The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 1076: Hellfire Stone

After the careful explanation of the Grey Knight Grand Master, Soshyan finally knew the whole story.

It turned out that the target of the Grey Knights had always been the demon Madel, and they planned to seal this demon first, and then go back to deal with Abaddon.

According to Diego, if this demon gets out of trouble, the situation of the Expelling Star will really get out of hand, and I am afraid that even the Extermination Order will not have any effect.

But Madelei was also counting on the Grey Knights.

It set up a trap to lure the Grey Knights to what they thought was the sealed land. Because the Grey Knights had a special way to deal with demons, it was just that Madele would not be so embarrassed.

But I didn't expect that this demon had already united with the Black Legion, and the Grey Knights were ambushed by the Chaos Space Marines, led by the champion swordsman Tremanon of the Black Legion.

This time, the Grey Knights were caught by surprise, with heavy casualties. If it wasn't for Diego's sudden appearance, there would be a risk of the entire army being wiped out.

"What the **** is Madelei, just a demon worth such a big fight?"

After listening, Soshyan expressed the biggest doubt in his heart.

"Even before the archenemy Abaddon?"

After Herald and Diego looked at each other, it was Diego who told the truth.

"It is not a simple demon. The existence of Madeleine is very ancient, even earlier than the history of human existence... Everyone knows that demons, especially powerful demons, cannot exist in the physical universe for a long time, even if Summoned in a certain way, it will continue to weaken over time, and it takes a great price to maintain this existence... This is the essence of demons, they are naturally repelled by the material world, and they are illusory Yes, it will return to the warp once it is expelled, but it does not return to the warp."

"Madeel is different from other demons?"

"That's right, it's different, it doesn't belong to the subspace, and it's not completely illusory... According to records, the earliest monks of the monastery spent a lot of money to understand some secrets of the existence of Madeleine, This demon is also transformed by the existence of a certain entity, but it uses a certain way to leave part of the essence of its own material body during the transformation. This essence becomes its anchor in the material world, so that it will not be repelled by the material world. , so it can exist in physical space for a long time without becoming part of some Chaos gods, but the disadvantage is that once it is banished, it will be forced to return to its anchor point."

"in this situation--"

For some reason, the word Golden Throne suddenly popped up in Soshyan's mind.

But he wasn't stupid enough to say it.

"Then why didn't you just seal that... essence?"

Diego shook his head.

"We know it's hidden here, but we don't know the exact location. The monastery searched for it for a long time but found nothing."

"What kind of thing would it be?"

"I don't know, it may be a certain artifact, or it may be a certain crystal. The only thing confirmed in the record is that it is called the Hellfire Stone."

"Hellfire Stone..."

Soshyan lowered his head slightly and began to digest the information he got.

Indeed, a demon prince who can exist in physical space for a long time is a huge threat, and it is understandable that the Grey Knights want to solve it first.

But for Soshyan, this is just a demon. He believes that it can't turn the sky with the power of several chapters.

"Now that it has merged with Abaddon, I believe our goals are the same."

When Soshyan said this, he kept looking at Diego, waiting for the other party to make a statement.

The Grey Knight Grand Instructor nodded slightly.

"Yes, our goals are the same."

The next words, Soshyang considered for a while, and finally said in a very cautious tone:

"Then next... I hope that the Grey Knights can actively cooperate with the operation. If you need equipment or military support, I will arrange the deployment as much as possible."

"The Religion will cooperate in the next battle."

Diego said and walked to the strategy table with the hologram.

"What are your plans now?"

"There is no better plan. We decided to storm Attica, destroy the Great Marauder as fast as possible, and drag it on... I'm afraid there will be more incidents."

Diego looked at the strategic situation map for a while, frowning slightly.

"It will cost a lot of casualties."

"There is no other better way, the warp rift will not be sealed for a day, and the demons of the evil star will only continue to increase."

"Speaking of which, we have a secret passage to quickly reach the seal of the underground fissure in Attica."

Diego then throws out his plan.

"When you attacked on the ground, we entered through the passage and quickly sealed the rift, so that the Black Legion would lose the support of the demons."

Soshyan's eyes suddenly lit up, he was worried that he didn't know how to arrange the Grey Knights to fight.

After all, their existence is so secretive, it is not suitable to cooperate with the Astral Army on the front.

"This method works!"

But then his face darkened again.

"But you have sacrificed so many soldiers just now, are you..."

Diego smiled slightly.

"Add me, that's enough."

At this time, Azrael also said:

"I believe in the ability of Diego's mentor, he can definitely seal the rift."

Now that Azrael spoke up, Soshyan no longer doubted.

"Okay, that's it, but it will take a week for the campaign to start. The latest batch of Astral Army and supplies will arrive soon."

"No problem, you can arrange it."

The meeting soon ended in a friendly atmosphere, and each chapter leader also left the field and returned to their respective warships, but Soshyan met with Mazar and Titus for a while to chat, mainly about the situation within the alliance. .

For the most part, little has happened for the past two years, but one incident brought up by Mazar sparked Soshyan's ism.

Blood Angels think tank Mephisto arrived at Ness IV about half a year ago, and had a meeting with Malakin. No one knew about the process, but Mephisto seemed to be very angry, and he was in Victory Scar again. It took two weeks to leave, during which time he also met with Mazar and Titus, but he kept asking them about the wailers.

According to the sailing records left by Victory Scar, it seems that the opposing warship was not heading in the direction of Baal, but in the direction of the ghoul star After Mephisto left, Malakin had a preoccupied look for a long time, and while he seemed gloomy most of the time, that time stood out.

There is nothing else. Ness 4 is as peaceful and peaceful as ever. Thanks to the help of the casting world Zhao Akada, the industry of the planet has developed rapidly. Several large-scale composite processing plants have begun to be built on the surface, and new ones are being built on the track. a large dock.

Knowing that everything was fine, Soshyan said goodbye to the two friends with confidence and returned to the Eternal Loyalty.

He returned to the flagship, first held a meeting with each company commander, explained the next strategic plan, and then met with Kayan and Talos to chat about the encounter and situation during this period.

After five hours of work, he went to the armament room, took off the armor that he had worn for several months, handed it over to the servants for maintenance, and then returned to his private room wearing a robe.

But when he ordered the door to open, it was locked from the inside.

"Open the door, Veronica, it's me."

He spoke to the man inside through the microphone with the lowest possible voice.

There was no reply, Soshyang sighed helplessly, and said again with weariness:

"Open the door, I'm tired."

This time the door opened, and Veronica, who was wearing a long pale green tulle dress, raised her pretty face and glared at Soshyan angrily.

"You still know how to come back?"

"It's a war."

Soshyang shook his head, and then saw that the table in the private room had already placed exquisite food.

He opened his mouth, then his face relaxed.


Veronica snorted softly, turned and walked back into the house, Soshyan followed, and the door was closed again.

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