the situation facing it is not so bad.

In this case, it was not very difficult for Mullen to set aside for the Langfang Army running thousands of miles.

Having set his mind, Mullen asked the public to follow the aura that just came out of his mind, and combined with the current situation and speed of the army's retreat, he found several places that could be set. After some deductions, he finally set his sights on Nabo, a small city on the water's edge.

"According to the strength of the Wolffang Army, when they arrived in Naspo City, Ali's department probably just passed this neighborhood, and Yousi's department would not be too far away from this area." Malun touched his chin, eyes in his eyes Glittering.

Ali is the commander of the Guards who fought in the city, and Euse is the commander of the Guards who fought with the Yulin Army in Awen City. Relatively, the former is closer to that color wave, so it will pass earlier. Here.

"The order was sent to Ali's office, and after passing through the city of Naspo, they searched for a hidden place to lurk nearby; at the same time, Ursi's office must be rushed to the city of Naspo within two days!" Indifferent, "If there is a smashed army of volunteers on the road, kill them directly, as long as you don't delay your trip, allow Yousi to act cheaply!"

A great monk took command at the city.

"You don't need to let them go. This is your own order." The voice of the true God sounded in Mullen's consciousness. "It is urgent, how soon can I convey the order, no matter how good it is."

Malun froze for a while, but did not expect that the true God was willing to help him with the order. Some were flattered. Even if the eyebrows were beaming, it was a flattery of praise to the true God.

Nabo City is close to Mulu City, not far away, and there are mountains and rivers on the terrain, which is indeed a good place to set up. If you can successfully eat the Langfang Army, the Food Guards can also look at the situation and can attack and defend.

If the battle is not damaged, it is not impossible to fight back. If the damage is not small, there will be no problem in retreating to Mulu City.

"It's not difficult to ambush the Langfang Army, but the Langfang Army, as a division of the Great Tang Army, is stronger than the Tiger Guard. If the Langfang Army's fighting spirit is tenacious, the battle cannot be quickly separated, and Tang Jun will rush to help. How do you respond? "The true God asked Mullen, who also had insights on war.

Mullen naturally thought of this, but he was resolute and he would never give up because of a little difficulty. "The terrain of Dumo Water and Dumo Mountain is very dangerous. As long as we occupy the land, even Tiger Guard and Yu Linjun rush At that point, the Guards will also be able to share some of their strength to cooperate with the standing army to resist the moment. "

Speaking of this, his eyes gradually turned red, showing a ruthless expression, "As long as the Wolffang Army can be destroyed, it will be worth the cost, even if the cost is greater. If the war has progressed to the present, if it can't open the situation , The situation will only get worse! "

The true God understood his tenacious fighting spirit, and said nothing more.

Mullen thought about it, and suddenly laughed again: "Even if you really can't destroy the Wolffang Army, that's nothing, you can give them a headache. That way, at least the Tang Army's momentum and attack speed can be suppressed, and we can also Add more buffer time for subsequent layout.

"As long as Mulu City can hold it, the navy led by Monjitaz will land on the southeast coast of Datang. At that time, there will be a fire in the backyard of Datang, and the two battlefields are still thousands of miles apart. How can Li Ye deal with it? Is there any reason why Datang cannot be defeated? "

Hearing what Mullen said, the true God made a voice of approval. He was more worried about Mullen's horns and dying with the Macarons in that color wave. Since Mullen is determined on the one hand and clear-headed on the other, he has nothing to worry about.

"Tang Jun also has a Lingnan Marine Division. When you and I went to Teotihuacan, the Lingnan Marine Division had a fleet to arrive there. Being able to sail in the ocean, we can see that Lingnan Marine Division is also powerful." The true **** Xu Xu said.

Mullen chuckled, "Tang Jun's Lingnan Marine Division, when I went to Teotihuahuakan, I turned around and watched it. In addition to the two warships piloted, they can also be called martial arts. Praise place.

"And my navy, but it is elite in all battles, and its combat power is honed in blood and fire. Not only is Meng Hitaz's own army, the ship itself is not comparable to the Lingnan Marine Division. The Tang Dynasty Lingnan Marine Division, If you run into my navy, there will be only one end, that is, the entire army will be destroyed, and the fish in the sea will be fed! "

What is the face of Lingnanhai Division of Datang? The true **** has not seen it. Datang is not a sphere of influence of the Crescent religion. Until now, the Eclipse Navy has not encountered each other. , He will no longer worry about anything.

In his view, the Tang army's heyday had reached a terrible level, and whether it was a cannon or a white bull, he was very surprised. To build such a sharp weapon, it is costly to invest in. It stands to reason that Tang Jun's sailor will no longer be so prominent.

At least, the 300,000 navy led by Monjitaz will not be defeated by the Lingnan Marine Division. As long as Meng Hitaz's trilogy can land on the southeast of Datang, and the battle situation on the side of Mulu City has not collapsed, Datang will inevitably be difficult to cope with.

Right now everything is only due to the east wind. Mullen and True God feel that once the Langfang Army arrives in Naspo City and the Guards ambushed successfully, the battle situation will change in favor of the eclipse.


On the vast expanse of sea, Lingnan Haishi is sailing west.

Because they had set off early, they had sailed past the southernmost tip of Tianzhu, and now the course has changed to the northwest. Not to mention the maps provided by Li Yan, the merchant ships of Datang often came here earlier, and Yang Xingmi knew what terrain was ahead.

Sailing for a period of time, the naval division will enter a large bay, and reach the place marked by the Strait of Hormuz in the map of Li Zhi. This is the first destination of the navy division, because the north is a land of great food, and then it is necessary to cooperate with the action of the shore army according to the situation.

Of course, before that, Yang Xingmi needed to solve a big problem.

Big eater sailor.

Yang Xingmi was ready to fight with the big freshman. He just didn't expect that he would meet each other so early.

On the day when the army sailed as usual, Yang Xingmi suddenly received a report from the monk. A fleet of dozens of ships was found in front of it. They were properly matched in size and looked like pioneers. They were only less than two days away from the army. .

"The other party is playing the Great Food Banner. It should be a big freshman. No doubt, the humble job also felt the breath of the great monk. In order not to expose itself, the humble job did not take the liberty to approach, so the specific number of monks, the strength, and the humble job did not. It was particularly clear. "

A major monk reported to Yang Xing secretly, waiting for the other party to give an order for the next investigation.

Yang Xingmi stared at the vast sea and thought for a moment, saying: "Since you have encountered it, you don't have to hide it, approach it first, and let the fast-flying" Flying Fish "also come up. If the opponent's strength is normal, you don't need to be polite, directly Destroy the expeditionary fleet and return some prisoners to interrogate the situation of the Great Fleet. "

Lingnanhai arrived here from Guangzhou, sailed thousands of miles, and encountered bandits with short eyes along the way, and also killed several.

On the premise of not affecting the sailor's itinerary, Yang Xingmi intentionally made the soldiers see blood before the war, not to mention the boring sailing. The soldiers needed a little to relieve their emotions, and the blood was also conducive to training the army to kill. In Yang Xingmi's view, this is very necessary, and has the same effect as sharpening the knife.

The discovery of a large freshman now means that there may be a main freshman behind the opponent-of course, it does not rule out that the other team's fleet has other tasks, so it is necessary to capture the captives for torture.

The two armies are always at war. Although the Western Region Commercial Bank has provided a lot of information, it is good to know more about the situation of each other before the war.

In addition, although the sailors came along the way, although they killed many bandits, the opponent was too weak, and they were not cannibalistic, and they had limited incentive to kill the soldiers.

All in all, Yang Xingmi is very pleased to meet this fleet of food now.

Yang Xingmi's military order was soon executed. Dozens of major monks took more than a hundred 'flying fish' warships out of the fleet and drove forward at a faster speed. This force is very strong, Yang Xingmi did not plan to let go of a big freshman.


When Lingnan Haishi encountered the advance team of the Dashun Navy Pathfinder, after a period of raids, the Langfang Army was approaching Naspo City. At this point, the Tiger Guard closest to them, even if there is such a white bull, there is still a two-day march to Naspo City.

"General, there are many big monks and big monks gathered near Naspo City, and they can't break through the past to find out what is true and false in the city. But now we can be sure that there are a lot of Naruto Guards in Naspo City. The hordes of food eclipses are gathering in the city. "

The scout major monk returned to report to Shangguan.

Marching fast for days, both the War Horse and the Monk were stained with a lot of yellow dust, looking like clay figures. Although for monks, they can keep themselves clean by using a little bit of repair power, but because they have been on the road, they have to spend a lot of energy to keep themselves clean.

No one is wasting their combat power.

The Shangguan of the white horse and white robe poured the city, shook off the mud and dust, looked at the direction of the city of Sebo in the distance, and groaned a little.

They came here to intercept and retreat the Guardian of the Fresh Food. Now they have caught up, knowing that the other party is in the city of Sebo, there is no reason not to fight.

The question is only how to fight.

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