The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 116: Decisiveness (2)

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The **** dusk reflected the continuous majesty of Mount Kopet, and Jin Ming, who retreated from the mountains, echoed, and the soldiers retreated from the front of Stone Town in a tide. In the distance there were large flocks of birds and birds lingering and panic, their nests could not return.

Somewhere in the camp of Tang Jun, Li Zhi looked at the sunset that was gradually disappearing behind the mountain, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

Today is the thirty-fifth day when the army attacked the Mulu city defense line. The Tiger Guard and the Yu Lin Army fought bravely. After paying the price of some casualties, they captured Huoxun City and Hulu City as scheduled before 25th. Then the army advanced forward, pulled out 13 other barriers around Mulu City, and then began to storm Mulu City.

During this period, Mullen shot several times in an attempt to stop Tang Jun's offensive, and he did cause Tang Jun a lot of trouble. King Qi and Da Shao commanded the monks. Although they could delay him for a while, they still could not really stop him. A large part of the casualties of the Changan prohibited army were caused by him.

But this did not fundamentally delay the pace of Tang's attack, because Mullen didn't make many shots and did not fight hard.

After the Changan prohibited army returned to the army, why did Ma Lunnai become a well-known army, he also tried to kill the monks, but under the fierce attack on the city by the Changan prohibited army, he had to return to help the army. .

Mullen is a man, so his full-fighting can't last a month.

The fighting was at a standstill.

Today, the Tiger Guard and Yulin Army have been attacking Mulu City for 17 days. There are still 120,000 Guards in the city, relying on strong cities and rigorous defensive offensives, which caused a lot of trouble to the Tiger Guard and Yu Lin Army earlier, making the latter progress slowly.

However, as the fighting progressed, the Tiger Guard and Yulin Army's crossbow attack on Mulu City had already damaged most of the city ’s fortifications and caused heavy casualties to the Great Guards. Seeing that Mulu City has lost a lot of combat power, today's battle, Mullen finally shot strongly after a few days.

This time, Mullen did his best, so it also brought a loss to Tiger Guards and Yu Linjun before the victory.

"We can't stop him, and the real people have suffered a lot. If today's fighting continues for a few days, the monk will suffer heavy losses, and Tiger Guards and Yu Linjun will have no way to deal with them." Qi Wang came to Li Yan, There was a blood stain on her shoulder, and the area was not badly injured.

Li Yan only gave a slight nod, and did not comment on this. He looked at the situation of the battle today.

The Tiger Guards and Yulin Army joined forces to storm the barrier, and the Guards resisted the difficulties. When many of the city walls were captured, Mullen killed the city, swept across the city, countless forbidden monks died, and the Tiger Guard and Yu Lin Army were forced to retreat.

King Qi and Da Shao commanded a team of elite real people to break through the mid-air battlefield of the monk melee and stop to stop Marlen. Although the three men fought hard, they couldn't stop Mullen's sword. In a short time, many real lives were killed on the spot, and Qi Wang and Da Shao were also in critical condition.

After the Tiger Guards and Yulin Army basically formed, Qi Wang and others retreated and withdrew from the battlefield. At this time, the artillery in the two army formations continuously bombarded Mullen, while the other heavy crossbows were directed at the wall. emission.

In such a time in the past, Mullen would choose to retreat, but today, on the one hand, he did not care about the artillery, was struck by successive attacks, was injured, and he also led the priests to chase Qi and other monks; On the other hand, there was no concern about the fortifications of the city walls, and went back to the monks to stop the crossbow rain.

The results are self-evident. The Great Tang Dynasty monk suffered heavy losses. Because of his courage to go forward, he devoted himself to chasing and fighting. Under the continuous bombardment of the artillery, he also paid a lot of money, even Malun.

Also uncomfortable.

But with Mullen, the monk ’s results far outweighed his losses. The artillery can't fill this gap.

"If Mullen continues to fight in the same state today, according to my calculations, after five days, our great monk will be too serious because of the loss to fight the great monk in midair, and lose what you often say. This kind of air dominance.

"By that time, without the protection of the monk, the offensive of the Yulin Army and the Tiger Guard will not be maintained, and may even become dangerous."

Having said that, King Qi gave his own suggestion, "I think it's time for the Lingnan Marine Division's Marines to join the battlefield. We can't open the gap without them echoing on the flank. As long as they participate in the battle, no matter which side Mullen is going to deal with , The other party can make progress.

"After all, the current food garrison is only enough to defend Mulu City, and it can't go anywhere. Although there are many food hordes, the Shangguan Qingcheng and the Langfang Army are pinning down, and it can't cause any trouble."

Qi Wang's analysis Li Li naturally agreed.

At present, this kind of war situation is actually anticipated before the war begins. The way to solve the problem is to let the Lingnan Marine Division's Marines join the battlefield and become the decisive force.

Now, Lingnan Haishi has arrived at the scheduled location and can launch an attack at any time.

"The order was Yang Xingmi, and the offense was launched as planned!" Li Yan waved the army to give the order.

The next day, the Tiger Guard and Yulin Army attacked Mulu City as usual. At the same time, more than one hundred miles away from Tuhuo City and the Wuwanling Nanhai Division Army, led by Yang Xingmi, were also behind Mulu City. Began siege.

Li Ye still did not leave the barracks. On a hilltop corner with a good view, he watched the army cross the arrows and cover the city with rain. Some of the defensive fortresses repaired by the opponent overnight did not last long and were destroyed by the heavy crossbow of the Tiger Guard and Yulin Army.

Later, the army began to pick up the city, and the monks on both sides were fighting fiercely in mid-air. The battle reached a critical stage. When the Tiger Guard Army and the Yulin Army attacked the city, a black plume of smoke rose into the sky and rushed straight into it. Tang Jun major monks are in line.

It was Mullen.

Unlike before, this time, Malun did not go to control the general Tang Jun in the city, but led an elite monk, and bravely advanced in the Tang army. His cultivation was beyond anyone's ability. Except for a few people such as Qi Wang, there were few enemies under his control. The strict and orderly monk formation was quickly torn by him.

King Qi and Da Shao had their lives shot in succession, Xiayun Mantian, Wanye flying roll, Bai Lianrulong, attacked Malun alternately, trying to play a containment effect.

But today's Mullen is different from yesterday. His warfare is more resolute. There is no room for shots. Regardless of the aura consumption, every blade is like a hurricane. The real monk is wandering like fallen leaves. Let Qi Wang et al. Struggled very hard.

Afterwards, he managed to endure the injuries caused by two leaves and chains flying flesh on his body. He struck Qi Wang with a severe wound, causing their character formation to collapse. Then he successively shot down Dasuo's life from mid-air, and finally the dragon went out to sea. Usually break through the crowd of Datang monks and kill Li Zhi in the direction!

"Lee, I see you!" Mullen's scream was like Ben Lei, showing his decisive intention.

At present, Li Zhi's cultivation is all in Xianyu. The power of the mortal body is just an ordinary real world.

Li Yan's eyes were slightly sinking.

He had never been out of the camp, just didn't want to be exposed to Mullen's vision, but he didn't expect to be found by the other party now. At this moment, there was no way Li Yan could react. The few times before Marlen played,

He must have been looking for his gas engine and position, and finally locked it today, he slammed it without leaving any room.

Mullen's practice is that no one checks and balances in the mortal world. This is the biggest threat of Tang Jun.

Because of this threat, Li Min himself has become the biggest flaw in Tang Jun.

As long as Mullen finds Li Yan and slays them strongly, the war will be different.

The monks guarding Li Li in the camp successively took off. They did not want to rush to Mullen, but as if the leaf group was blown away by the wind, they couldn't resist Mullen's aggression attack at the expense of his aura, and they fell from the air.

Both King Qi and the young and the dead had been severely injured by Mullen, and they had basically lost their combat power. No monks were present to stop Mullen.

Mullen had already reached the camp, and Li Yi, who could not escape, had entered his attack range. Subsequent shots of the monk could not approach him at all, even if he used flesh and blood to stop him, he could not let Li Zhi out of danger.

Li Yan didn't move, and stood firm.

"Li Yan, I originally wanted to stay in Mulu City for a few more days. I didn't expect that you were so careless, but I was aware of it. This is really an unexpected joy. God bless you! Today, you cannot escape!" The long knife was held high, with intense madness and pride in his eyes.

Li Yan could not be in the barracks, but that would only be more dangerous. Without the protection of the army and the monk, no matter where he went, anyone who was discovered by Mullen would surely die. And if too many monks are assigned to protect him, it will undoubtedly greatly weaken the frontal battlefield.

Since Li Yan appeared near the battlefield, he was likely to be noticed by Mullen.

The dark air of Mullen's sword was like mist, covering the sky, the winds swept around, the aura was like a blade, and even the air made a muffled sound like a shred.

This knife is cut, it will be shocking.

Li Yan's face was as watery as ever.

No emotion, no emotion.


Nisa City, the largest town in the northeast of Dashi, closest to Mulu City. The crescent priests and materials gathered here will rush to the east of the Great Eclipse and arrange for the second line of defense designated by Mullen.

A few days ago, the main priest and high priest of the Great Temple who presided over the enlistment of this place used the plan of "leading snakes out of caves", leading to some of the Tang Dynasty's fine works.

In the three places expected by the Crescent Church, nearly a hundred monks from the Tang Dynasty sneaked in late at night, trying to burn the hoarding materials inside. As a result, there was no accident. The monks of the Tang Dynasty failed and were attacked by the crescent moon group, with heavy losses.

"The Tang dynasty was very vigilant. We surrounded quickly and moved very lightly, but as soon as we emerged, the other party noticed that apart from what was wrong, we wanted to withdraw quickly. Fortunately, we have sufficient staff and preparations for the Tang Dynasty in the three warehouses. Most of the monks were besieged by us on the spot, and less than 20% escaped ... "

The chief high priest, Garrighi, listened to his subordinate's obituary and smiled with satisfaction.

In two places, more than 200 Tang Dynasty masterpieces were killed, among them there were also many monks, which was a good harvest. In previous actions, the Crescent Church has never captured so many Tang Dynasty works in World War I. It is conceivable that when the situation is reported to the Great Temple, he will certainly be rewarded.

"Although some of the fine works of the Tang Dynasty fled, but the injuries were so severe, there was no ability to do anything in the follow-up. We can safely bring the monks and materials to the east. Of course, those fine works of the Tang Dynasty also have to hunt down and kill them. Inspectorate in the city. "Garrighi made the arrangement.

Two days later, Carriger, with a large number of monks and supplies convened, set off from Nisa City and advanced to the east at full speed.

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