The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 124: Decisiveness (10)

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Zhang Chang'an looked up at the night sky, the starry sea was bright, and the crescent moon was like a hook. It was a cold night. And he knew that he would probably die here tonight.

To this day, even if the operation is terminated, the safety of the monks in the Western Commercial Bank cannot be guaranteed. Once the action begins, it is the end of the fishnet.

At such a moment, Zhang Chang'an had no fear, no sense of sadness, no thought of Chang'an, no thought of Gesang in the steppe. So he soon realized that the monks who had approached in secret had completed the encirclement but did not take any action.

The tent was still quiet.

The atmosphere became weird at this moment.

Zhang Chang calmly waited for a while, but still did not find any abnormalities, but the time from the operation of the Western Commercial Bank was getting closer. If everything was the way it was when the operation started, the plan would go smoothly.

"What exactly did Mohad talk to Sai Dianchi in the tent and take so long?" Zhang Changan was very confused, and quickly estimated some possible situations, so that he could take countermeasures according to different situations later.

Tonight, there will be no assault on Mohad in the operation of the Western Region Commercial Bank.

Although Mohad's death will bring great convenience to the operation-several previous successful operations of the Western Region Commercial Bank have killed the team leader at the beginning; but the other party is the meaning of the five elders of the Great Temple. Too high, only the monks of the Western Region Commercial Bank may succeed too little.

And if you let Sai Dianchi cooperate with the action, once you miss, you will expose Sai Dianchi, which is not conducive to subsequent actions.

Zhang Changan would like to find an excuse to enter the account and have more information, but there is really no good reason to be able to challenge Mohad's order. While he was thinking hard, the curtain of the tent was lifted, and Mohad stepped out of it.

In an instant, Zhang Changan entered the state of war!

If Sai Dianchi was controlled by the other party, or was killed in the tent silently, it means that the other party has been exposed. In such a long time, the other party is likely to have been caught out of many situations. Both Zhang Changan and Western Business In danger!

Fortunately, this did not happen, Sai Dianchi followed Mohd.

Zhang Changan breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to really relax, in case Saidian Chi had completely fallen to Mohad and had an unfavorable move against him, although this possibility was unlikely, it would also lead to internal restraint.

"People from the Supervision Institute will come later. You can deal with them casually at that time. Don't make them too ugly." Mohad seemed to be in a good mood, and his attitude towards Saidianchi did not change. , And left here with his own followers.

Zhang Changan exchanged glances with Sai Dianchi, who only brought him into the account by himself.

Before waiting for the former to ask a question, he took the initiative to talk to Mohad, "The people of the Supervisory Court came, Nadine and Saturk, and they suspected me. The elder just tried me a lot, ok Before we had a drill on this, I dealt with the past.

"Part of the reason for this long talk is to discuss with each other how to ensure that our interests are not harmed in this war-after all, the elders and the Supervisory Authority are too powerful now, and we need careful measures . "

After hearing this, Zhang Changan was stunned. It seemed that Nadine and Saturk had come by suddenly, causing Mohad to worry about the expansion of the elder's strength and the damage to his own interests. At this moment Zhang Changan also reacted. The monks who were secretly approaching outside the camp were not Mohad at all, and

Nadine hastily.

After knowing the truth, Zhang Changan couldn't help but secretly rejoice. It was really dangerous just now. He was almost shocked by Nadine and made a disastrous choice. Fortunately, he finally stabilized.

"I'm afraid it's not just to ensure that interests are not harmed?" Zhang Changan glanced at Sai Dianchi.

Saidian Chihaha laughed: "Sure enough I can't hide from you. In fact, we want to use everyone's dissatisfaction with the elders to gather the power of everyone to cause trouble for the elders after the war. In this way, Moha, the leader Elder German will build prestige in the process, and after the war, he may become the elder. I am also profitable. "

Zhang Changan nodded. "Time is coming soon, so get ready for action."

Suddenly Nadine suspected that Sai Dianchi's head was a very serious situation, but Zhang Changan had no time to resolve it now, and everything needed to take the next big action first.

The plan to fight grass and snakes was unsuccessful, and Mohad confirmed that there was no problem with Saidian Chi. Suddenly Nadine could only retreat with his own people. There was no reason to surround Saidianchi's camp. As for getting Sai Dianchi to cooperate with him and investigate other people, Nadine was ready to send his hands to do it.

"The staff that was sent to track and monitor the two monks just now, why hasn't any news been reported yet?" Suddenly Nadine suddenly thought of this problem, his heartbeat suddenly snapped, and he quickly said to Saturk, "You take People go and see if there is anything abnormal! "

Saturk's eyes changed, and he immediately realized that the problem was: if the dispatched personnel were killed, the two monks must have a big problem, and they had just come to Saidian Chi, which would prove that Saidian Chi had a problem!

Saturk led people to explore all the way, and finally came to the position of the Yingzhong camp. They had a warrant from the Supervision Institute, so most places in the camp could be unimpeded.

When they followed the breath of the two men and reached the corner behind a remote camp, they found that several monks were carrying several wooden barrels, sneaky, and didn't know what they were doing.

"The corpse is in a barrel ?!" This was the first thought that came out of Satuk's mind. He immediately shouted, "Stop! What are you doing, what is the barrel ?!"

This shouted loudly, and dozens of monks behind him immediately surrounded him. The middle people were silent, and they had to control the other party and **** the barrel for inspection.

The monks lifting the barrels exchanged a look, and stopped to stand still, and let the other party take the barrels away and open them.

"Fire oil?" Satuk didn't find the body in the barrel. He glanced again at the monks, and found keenly that one of them had previously visited Saiying Chiying Village, and immediately glanced and asked: "You lift up Where is the oil going and what is it going to do? "

After speaking, without waiting for the other party to answer, Satuk waved, "Catch it!"

The people who had been sent to follow the surveillance were missing, but the persons being monitored were here, and they were carrying suspicious signs of fire, which was enough for Saturk to arrest the other party first.

Just then, a **** sounded in the camp. That's the notification time.

When Satuk's men were about to rush over to control the suspicious characters, they saw the other side suddenly suddenly smiled strangely, and before they responded, they saw each other pull out of the storage bag, multiple barrels It flew out!

When the barrel was still in the air, he was shot and bombed by the opponent. As the oil spilled, several torches were thrown out. The oil immediately ignited and the flames burst into flames! Without any gap, the monks successively started to operate

Overwhelmingly covered Satuk and others!

"They are the Tang Dynasty's masterpiece! Grab them!" Saturk's face changed, and he shouted while avoiding, "You can't run away!"

Suddenly the fire ignited, although it engulfed several people under Saturk, but more monks rounded out and the other party had no way to escape.

Saturk was overjoyed, thinking that Nadine was suddenly wise, and only through a detail that had nothing to do with the itch, they discovered the fine works of the Tang people in the camp. As long as the people in front of them were caught, it would not be difficult to follow the vine and find out more When the DPRK made a detailed work, will the match code Chi be a spy?

However, before Saturk was completely happy, he heard the whole camp like a fry pan, and there were loud aura explosions and oil explosions everywhere! The flames flew into the air, lighting up one camp after another. I don't know how many tents were lit and how many monks were blown up.

Saturk was as white as time, and could not help but take two steps back. The horror, rashness, and unwillingness in his heart were too strong to describe.

He just held on to the fine works of the Tang dynasty. He only needs to give him a little more time to allow him to begin torture, and he will be able to wipe out all the Western monks in the camp and make great achievements. However, the chaos happened at this time. Action, everything is too late now!

The fire raged in the battalion, all over the place, and chaos spread instantly, sweeping the entire camp.

Sai Dianchi rushed to Mohad immediately and asked anxiously: "What's going on? Isn't the Tang Dynasty's fine works in chaos? Why are there so many Tang Dynasty's fine works in the camp? The people in the Supervision Institute are not Are you checking? "

Mohad was so anxious that he didn't have time to explore these issues with Saidian Chi. "The big camp is divided into two from the army's big account. You and I are responsible for each of them. We must control the situation and besiege the Tang Dynasty!"

Sai Dianchi was waiting for this sentence, which is also the purpose of his coming here, and immediately led away. Mohad's order is undoubtedly saying that the half of the camp where Saidian Chi is responsible will not have his own manpower. In this way, Saidianchi does not do whatever he wants to do?

Saidian Chi returned to the camp, mobilized the monks in the Great Temple with his own staff, and led them round and round, seemingly doing their due diligence, and letting everyone chase down the monks of the Western Region Commercial Bank, in fact, they randomly dispatched and let They ran around and couldn't reach each other.

In order to make the comparison not too obvious, Zhang Changan transferred most of his manpower to the camp where Mahathir was in charge, creating more trouble for Mahathir, delaying the speed and efficiency of calming the chaos, especially the arrangement of many monks. Siege of Mohad.

As the first wave of fire oil ignited the camp, the monks of the Western Region Commercial Bank rushed to the place where the team placed the fire oil, because Saidian Chi used his hands to run around everywhere. The defense force here was weak and was easily broken. More Fire oil burned in the camp.

Such a large-scale confusion, even a well-trained and battle-hardened army, needs some time to deal with, not to mention that this team was only an ordinary monk before and had no time to train, whether it is discipline, quality, ability They are all weak.

When Mohad was entangled by the monks of the Western Region Commercial Bank, and the Saidian Chi Gang was busy, where could they control the situation, it didn't take long for them to run around in a pan of sand, trample on each other, and just want to survive and not be killed. Without being burned to death, there is no time to act in an orderly manner to solve the problem of camp fire.

"It's over, it's over ..." Suddenly Nadine looked at the promise that was completely burning, watching the monks rushing into the wolverine appearance, and despaired in his heart.

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