The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 204: Forward (5)

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The force of the Wolffang Army was very fierce, and in the rumbling sound of horseshoes, a large earthquake shook yellow dust. Seventy-eight thousand fine rides seemed to be Shura crawling out of hell. Everyone looked dazzling and murderous, as if vowing to crush the mountains and rivers into flat ground.

In the face of such a mace army, the 60,000 remnants of the Guards certainly did not dare to carelessly. At the same time, Ma Lun stood in front of the battlefield again, killing his face and calming himself. As soon as the opponent arrived, he used his own practice to block the iron hoof of the Langfang Army.

By this time, the power of the true gods of the Guards had been dissipated. The 60,000 monks could only rely on Mullen to fight the Wolffang Army. The latter knew that his relationship was important, so he dared not be half-hearted.

However, when the Langfang Army arrived, it unexpectedly did not raise the force of the soldiers, but instead took a big bend under the leadership of the front team, and ran forward along the parallel line of the Guards battle.

The soldiers in the front of the Guards team ate a nose of dust, but eventually found that the Wolffang Army had grown up and had no plans to charge.

Mullen's face darkened.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the Wolffang Army returned to the battlefield of the Guards after a long sip, and faced them far away.

This distance is not far or near. If the Guards attack, the Wolffang Army can retreat calmly, and if the Guardian troops withdraw, the Wolffang Army can easily rush to kill.

Mullen seemed to see the annoying expression on the faces of General Tang Tang.

Facing the scene in front of him, of course, it was not difficult for Mullen to imagine what Li Yan planned. The other party did not want to fight with them for now, but they will never let the 60,000 guards withdraw, this is bullying people by relying on their fine riding feet!

Mullen felt uncomfortable.

"Li Yan wants to consume, we will accompany them!" Malun issued a military order to the general to keep the 60,000 disabled soldiers in the formation and continue to withdraw westward. Fortunately, there are monks, there are flying blankets under the feet, and the wasteland is also vast. It is not difficult to do this.

If the Wolffang has the potential to rush, then stop.

The reason why he did not stay in place, waiting for the withdrawal of the 100,000 Guards previously withdrawn, Mullen also had his plan. He wants the Spikes to move, continue to drain energy, and delay the monk's aura recovery. In this way, when the 100,000 fresh troops arrive, they will be full of energy and will occupy a great advantage.

As far as the situation is concerned, this advantage is likely to be the victory.

In order to mobilize the Langfang Army and make the opponent feel that it is possible to take advantage of it, he will make more rushing attempts and consume more energy. From time to time, Marlen deliberately exposes the Guard to some vulnerabilities, so that some formations are slightly scattered.

"Mullen is so clever."

After several attempts to rush into the array without catching the weakness of the Guards, Qi Wang glanced a bit of chill in his eyes, and said to Li Li: "He doesn't want us to give up the pursuit, it seems that he intends to wait for the 100,000 fresh troops withdrawn before, and then Join forces to defeat our weary division. "

Li Min thought for a moment, "We slowed down a bit, we can't really give each other a chance to surround us."

King Qi frowned. After all, he said nothing, and now there is no better way. The strength of the Langfang Army has not recovered to the extent that it can quickly defeat the 60,000 Guards.

Shangguan Qingcheng suddenly said, "Your Majesty, where is the Lingnan Haishi now? What is the situation?"

After hearing her asking this question, Li Yan had a smile in her eyes. She was the first one among the crowd to react, and she really did not expect it.

A little doubtful and inquiring at King Qi

In his eyes, Shangguan Qingcheng explained: "We died biting 60,000 guards. In fact, the danger we face is far greater than the possible gains. After all, the more troops we eat, the more 100,000 guards. The surprise soldiers will definitely meet us before the Tiger Guards and Yu Linjun follow up. They are beyond our ability to cope in the short term.

"Your Majesty insisted on chasing Mullen and thought that there should be other considerations."

King Qi nodded, the Tiger Guard and Yulin Army were chasing the Wolffang Army, and the 100,000 guards turned around and came face-to-face. They would arrive first, and they had not withdrawn for a long time. , The distance is not too far, so it will arrive a lot of time early.

"The Lingnan Sea Division has already met the Great Fleet and is now fighting fiercely. If the next battle goes well, the Lingnan Fleet will not only be invincible at sea, but it will also be very quick to support the land. We can hold the Guard for a little more time, The battle will be easier, or even the chance to win. "

Li Ye didn't say more. Whether Lingnan Haishi can win is still unknown. After the battle of Du Mo Shui was over, Li Zhi could be distracted, and he appeared on the Lingnan Hai Division battleship with the eyes of Emperor Dao, so he knew the battle situation elsewhere.


Lingnanhai Division Chang'an Ship, Emperor Dao's incarnation, Li Xun, accompanied by Yang Xingmi, looked at the raging battles in front of the waves, aura of light, thousands of sails fighting, and tens of thousands of people.

The front of the flying fish ship is torn with the large food warship. You, me, you, me, and you, especially the hundreds of ships in the forefront, both sides have no clear formations and camps, and have completely fallen into it. Each ship is in a war situation.

By this time, the crossbow of the two wings of most flying fish ships did not shoot continuously. From the point of view of the crossbow's density and firing frequency, there were a total of eight law formations on each side of the four, and most of them were only in operation. This is a requirement of the battle situation, and some of the law formations may be damaged. The monk fighting is still very brave.

In terms of volume and sturdiness, the large eclipse warship is comparable to the flying fish ship, and the number is slightly larger. But their crossbow "firepower" is not on the same level as the flying fish ship. It is impossible to say that there is no such heavy power "heavy firepower" as bed crossbow, and the number of ordinary crossbow is much smaller.

In this case, the large eclipse warship is not the enemy of the flying fish ship at all. If the two armies line up and shoot at each other over a distance, the victory and defeat will already be known.

However, in the initial battle, Monjitaz saw the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides. Therefore, as soon as the large eclipse warship appeared, he forcibly stormed into the flying fish formation, which prevented them from being beaten all the time.

From the war to now, the large eclipse warship has suffered numerous damages, which is several times that of the flying fish ship. However, as the battle progressed, the monks on the large eclipse warship also understood the flying ship's warfare to a certain extent and made effective response.

In addition to the monks on the warships, jumping and binding from all directions to avoid being shot and killed by the bow and crossbow of the flying fish ship, some of the artifact warships saw that their own situation was unfavorable. Flying fish ship.

This near-all-out battle method immediately received good results. When the warships on both sides were damaged under severe impact, the bow and arrow formations on the flying fish ship did not have to be affected. Some of the damage was too heavy, even with the opponent. Both capsized and sank.

When the warship capsized, the two armies practiced fighting, catching and killing, many soldiers at the same time with their opponents, some sink into the sea, and some withdrew nearby warships.

As a result, the flying fish ship suffered casualties.


Such a battle scene made Yang Xingmi and Monjitaz very painful. The magical warships were extremely precious. It was really hard to accept that they were defeated with such reckless warfare. However, Monjitaz did not order the eclipse warship, abandoning this warfare. After all, the eclipse is at a disadvantage without colliding with the ship.

In comparison, Yang Xingmi was very annoyed. The flying fish ship had a bow and crossbow advantage, and it would definitely win if it did not hit the ship.

However, at the moment, he cannot issue more military orders. The hundreds of ships in the full melee battle are fighting separately. They have been unable to effectively execute the military orders. Retreating them will only let them die. It is possible to win the final victory by fighting to the end.

It was also at this time that eighteen cruisers, with the flying fish behind the battleships, ushered in a large food warship that broke through and bypassed the melee battlefield.

Li Min squinted his eyes slightly.

The outcome will depend on the outcome of the cruiser.

If the Lingnan Hai Division cannot quickly break through the enemy, and wait for the Eclipse Warship to be surrounded on all sides, pinching inside and out, it will be in despair. Even if some warships can stand out, the battle will fail.

Seeing each part of the fleet, Monchtaz approached the designated positions one after another, and his heart was relieved.

"The battleships of the Tang Dynasty were indeed extraordinary. They were not comparable to those of the opponents we met before. We could not effectively deal with their crossbows, except for collisions. After the encirclement was completed, ordinary warships had to be under the cover of magical warships. Swarm up and use collisions to limit the side bows and crossbones of the Tang Dynasty warships, creating opportunities for monks to jump and bind. "

Monchtaz recruited his lieutenant and arranged his next tactics for him. The other party just led the team to fight the flying fish ship, suffered minor injuries, and was sent back by the monk. If it wasn't for Monjitaz's own shot, the other party might not be able to get up and die.

The Lieutenant General was dismayed at the words of Monjitaz.

He said: "The side bows and crossbows of the Tang Dynasty warships were very powerful, and ordinary warships rushed up, indeed they could limit them and seize the time for the monks to jump and bind, but they must also be seriously damaged!

"After all, there are many warships in the Tang Dynasty. In the end, we may not have many ordinary warships, and the ordinary soldiers above will fall into the water because of the sinking of the warships ... The loss will be heavy. In the future, it will be very difficult to land in the eastern Tang Dynasty and quickly open up a battlefield to siege the city! "

Monhitaz glanced at him, his eyes were cold and his desperate anger showed signs of being out of control.

This gaze made the lieutenant tremble, and he no longer dared to say more.

The sadness in Monchtaz's heart was the only thing he could understand.

"Before meeting the Tang Dynasty sailor in front of me, I thought that our fleet was unbeatable, and I was even glad that I could solve the Tang Dynasty sailor here early and smooth the obstacles for landing in the east of the Tang Dynasty.

"But the Tang warships were too powerful and the combat methods were so effective. We did not have the upper hand, and we were still led by the nose.

"The battle has progressed to the current situation. We have no way to save our strength and energy to consider the future landing in the east of the Tang Dynasty, because you and I cannot guarantee victory. Right now we can only win with all our strength. may!"

Having said this, Monchtaz closed his eyes in pain, exhaled deeply, and then suppressed the irritability and anger brought about by suddenly experiencing a huge gap in his heart. This inability to anger because he was not strong enough, Monjitaz disdain to show.

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