The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1472: The end of the magic book

"rush out!"

Throwing the bolter that shot the empty bullet aside, Soshyan clenched the sword in both hands. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Talos had also discarded the bolter, and their plasma weapons had already run out of energy.

Soshyan roared and jumped towards the death jester standing in the middle, and pressed one of them to the ground unresponsive. With smooth movements, he raised his sword over his head and stabbed his opponent's spine, wearing a death mask. The clown immediately began to convulse, and then returned to stillness.

When Soshyan split the corpse of the enemy, Philo Rona's power rod spurted out a stream of energy belonging to hell, burning another Eldar to ashes.

As he turned to attack the next enemy, a rain of bullets hit his armor.

Alpha Think Tank swiftly slashed down the Power Scepter, but the Harlequin moved faster, leaping over the blade, trying to shoot a gust of bullets at the Think Tank's breastplate.

Although Philo Ronana's scepter missed the target, it slashed the opponent's weapon. The stuck gun spewed feebly, and then the two threw away the entangled weapons in unison, as if they wanted to. Fight.

But Philo Rona, who is a think tank, would not be so stupid. He directly sent out a spear of energy, which hit the belly of the Eldar and penetrated a smooth hole.

Harlequin staggered a few steps, then knelt on the ground—as if the eyes hidden behind the slender helmet were staring at him.

Philo Rona took a step forward and slammed the opponent with a whistling power scepter, knocking the alien's head off his shoulders.

Facing an almost endless number of enemies, Kayang finally realized that it was difficult to escape with the existing means, so after repelling the siege of several film and television viewers, he chose the ultimate means.

Kayan dragged a dying harlequin up and drew a ritual dagger against its belly.

"Sorry, it might hurt a bit, but please rest assured, I'll try to hurry up."

Saying that, the jagged blade easily pierced through the spirit bone armor and the flesh and blood underneath, the spirit clan screamed in pain, blood splashed, and an arc was drawn.

Kayan spun his blade, murmured the incantation, while the other hand picked up the thick book wrapped in human skin wrapped in chains on his belt. .

As the mantra was chanted, the clown was held high in the air by the growing blood threads, and the blood stretched in the air and gradually darkened.

After undoing the chain wrapped around the book, Kayan inserted his free hand into the wound in the alien's abdomen.

He twisted his fingers as if trying to open a latch.

The Eldar screamed again, and then the scream suddenly turned to silence, but this scream immediately attracted the attention of the film and television viewers.

"What is he going to do!"

"Stop him!"

But Soshyan was already in front of Kayan, protecting the law for Kayan, and the harlequins couldn't cross this high wall at all.

At this time, the book was already hanging in the air, controlled by the blood of the Spirit Race.

Kayan retracted his hand and took a step back, then took another step back. Ribbons of blood and flesh follow his hand, and he makes blood droplets splatter on the face of the screaming demon on the cover, forming a peculiar graphic.

"Sing... the final chapter of the Dark Prince's Blasphemy."

Kayan said in a low voice when the air became unpleasant. At this time, the book was slowly opened, and there was a sound after another, like the howl of a distant beast.

The thousand sons immediately took the ritual blade in their blood-stained hands and began to carve the seal of the dark prince on the still twitching harlequin corpse. The thing was approaching, and the warp frost spread over the armor and eyepieces of the surrounding Space Marines.

As Alpha who has been wandering in the Chaos forces for a long time, they are not surprised by this. Only Philo Rona looked at Kayang and frowned slightly. He did not like to deal with demons, but it seems that it is not better at the moment. way.

The next second, the harlequin hanging in the air suddenly began to slap, and then disintegrated from within with a terrible sound, as if something was about to pull it out of a pinhole.

It left only a throbbing wet red, cracked like a grinning mouth. Kayang threw a soul stone into the wound, which greedily devoured it, and then the wound opened and spewed out a Horror light, glowing with a multi-colored light of nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, the bell rang, mixed with the sound of cymbals and other difficult-to-recognize instruments, inhuman sneers flooded the corridor, and a melody that was both cheerful and scary.

Soshyan remembered this voice, and he still remembered the fierce battle with the great demon named Singer back then.

The colored smoke penetrated into reality, filled and shattered in the corridors, and finally turned into entities.

Accompanied by the sweet and intimate singing, the beautiful face stared at all the Eldar present with terrifying eyes.

The soul connection between the Dark Eldar and Slaanesh is an unbelievable spiral of cruelty, pain, and suffering, so the spiritual pulse of the entire race flows all the time to the embrace of the God of Pain and Pleasure, and their love for the Prince of Darkness. The family members are also very sensitive.

When the ethereal singing sounded, all the Dark Eldar, including the Nightmare, fell into a kind of trance, and some of them even appeared crazy self-mutilation.

Taking advantage of this confusion, Soshyan roared decisively:

"Rush! Speed ​​up and rush out! Don't get entangled with them!"

Although the Dark Eldar couldn't bear it, the Harlequins represented by the Laughing God had a certain resistance to the power of Slaanesh, so they did not stop attacking.

They wandered around the Astartes warriors, but they didn't dare to get too close to Khayon, who controlled the magic tome, and could only dance in a spiral.

At this moment, Soshyan suddenly noticed something, turned around and walked towards a dark place.

Soon he came out with the tousled hair of Madame Candice, the noble of the Cabal helplessly kicked her slender legs, and then Soshyan bent down and grabbed her forearm, gently It shattered in one pinch.

The noblewoman immediately let out an inelegant wailing, because the bones of her arm turned into pieces.

"I'm sorry for killing your daughter, but I have to say that you guys look alike...especially the After that, Soshyan stuck the tip of his sword in it, The power sword pierced through the dress, flesh and bones, and pierced through the opponent's chest, and the blood gushed for a while.

Candice twisted her body, trying to break free from the blade, and then a scream cut through the air.

Soshyan directly tore off her head, turned to face the passageway, and held up the still-bleeding trophy. He knew that the Nightmare Bishop must be watching it.

He raised his head above his head, threw it on the ground, and turned to leave.

"No, no, we were wrong..."

In the darkness, the malicious soaring unicorn really stared at Soshyan's back. Just after attacking Occam, he suddenly had some kind of feeling.

When he turned his eyes to the source of induction, he suddenly discovered a terrible fact.

Previously, they deduced that Ingel would wake up, and followed the traces to find Occam and others who were carrying the sealed Ingel cube, but when he looked at Soshyan, he found that the doll thread was already wrapped around that person. .

The so-called doll line is the name of the clown's invisible hint to the laughing god, which can only be seen by the one-horned line.

It was only then that Dujiao realized that he had found the wrong person!

The real target is actually that big guy!

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