The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 122: Decisiveness (8)

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"The Tang Dynasty's elaborate work is so pervasive that it makes people scared. The combat power of western business houses is even more important. Before today, I can hardly imagine that the Tang people's penetration of the country has reached such a point."

Mohad called Saidian Chi to his side and chatted with the other party to relieve his sorrow. "It was really shocking that half of the first recruiting teams headed to the east were destroyed. For this reason, the elder had to rush Go to Nisa City and other places, and the results of his investigation are really terrible.

"Every local nobleman, official, and power has the shadows of the Tang Dynasty. Some people have been used by the other party, provided various military and political secrets, helped do many things, and do not know the true details of the other party.

"They thought that they were working with themselves, but they were only certain forces in the middle of the country, but they weren't clear. These forces belonged to the Western Region Commercial Banks. Now it is frightening to just mention the name of the Western Region Commercial Banks.

"To this day, the elders have beheaded and killed more than 200 well-known traitors in many places, more than a thousand prisoners, and countless people implicated! It can be said that the entire east has already Shrouded in terror! "

Speaking of which, Mohad's eyes showed a deep sense of worry and a hint of concealable fear, "I don't know when the Tang people entered our country. According to the current situation, Their layout is afraid that it has been for many years, otherwise it is impossible to reach this scale.

"It's also blame the aristocracy in those places, but for the sake of profit, this was used by the other party.

"I heard that in many places, the rich and powerful, at first they merged with businessmen--collusion between government and businessmen was a rule since ancient times. Everyone is accustomed to it, and they have nothing to criticize, but they ca n’t identify each other as a fine work of the Tang Dynasty. It ’s been very close, leaking all kinds of important things, then **** it! ”

With that said, Mohad sighed, wondering what to do.

Sai Dianchi's eyes flickered slightly, and she smiled indifferently: "Although the power of the Tang Dynasty's fine works is strong, but under the thorough investigation of the elders, not many have been exposed within the month or month? They can make the first batch of calls The team lost nearly half, but in the destruction of the second conscription team, the four operations only succeeded once.

"The other three times were restrained, and even one of them was besieged by the elder before the action was taken. It is conceivable that the other party was able to act secretly, and when we did not expect it, we could have some As a result, it is no longer possible to make waves! "

Mohad nodded slightly, and agreed with Sai Dianchi's words.

The facts are almost the same as Sai Dianchi said. After the Great Temple took action, the actions of the Western Region Commercial Bank against the second batch of recruiting teams were indeed gaining chats and causing heavy losses.

Taking a small and large scale, this is a highly risky move. It relies on excellent planning, meticulous arrangements, and thunderous actions. If an accident occurs, it is easy to lose.

"It's not too far from the battlefield. It's hard to say whether there will be any action in the Tang Dynasty. Our team must not be on a business trip. You should keep an eye on it. If there are any unusual signs, don't let it go!"

Mohad said to Sai Dianchi, "Our team is the main force of the third batch of recruiting teams. There must not be a half point difference, otherwise it will affect the national war and must be held accountable afterwards. Don't take care!"

Sai Dian patted his chest and promised, "Elders can rest assured. When I watch,

The certificate will not give the Tang Dynasty a little chance to do it! "

When rested on the wasteland that night, Saidian pretended to inspect the team in a pretense manner, and arranged a lot of people to monitor everywhere. He was about to take a break and was told that Zhang Chang'an would let him pass.

"What's the situation? I don't think I need to say much. In short, our actions must be successful!"

When Saidian Chi entered the account, it was discovered that there were still many people inside. Although they were all big cannibal faces and costumes, they were certainly not big monks, and Zhang Changan was talking.

Seeing Sai Dianchi come in, Zhang Changan said to him, "The action is tonight. Do you have any questions?"

Saidian was shocked and said quickly: "Zhang Tongxu is assured, my people will always follow orders!",

Zhang Changan nodded slightly. "The key to the action lies in the fuel oil. As long as the material is ignited on a large scale and the wilderness is ignited, the team will naturally be chaotic. This will give us the chance to kill the fish in the muddy water, kill the high-level temple hall, and let the entire team collapse. Getting the oil and distributing it to various locations is the key. "

The Red Sea, which is controlled by food, is rich in fuel oil. When it comes to production, it is more than that in Datang. In Datang's internal wars, wars that used fierce oil were not many, and the number was not large.

But in eclipse, this is definitely a common weapon of war. Especially when defending the city, it can cause great damage and obstruction to the siege army. It is for this reason that only a large amount of oil will be carried in the conscripted team this time.

"Mohad also knows that the oil is the key, and they are tightly controlled. They are sent by caretaker. We have to get them in advance and bring them to all parts of the team, I'm afraid it is not easy.

Zhang Chang'an waved his hand, disapproving: "Do you really think that all the oil needed for our actions comes from the team? If so, how can we ensure the effectiveness of the action?"

Sai Dianchi opened her eyes wide. "What does Zhang Tongren mean?"

Zhang Changan said lightly: "Since the Western Region Commercial Bank has been eating for many years, now that it is known that tinder oil is a weapon that is unparalleled, and it is of great benefit to the operation, how can it not be purchased in advance? At present, each of our monks has a large amount of tinder oil. Enough to cause the first wave of chaos. "

The ceremonies were completely realized, and with the first wave of chaos, the monks of the Western Region Commercial Banks had to seize the hot oil from the heavy business and expand the fire. It was much simpler.

Next, Zhang Changan made the final arrangements for the operation tonight, confirming many details.

A few years ago, outside the city of Huairong, north of Datang, Zhang Changan once penetrated the enemy camp, induced rebellion and created chaos in the Khitan Army, and finally helped the army gain a key victory.

Today, in a foreign country thousands of miles away, Zhang Changan is in a more sinister situation. In the face of a more complicated and complicated situation, he has to make every effort to stir up the situation and bear huge risks for the frontal battle of the army.

When Zhang Changan was talking to the crowd, he didn't know that a group of elite monks rushed to the camp and saw the leader of the team directly, Mohad. The leaders of these elite monks are not others, but Nadine and Saturk.

"Don't the two hear orders from His Majesty the Elder? Come to me overnight, I don't know what's the matter?" Mohd received Hudden Nadine and Satuk in the big account, and hesitated a little, then went straight to the subject.

Some time ago, the elder of the Great Temple went to the east, led the Supervisory Court to pick up the Tang Dynasty's fine works, and asked Sudden Nadin to pass by. The latter used to host Black Khan after all

The State Inspectorate has a lot of hands-on engagements with the Tang Dynasty, and its experience and insights are all needed.

However, Satuk did not follow, he has been doing his own thing in the back-according to the arrangement of Nadine hastily, to monitor all the actions of Saidianchi.

"Xiaguan's duty is to pick up the Tang Dynasty's fine works, especially the Tang Dynasty's fine works infiltrating the interior of the Great Temple. These days, Xiaguan followed the elders and moved around, killing many Western business monks, and tortured them. Many people know more about their situation. "

Suddenly Nadine said hurriedly, and she seemed to have a strong mind. "To come to the elders today is because we know through clues that in the elders' team, there may be hidden Tang Dynasty works, and if we do n’t If it is wrong, the strength may not be small! "

Upon hearing this, Mohrad was suddenly shocked. Although he is the five elders of the Great Temple and generally does not lose his posture, it is of great importance. When he is too big to bear the responsibility, he must keep his heart free from fluctuations. Unrealistic.

"Who? Can you find out? The evidence is conclusive?" Mohad asked immediately.

Suddenly Nadine slightly shook his head. "If the evidence is conclusive, we will directly inform the elder to arrest the person. It is because the evidence is insufficient that we must cooperate with the elder to confirm the suspicion of the person and prepare accordingly!"

Hearing Nadine's words, Mohrud's eyes calmed down, and his mind was a little more thoughtful.

In extraordinary times, Mullen gave the elders of the Great Temple and the Superintendent's House powers that were much higher than before, and their status was above all people overnight.

Holding power, naturally will not be willing to be lonely, the situation is urgent, and of course business is the number one priority, but personal selfishness will never really disappear, after all, it is the real thing in hand. Fake public aid will not be too bad. In the process of handling public affairs, by the way, make some personal gain for yourself, and no one can tell why.

Within a short period of ten months, the elders killed more than two hundred people and jailed more than one thousand people. They removed tens of thousands of forces and left a lot of space and interests. His Majesty's staff should arrange them first. Today, the personal power of the elders and the strength of the supervisory institute have been unprecedentedly expanded.

As the five elders of the Great Temple, Mohad naturally knew that the previous elders had almost the same power. Although the elders had a higher status, they were also limited. However, according to the current behavior, after the war, the senior members of the Great Temple were afraid that the four elders and one too elder.

Mahathir now fears that the elders and the Supervisory House will take advantage of the opportunity of picking up the fine works of the Tang Dynasty to take action on some officers in their team. Even if it is only an ad hoc investigation, in such a critical period, their positions need to be replaced.

Your own team is the capital of your own achievements in the national war. If the national war is unfavorable, it is also the last reliance to ensure your status after the war. If it is because of the actions of the Supervisory Committee, the installation of staff by the elders and the other person will inevitably lead to their own wings being affected, and their influence in the team will be reduced.

This is not what Mohad wants to see.

So after hearing Su Nadine saying that he did not have sufficient evidence, Mohad calmed down a lot, and looked at the other person's eyes, and he was no longer so impatient, and became calm and relaxed.

"Who are you skeptical of?" Mohad asked calmly, throwing stones and asking for directions before deciding on his attitude. If there is a spy in the team, he is more willing to get rid of it. This is his own credit, rather than being intervened by the supervisory court, which will only appear to be his own misconduct.

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