The Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 623: Weird red

Even Quasimodo, Yang Qingfang and others bowed their heads to show respect.

The three elders of the Tianshu Pavilion, that are the fossils of the monastic world with both reputation and strength, and they cannot tolerate ordinary people.

Regardless of whether he is the king of a country or the lord of a religion, he will not dare to make mistakes in front of Tianshu Pavilion.

Chang Xuanyi waved his hand gently, as if driving a fly.

I saw the two people who were bound in the air, instantly unlocking the five rings of five elements and falling back to the ground.

Quasimodo and Yang Qingfang took it together, which avoided the fate of the two falling into meatloaf.

Huangfu Shenliang bit his lip, as if he had a lot to say, but he still didn't say it. He just hid behind the Spirit Devouring Demon Toad, his eyes kept flashing, like fear and hate.

Chang Xuanyi shook his head and sighed: "That's all for today's affairs, that Yinglong Fragment and Linzhou Ding are related to Tao Tang Grand Duke Li Shi.

Don't have too much obsession. It is his, and it will be his after all, and no one can take it away. "

Quasimodo and Yang Qingfang looked at each other, exhaled a suffocating breath, resigned helplessly: "Yes."

Speaking, Quasimodo came to Vinya who was unconscious, carried him on his shoulders, and fleeed away.

Looking at the direction, he planned to return directly to the northwest.

But Yang Qingfang came to Yang Shaotai's burnt corpse, took out a ring, and took a photo of the charred corpse.

The white light flashed, and Yang Shaotai's body disappeared in place.

After putting away Yang Shaotai's body, Yang Qingfang glanced at Yang Luokui on the other side.

Immediately, he glanced at Li Shi with a gloomy look, but in the end he didn't say anything. He threw the crutches into the sky and used it as a means of transportation, and quickly flew away from the lake.

On the other side, the Spirit Devouring Demon Banner also turned Huangfu Shenliang and Lei Dong into a plume of black smoke, floating towards the sky.

The major giants targeting Li Shi have already left, and the other small fishes and shrimps are naturally trembling with fright.

They didn't dare to run away, but knelt on the ground and kept asking Li Shi for forgiveness.

Li Shi thought for a while and asked Zhao Yun to go to the nearby city and transfer some soldiers to come.

He intends to keep these monks in Tao Tang as coolies!

Provoking Lao Tzu and killing them, although it can be solved for a while, but it is too cheap for them.

Leaving them in Taotang, imprisoning their power, let them contribute to the construction of the new Taotang, this is the most terrible punishment.

If these people knew what Li Shi was thinking, they would definitely shout: Are you the devil? !

And when the battlefield gradually calmed down, Dugu Lang approached with a smile...

Abnormal protrusion!

I saw a ray of blood red holy origin suddenly emerging from behind Li Shi!

In the holy spirit, a grimace that seemed to be crying but not crying appeared quietly.

"Be careful!"

Dugu Lang was facing that direction and immediately exclaimed.

And Li Shi also felt the cold behind him, and wanted to turn around, but as if being imprisoned, his whole body was frozen.

The holy spirits at this time, as well as Chang Xuanyi himself, were slightly relaxed because of the few enemies who had just left, and were not by Li Shi's side.

Therefore, seeing this sudden redness, there is no time to stop it!

"Jie Jie Jie, Chang Daochang, I do not agree with your theory!

As long as Lao Tzu occupies this Li Shi's body, his treasures, his chances, his luck... everything about him belongs to Lao Tzu."

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