The Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 631: Take advantage of the fire and rob Li Papi

"Bandits? You guys are indiscriminately plundering other people's homes. Are you the bandits?"

Li Shi slapped coldly, and unceremoniously put the Spirit Swallowing Demon Flag into his fingers, without blushing the whole time.

These people have no resistance right now, so if you don't take this opportunity to get rid of it, and to promote your reputation as Li Papi and Li Mozu, when will you wait?

Then Li Shi followed the law and searched Lei Dong, Quasimodo, Yang Qingfang and others.

It is a pity that apart from the Spirit Swallowing Demon Banner, the other gains are not very satisfactory.

These people seem to have a way to hide their treasures, so much so that Li Shiyi didn't find the place where their treasure was hidden.

But even so, looking at these disgusting guys, lying on the grass at the mercy of others, this feeling is quite nice!

"Li Shi, are you satisfied now? Can you take away this supernatural power?"

Yang Qingfang's face was calm, as if he didn't care, but when Li Shi stretched the claws to her body just now, he could still feel Yang Qingfang's anger and murderous aura.

This guy was obviously not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

And hearing Yang Qingfang's words, Li Shi began to feel embarrassed again.

In fact, he really wants to kill these people all at once, but unfortunately...

Seeing those outsiders with wide-eyed outside the defense line, Li Shi couldn't help scratching his head.

In full view, it's not easy to kill people...

"You can't kill them, otherwise it will cause turmoil in the mainland.

Tao Tang currently seems to be prosperous, but in fact it is only the leader of the duchy. Compared with those big countries, there is still a big gap.

If they really spare no effort to retaliate against Tao Tang, then it is likely that the efforts of the past six months have been wasted! "

Mei'er's clear voice came out of her head, intersecting with Ao Xun's voice, like reverberation of left and right channels.

Two beautiful girls, each speaking in their own minds, this kind of experience is quite novel and interesting.

Li Shi was even more embarrassed to hear Mei'er's words.

What Meier said is reasonable, and you can't fool these people at will in this case.

At least you can't let others know that these people died in Tao Tang in full view.

They are not anonymous, standing behind them are some of the top forces on the Profound Emperor Continent.

If you retaliate together, Tao Tang's current ability can't compete!

"Huh! Coward!"

Ao Xun held an objection: "Are you determined to dominate the mainland and take the Xuanhuang second?

In that case, why bother to be afraid of the first and the tail, afraid of this and that? "

"What you said is simple, you will help Lao Tzu bear the consequences of killing them?!"

Li Shi retorted unceremoniously. Now he was outside of his body, and he didn't have to face Ao Xun's tender but lethal little feet. Li Shi was not so afraid of Ao Xun.

"Huh! Look, Benlong will let you see what true strength is!"

Li Shi suddenly felt a shock in his head, as if something had come out of his body.


The heaven and the earth suddenly thought of a majestic dragon roaring sound, and in an instant, it caused the violent storm to become more intense, as if to welcome the arrival of the emperor.

Above the clouds, a black figure slowly emerged.

Hundred-zhang dragon body, flying through the clouds!

With wings on your back, call the wind and call the rain!

Ying Long Aoxun, once again appeared above the sky in everyone's shocked eyes

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