The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 22: Azure civilization world (6)

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From another perspective, everyone in this era is actually a saint.

Today, Li Yan brought a little girl she did n’t know to buy candy. The young woman took her to play on the carousel. An old man was eating, and he was immediately rescued. The pervert who wanted to commit a crime was immediately stopped.

Li Ye was very pleased to see that the human beings of the earth can be so beautiful and healthy in the future society, which makes him have a kind of pride as a human being on the earth. It is not easy for the civilization of the earth to develop to this day.

People are not alone, they are not alone, they make the old end, the strong are useful, the young grow, and the widow, widow, lonely, lonely, and disabled are all supported ... It is the sameness to seek conspiracy and unhappiness.

What is Datong society? Use the power of society to support people in society; let the power of society be used by society.

Although Li Yuan saw only a limited amount of things, but based on his observations of the blue system, the greatest wisdom of the blue civilization, the small society is the smallest, and the blue society is the one closest to the Datong society.

Datong society does not exist in ancient times, but it will definitely exist in the future. Civilization is constantly developing, and the times will continue to progress. This is an inevitable trend in the development of things.

What Li Zhi has experienced and seen is that those social problems and social darkness could not be properly resolved at that time, but the "future" in front of them is no longer a problem; those he once imagined and hoped for The society is beautiful, and the "future" in front of us has been realized.

This is human power.

So in the final analysis, all problems will eventually be solved by the progress of the times and the progress of civilization. If it has not been resolved, it must be because civilization is not yet developed enough, the times have not gone far enough, and it will take time.

The future is bright, and the future is bound to be better. From Ru Mao to drink blood, to slavery of the same kind, to worry-free clothing and food, to equality and freedom, to the Datong society "after 24,000 years", and even to the happy era that Li Yong could not imagine, humans have been on the road and never stopped.

But in such a good civilized society, human beings have paid a heavy price, took so many detours, and a beautiful world that was so difficult to realize has been destroyed by the demons, and even destroyed!

After seeing the world of azure civilization, Li Zhi was completely unbearable.

As the emperor of Datang, as a great monk who practiced the Tao, he should protect the beautiful world in front of him no matter what he said.

Before returning to the tavern, He Jie did not know when he had come to the door, was leaning against an old lamppost, lit a cigarette, and swallowed the clouds and fog in the night full of lights.

Her figure is really exquisite, her legs are raised forward and backward, and her mature woman's charm is shown to the fullest-perhaps more accurately, she is naked. This is a walking stunner, and a glance will make male creatures involuntarily associate with the bed.

However, the "mature" of the body does not represent the "mature" of the mind. In Li Yan's eyes, this is a woman in the psychophysical and savvy period. She has the fruits of life and tastes, but the taste may not be sweet-how many wise men in this world are fully mature?

After crossing to the Tang Dynasty, Li Yan never smoked again, but later he almost forgot. At this moment, when he saw the picture of this beautiful woman swallowing the cloud, his interest was also hooked up, and he asked for the other one. The good news is that it's not ladies smoke.

When the two stood together to spit out the fog, He Jie's eyes softly murmured, "I actually envy them."

This unexplained sentence made Li Jiezhang the second monk confused: "Who?"

"The little girl you are holding."

He Jie's voice seemed far away and near, some misty, "and the children who, like her, enjoy the best world of the blue civilization.

"They were nurtured by the blue civilization and raised with the most scientific and reasonable system from an early age. They realized that the whole society is full of love and care, and they have not had the hardships they should not suffer, and they have the opportunity to form a healthy three perspectives from the beginning.

Speaking of this, she laughed at herself, "From the beginning, a healthy and correct worldview, values, and outlook on life can be formed. This is probably the luckiest thing that people can meet in this world."

From this sentence, Li Zhi heard the meaning of heavy and painful.

He Jie annihilated the cigarette **** in his hand, and bounced it into the trash bin not far away. He took a new one out of the cigarette case, ignited a blaze of fire from his finger, took a deep breath and slowly spit it out. When it came, when you extinguished the flame at the tip of your finger, you did not forget to shake it twice.

Her voice was low, and she continued: "They will understand self-esteem and self-love from an early age, understand the importance of trusting their peers, know what to pursue in this life, and understand what is shameful.

"When they are young girls, they will not stand in the middle of the road with heavy rain because of her boyfriend's abandonment, hoping that a passing car will kill themselves or follow someone who goes to bed to take this. Revenge on her boyfriend.

"When they see beautiful clothes and dazzling jewelry, they will not be fascinated and unable to move. They will not be willing to contribute their bodies in order to obtain them. They believe that this is fair trade and reasonable. As it should be.

"When they are leaps and bounds in the world, are bruised by unfair people and things, are physically and mentally exhausted, and ugly by the ugly people and things lying on the roadside and vomiting, they will not be because of the darkness they have experienced, Deny the entire world, since then profit only, no longer trust anyone, and live like a beast ... "

He Jie's voice gradually diminished, and her voice became trembling. At last she stopped, just slamming her head down.

Li Ye did not comment, and did not even say anything comforting. Although he knew, what He Jie said should be the past she experienced.

Like Zhou Bashan, she should come from a remote and impoverished place. In the battle between Azure and Demon, the times there have retrogressed and the social situation has deteriorated. She has lost her right to enjoy the welfare of Azure from an early age.

He Jie's mood soon returned to normal. Regardless of whether her mood was peaceful or not, she had at least a signature charming smile on her face, as if the clear tear that had fallen from her eyes never existed.

She smiled and said, "But what about it, what you didn't get, after that time, you can't get it anymore. No one is young, which old woman can be a girl again, and re-establish her three View?

"Those things you have experienced are real. They are accumulated in your life and cannot be erased, so the current appearance is also real and stubborn. It is difficult to change the nature of rivers and mountains, and once the three views of people are formed, , It cannot be easily changed, even if it is known that it may be wrong.

"So, the old woman still doesn't trust others. Other people know the old woman's appearance, and they won't believe that she will suddenly change and become innocent and kind.

"This life will be able to live this way, whether it is wrong or wrong, and smart forces, there is nothing better than protecting yourself from cruel reality.

Is injury more important? "

Li Yan still had nothing to say. If An Qier is in front of him, he will certainly comfort and let the other party feel caring; if it is Zhou Bashan, he will fight with the other party and let the other party vent their anger.

But He Jie now faces. As she said, she was not so easy to change, and would not be touched by his comfort.

She is a hard rock, a hard rock that she doesn't want to get hurt anymore, so she protects herself tightly because she is afraid of getting hurt again. No one can easily pry open this protective shell.

Words of comfort, closeness, and any frivolous intent to touch the protective shell will only make He Jie feel young and ridiculous and make her contempt.

For Li Yan, all he wanted was that He Jie could not drag the team behind.

That's it.

"I don't think you're really drunk. Go for another round?"

Li Yanfei flew the cigarette **** in his hand, "I didn't drink enough, that point is coming. This state is undoubtedly the most uncomfortable when drinking."

"Your men are all dead, not just when you're drinking?" He Jie rolled her eyes and twisted the water snake waist to advance the door of the tavern.

Zhou Bashan fell asleep droolingly holding the legs of the table, and he did n’t know what he was dreaming of. The legs of the table had already been bitten and snapped off; Cervantes seemed to sleep like an old monk, motionless, no sound .

An Qier hugged the puppet people into a ball, curled up in the corner of the deck, because of the excessive force, the puppet people were deformed like rubber. Her fragile body was getting smaller and smaller, like a little stray cat afraid of danger coming at any time.

Looking at the messy cup holder, He Jie proposed that the two of them find a table again. Li Yan, who bought a good wine, shook his head, walked with a big hand, and cleaned the table casually. He sat down beside An Qier and motioned for He Jie to sit opposite.

When Li Yan sat down next to An Qier, He Jie glanced under his eyes without any malicious intentions. On the contrary, it was a different color related to warmth, and he no longer insisted on his opinions.

The two had no reservations about this meal, and they drank not to mention the heat, but the battle was absolutely fierce. He Jie even made himself sit unsteadily, as if he would shrink under the table at any time to go with Zhou Bashan.

When drinking the last bottle of wine, He Jie changed seats with Li Yan and moved to sleep next to An Qi'er. Li Zhi is naturally awake, and the five sage masters cannot possibly stay awake—although Li Zhi knows, the other four are by no means really drunk.

Glancing at He Jie and An Qier, Li Yi smiled slightly.

He Jie would say those words to him outside the door tonight, but he had already explained something.

This team is moving in a good direction.

Li Yan is sure. When the three-month period expires, the team of monks will have the basic conditions for infiltrating the enemy to perform dangerous tasks.

The next day, when everyone went to the training base, An Qier was still aggressive, and he was in a fierce fight with Zhou Bashan. He Jie still taunts An Qier from time to time, in exchange for the threat of An Qier's claws and dancing claws, feels good, and will bury Zhou Bashan together.

Zhou Bashan was still very angry, but he looked at other people's eyes obviously closer than before.

As for Li Yan, no one said how he did not punish himself.

Problems will still occur during team training, but out of control on the battlefield, internal fighting will never happen again.

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