The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1407: Decay Offensive (Part 1)

"Fight them back! Reinforcements are on the way! Don't let go of one of the lackeys of the Lord of Corruption, for Kane! For survival!"

The moment the airdrop pod was opened, the former soldier of the 6th Company of the Death Guard and now the captain of the "No. 0 Dish" squad of the 6th Sepsis Battalion, Nucreon Rotis, let out a deep laugh.

Although he couldn't understand the language of this inferior race, he could understand the fear and despair in the other party's heart——

The most fragrant flowers always bloom in the soil of despair.

With this thought in mind, he took his notebook from the cheering Nurgling, pulled out the pen on his shoulder, and wrote this sentence on it.

The armor of Nucreon Rotis is a sickly green as a whole, and the dirty and rusted armor together with the corrupted flesh presents a "giant view" like a rotting corpse, with sores, ulcers and open wounds everywhere. It can be seen that the wriggling tentacles and the iconic bone horn on the left shoulder prove a further mutation, while the face part has already mutated into a strange structure, only a copper ball can be seen embedded in the broken inner armor, showing this A Plague Warrior embraces Nurgle's blessed power deeply.

Most of the time, he was surrounded by two chattering Nurglings, one cradling a plague censer given by Mortarion, the primarch of the devil, which had been emitting a deadly scent of plague, and the other He wears a rusted and broken helmet that once belonged to him when he was still human.

Unlike most Plague Lords, Nucreon Rotis has absolute loyalty to Mortarion, the father of genes, and dedicated himself to the Legion wholeheartedly. This loyalty even exceeds his loyalty to Nurgle. His beliefs also won him the favor of Mortarion.

In the long war of ten thousand years, the galaxy has become a crazier place, and this craziness has also infected most of the Legionnaires of the past. Betrayal and arrogance have become a kind of epidemic, but Nucreon Rotis has not. Infected by many evil deeds.

He still remembers the battles when the Legion was the Twilight Raiders before becoming the Death Guard, when he was scrawny and covered in bruises, the hallmarks of his pride.

And before that, he remembered living on Barbarus as a child, it was a nightmare, nothing could be worse - living in a prison of the dead or the living to survive struggle.

It was Mortarion who brought them liberation, which the rest of the Legion would never understand.

Nucreon Rotis does not consider himself a blind fanatic, he understands that the Primarch has weaknesses, but he will never forget the first act to gain freedom, only to witness the warlords on the mountain cringe. The mortals who acted with impunity and who had only witnessed what the Lord of Death did to save the people could not really understand what his allegiance was.

That's why, even with the rip-offs from Typhons and various brutal warlords, the Death Guard hasn't really split.

The Legion's veterans are still grateful, and they will never forget the Primarch's attempted and ultimately unsuccessful efforts, of which Nucreon Rotis was one.

Therefore, in this raid, Typhons was the leader, and Nucreon represented the will of the Primarch. The cooperation and game between the two determined the success or failure of the entire operation.

But fortunately, compared with the stubbornness of the vast majority of the 14th Legion, Nucreon Rotis has a sharp mind that is completely different from his huge and slow body, especially among the Death Guards, which can be called Oglin. smart head.

But this leads to another peculiar flaw, which is his morbid obsession with all philosophical thinking, and occasionally gets caught up in it.

Nucreon Rotis even asks his warriors to learn to think well.

"The Sixth Sepsis Brigade is in place."

Raising his head, watching the dark green scratches swept across the sky, Nucreon Rotis sent a signal to some existence in the distance.

Typhons in the fleet was in charge of weakening the enemy's firepower, and Nucreon Rotis led a raid on the fortress, which was a plan that had been designated before.

"Raise the wrath of a loving father on these vile and alien heads."

Typhons' lukewarm voice rang in his ears, and Nucreon Rotiss just snorted in response.

To be honest he didn't like Typhons at all, the guy didn't even respect the Primarch, seeing himself as the Father's favorite son, forgetting who made him an Astarte.

However, the overall situation is the most important, and he has no intention to make trouble with the other party. After the war is over, each other will have time.

All the elements have been sorted out in his mind, and the slow moving pace of Nucreon Rotis has now completely become a part of his body. The exoskeleton, which used to be called power armor, immediately emits a rusted door opening like a There's a rubbing sound, and there's a "crack" sound like a damp sponge when his soft soles hit hard Nurgling with his once-helmet senses his movement , walked up arrogantly, and another Nurgling jumped on his shoulders holding the bronze censer.

Behind him, the soldiers of the "Zero Min" squad followed their lord with guns.

On the wider battlefield, the landing capsules opened one after another with corrosive green gas, and staggering rotten giants paced out of them.

They were greeted by the intense firepower of the Dark Eldar, but these giants in decaying armor were still slow, as if they were just taking a walk.

More than 2,000 plague warriors participated in the landing operation, including a large number of affiliated cultists, some armored vehicles and a small-scale demon group. They approached the main building of the ether fortress from three directions, while the distant fleet continued to bombard This aether fortress forced the defenders to put a lot of energy into the shield, thereby reducing the firepower on the ground.

And the Dark Eldar were not willing to sit still. They kept shooting with their poison crystal guns, and at the same time manipulated the tearing cannons and pulse cannons on the fortress to create micro-explosions one after another on the battlefield.

In response, a dozen roaring war machines slowly drove out of the thick green fog at the edge of the battle line.

They are huge in size, comparable to the largest armored vehicles in the Empire. The general outline is like a beetle crawling on the ground, and the rusted green metal shell is full of corroded pits, making them look like scavengers. Garbage truck put together by people.

In front of the car body is a huge and thick blade, on both sides are heavy assault guns, and there is a heavy bomb on the car body.

But the most conspicuous is the huge and exaggerated mortar behind its hull.

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