The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 132: Bing Lincheng

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Ama He continued to feel anxious, and said with a toothache: "The Tang people moved extremely fast. When the monks of the nobles convened a seminar with monks at the temple and spread the" Qi Min Lun "to the civilian population, the government officials in various places in the Tang Dynasty also Established at the same time.

"The Tang people set up a county magistrate in Quxi Town. The main person is the Tang people. They have appointed a group of our monks and representatives of the aristocracy. In our knowledge, this is just the minions of the noble lords. It's something like collecting taxes.

"However, the unexpected was that on the first day of the county's establishment, the Tang people summoned the civilians in the town and announced some new civil affairs measures, which turned out to be a re-measurement of the acres of land, giving us the ability to divide the fields by households and people. What is the equal-field system, and the amount of food paid is too small, fifteen taxes and one ...

"In the following days, we realized that the county magistrates were not the minions of the aristocracy at all. What they did was all good for us. They distributed agricultural implement seeds, led everyone to repair bridges and roads, and built irrigation ditches. Those officials in the Tang Dynasty Many of them work in person, there is no shelf at all!

"They have also redefined the wage standard of the workshop, which is much higher than before!

"I do n’t understand many things, I do n’t understand, but it is undeniable that the lives of civilians in Quxi Town are much better than before. By the way, they have also established a school where any child can go to school. The achievements in the first three achievements can be practiced, but the price is only a thing called 'beam repair', that is, two pieces of dried meat.

"This makes parenting ecstatic. This not only changes the destiny of future generations, but also improves the existing family life in the foreseeable future!

"A while ago, a lot of people went to hunt in the wild in groups. After returning, regardless of the fact, they piled up the whole prey at the gate of the school. They were so angry that they were taken by Mr. Xuetang. There are too many prey, and the streets are blocked. Finally! Mr. Xuetang, squeezed out from the back of the hill, and taught them how to pickle meat ... "

Amazy said, his voice was getting lower and lower, and his confidence was getting weaker.

He himself felt that the policies of the Tang people were really generous, which should not be what the world should have, and the so-called Heavenly Wonderland was basically the same.

The common people of Quxi Town, who were first changed their minds by Qi Min Lun, are now being given real benefits by the Tang Dynasty government. Who doesn't know if it's good or bad?

Generally under such circumstances, at this time, there will be only two people, one is a vested interest, and the other is aspiring people who are worried about the country and the people.

The former is naturally a noble noble, but now the nobles have been killed a lot, and the rest can only be seen in the presence of Tang Junbing Feng.

Moreover, Datang did not cut everything across the board, knocking them out of the dust, and their original property was not affected. Not to mention, there is also a place in the government house, among which the nobles who are close to the Tang people have their status improved.

As for the latter, I am afraid that in the face of such an offensive in the Tang Dynasty, the Great Eater will perish and destroy the country, but on the one hand, the Great Cannibals did not receive Confucian education, and there is no Confucian school here, and their national feelings are far worse than that of the Hans;

On the other hand, the readers of Da Shi are all nobles. When they came together to oppose Datang, they were labeled by the rotten and dark nobles. They said that they squeezed the civilians and did not wait for them to gather the power of the people. To attack it, divide the property at home and the farmland outside.

The ordinary people are simple, and because of the difficult life, they are also the most pragmatic. The various policies implemented by Datang have gained their support, and they have really established a foothold.

Going back to the bottom, the Datang civilization is much more advanced than the food civilization. It came here to conquer it, logically, in line with historical trends.

After listening to Amahe's words, and looking at the tangled and confused look of Amahe, Xi Luchi's despair was like a volcano. The volcano is constantly spraying magma, and the clouds formed by the volcanic ash cover the sky, so that he can never see the light.

Xi Luchi knew that even at the last moment, Amahe would obey his orders, and even if he died for the true God, he would not retreat, and the loyalty of the other party was beyond doubt.

But because of this, at the moment, Amakor faced the confusion and distress of the status quo, and only then made Xi Luchi realize how turbulent and turbulent this wave of the Tang Dynasty was on the plateau, pointing directly at people's hearts and irreversibly.

"Amaho, you have to remember your identity. You are a believer and warrior of the true God. The true God is the only master in this world. As long as we fight for Him and dedicate our piety, He will surely save us! , Use demon to deceive people's hearts, and use evil to confuse people's thoughts.

"When the caliphs have assembled their forces, they will fight back and drive them out of here! The hardships and hardships are the test of the true God. Do n’t get lost, do n’t shake, or you will be abandoned by the true God before the light comes It's gone! "

Xi Luchi stared at Amahe with a right face, in a tone of indifference, full of unquestionable justice.

Amahe hurriedly saluted and vowed to show his heart: "Master Emir, rest assured that whenever and wherever and under whatever circumstances, Amahe will obey the order and fight for the true God to the last moment!"

Xi Luchi nodded, expressing satisfaction, and encouraged two words, then turned and left. Before leaving, he asked Amaho to wait for his follow-up order.

Amahe sent the other party out, saying that he would be ready to fight, and he could go to the Tang at any time.

When Xi Luchi's back disappeared in the snow-covered street, the last snowflake in the winter fell in front of Amahe, the thick clouds slowly dissipated, and a beam of sunlight fell on the bare treetops.

At this moment, Ama Hopi has clearly realized that Xi Luchi will not come again. And he will not receive another order. Here, they have no strength and no basis to attack the Tang people.

To be more precise, Xi Luchi did not dare to come again and did not dare to frequent activities on the plateau.


Before the spring bloom, Datang completed the emergency initial reconstruction and construction of the plateau. The land was temporarily stabilized. Even if there were no hundreds of thousands of troops to deter it, no major problems would occur in the short term.

After the Chang'an banned army has been rehabilitated for more than half of the winter, the wounded who can recover have basically recovered. The vitality of the three armed forces has been restored as before, and the subsequent heavy arms have been transported to the army.

Without any doubt, as the ice and snow melted, Tang Jun descended from the plateau to the west, in a row of mountains and seas, and dived into the food city of the two river basins, aiming directly at the capital city of Baghdad.

In addition to the Chang'an ban on the plateau, the Lingnan Fleet began cleaning up all forces not belonging to Datang in the Gulf. Short moon search

Within the bay, all eater vessels were missing, and even fishing boats were gone. The large eclipse warship that had escaped from the ocean before was also swallowed up by the Lingnan fleet in this big cleanup.

After taking complete control of the Gulf, the Lingnan Fleet's Marines dispatched and began to sweep the city within a hundred miles of the Gulf, officially opening a second battlefield on the flank in response to the Changan embargo's attack on Baghdad.

In the spring and March of the Sixth Year of the God's Order, Wang Shi arrived in the two river basins and, after ten months of battle, captured cities and towns within a hundred miles around Baghdad; at the same time, the Lingnan Hai Division Army captured the Susa city. In April, Chang'an banned troops approached Baghdad and attacked the city.

In order to stabilize the plateau, and at the same time to allow the soldiers in the expedition to fight for several months to get a certain rest, the entire Tangdong Tang army did not fight, which undoubtedly gave Malun the time to assemble the two river basins, eating troops, monks, and supplies.

Therefore, at this time, the city of Baghdad had complete defenses and strong fortifications. The most frightening thing is that Malun gathered the strength of monks and built a new wall outside the city, supplemented by pure military settings, such as Jianlou Gaoba, etc., forming a tight system of defense circles.

In order to cope with the strong bow and crossbow of the Tang army, there are dense stone rooms in the walled city, which can be used by soldiers to avoid when the arrow rain falls.

"At this time, the city of Baghdad can be said to be a copper wall and iron wall. It is as stable as Mount Tai. It is not easy to break into it. And even if it breaks through the newly built outer wall, between the outer wall and the Baghdad city wall, there are countless well-shaped streets divided by the tower walls. Seeing the construction of the fortifications is very suitable for big cannibals to carry out street fighting. "

On the Chang'an ship, Qi Wang's Jinyi jade belt, lightly shook the folding fan, pointed at the mountains and mountains, and the airy instruments, so that Li Ye could not help but applaud.

After hearing this, Li Xun slowly said: "In the First World War, the army quickly broke through the front line of defense. Western Commercial Banks destroyed the recruiting team behind them, leaving Mullen unable to deal with it. The damage to monks and supplies was real. Today, The great food and military power have been greatly damaged, but after all it is a big country, many monks, and African material support, the ability of this last battle is still available.

"War is the best mentor. The fierce confrontation between the two armies before has also helped Da Shi fully understand our king's fighting methods. In the past few months, Mullen has been operating Baghdad against the defense. Failure to enter is also the intention in the question.

"In addition to the division of the King of Food Service, we also responded."

Speaking of which, Li Min paused and made his final judgment, "In short, this last battle is not easy to fight, not better than Mulu City. But as long as it captures Baghdad, the eclipse will be destroyed. The journey has completed the most important part. "

King Qi took a look at Li Yi, groaned for a moment, and suddenly said: "In addition to the strict defense of Baghdad, the biggest defense depends on Mullen's personal cultivation. Now that Mullen's injuries are gone, his combat power is restored, and the battle against Changan France also knows a lot, and the next big threat will be. "

Of course Li Yong agreed, but he didn't mean to be afraid.

King Qi asked curiously: "How is the situation in Xianyu?"

The best way to deal with Mullen is to take Li Li himself. This will require the victory of the fairyland battle, so that Li Li can transfer Xiu to the world.

Instead of answering King Qi's question directly, Li Yan issued a military order to the army, "From tomorrow on, attack Baghdad!"

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