The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1565: Eden Valley

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"That's right, Chapter Commander, this time is actually a conservative estimate, because even if there is a panacea, we must first treat Captain Talos in advance, focusing on intracranial decompression and blood purification, because his cranial The pressure has always been at a dangerously high level, and the blood is too cloudy..."

Saying that, Bangura also took out a clear brain analysis photo from the mouth of the servo skull on the side, pointing to a certain location.

"Look at this, everyone speculates that Captain Talos has suffered subarachnoid hemorrhage or cerebral hemorrhage many times, causing a large amount of blood to break into the ventricle and even form a thrombus. During the absorption process of red blood cells, hemoglobin is deposited in the arachnoid membrane, causing The absorption between the brains is blocked, and due to the strong coagulation characteristics of the blood of space warriors, this situation will be several times more dangerous than ordinary people. If there is no panacea, we dare not try to touch this area, because the probability of brain death is too high. Taller."

The other party said so many technical terms, in fact, Soshyan didn't quite understand it, but since the other party knew it, it showed that there was a way-he could only think so now.

"I'll leave it all to you. No matter what the cost, Talos must be cured."

"Captain Talos gave us the opportunity to contact you. He is also a benefactor of Ulan Huda's new life. We should do our best."

Then Soshyan told Bangura about Zhao-Akada, the Void Dock, and the Abyss.

"Zhao Akada, who supplied equipment for the Thousand Sons back then, was the same as us and was the equipment supplier of the legion. The two sides did have some cooperation a long time ago, but not much, but I think it's better than those immortal casting worlds. A lot... As for the legendary abyss, although we don't have deep knowledge in shipbuilding, it's okay to provide some personnel and technical support."

"That's good. In fact, if we can build it collaboratively, it will also be an opportunity to improve the shipbuilding level of Ulan Huda."

"What the Chapter Master said, I agree with that."

"Then you can arrange for a reliable person to go to Zhao-Akada. The two sides will establish basic contact first, and then I will lead the two of you to discuss how to cooperate in detail."

"Every chapter leader is in charge."

After saying this, Soshyan talked to Bangula about the investment of the mother star, but Bangula didn't seem to care about it, just said that he would discuss with several sages in the casting world.

Seeing that the other party was reluctant, Soshyan didn't say anything. After all, the focus was on treating Talos now, and he didn't want to make the other party feel bad about it, so he planned to wait until the treatment was over before continuing to talk about it.

The two did not wait in Ulan Huda, and took advantage of this time to go to Behdad.

Now that a large-scale orbital station has appeared outside this beautiful garden world, Bangura is smart enough to allow the Eldar to garrison a small force on the orbital station, so as to offset their resistance to being watched.

After changing into an exotic-style red-blue phoenix-patterned robe, Soshyan and Veronica arrived on the ground in an Eldar aircraft.

The place where the vehicle landed was still the harbor where the two landed when they first arrived on the planet. Standing on the edge of the cliff at this time, you could already see the outline of a city looming near the harbor near the sea. The magnificent spiritual bones were built in Yingu. It grows slowly like a plant under the care of the people.

The construction methods of the Eldar are completely different from those of humans. They do not need large machinery, nor a large number of workers, but only a small number of bone chanters.

The so-called Bone Singer is the name of the psionic engineers inherited from the ancient Eldar Empire. All Ark Eldar weapons, tools and even the ark itself are built and maintained by them. These psionicists solidify the power of the warp into buildings. Art, by infusing psionic energy into the underworld, shapes these otherwise invisible materials into usable props and buildings.

Therefore, the style of the spiritual bone building is often closely related to the character of the bone chanter, but most of them are both beautiful and practical, and the ghost bone itself will grow over time, and the bone chanter can speed up this process through spiritual energy. A feeling out of nothing. (Just like the peasants of the interstellar tribes or the elf of Warcraft, repair the house)

This new city was named Yindian Valley by Veronica. It is a perfect round tower, and its area is larger than any nest that Soshyan has ever seen. It is divided into three rings. Each ring is only separated by a giant tree. The civilian residential area, in the middle is the residential area for soldiers and middle and high-level functional personnel, and also contains the main functional buildings, and the center is the royal court of the Eternal Queen.

However, the building of the royal court is not a spiritual bone, but an incomparably huge spiritual wood, which was awakened by Veronica herself.

This kind of tree is called the Heart of the World. Every virgin world will have a seed like this. It is also the incarnation of the world's spirit. Only priests with Yin Sha's divine power can awaken it. Its size is comparable to a small nest. When it grows to its maximum, it can cover the entire city.

But the amazing thing is that its leaves do not block the sun, but instead have the effect of regulating the sun, so that it will not be too harsh. At the same time, it can also produce enough food for the consumption of hundreds of millions of spirits, and provide energy for the city. In the event of an invasion by foreign enemies, Priest Yinsha will also connect the spirit with it, thus creating a powerful psionic barrier to protect the city and awakening the spirit of the planet to fight against the enemy.

In addition, the Heart of the World also has a hidden function, that is, it can automatically generate a transmission device similar to the web portal. Although it cannot enter and exit the web like the normal spiritual bone gate, it can travel to other virgins with the Heart of the World at a faster speed. world.

When the Heart of the World is destroyed, it will regenerate a seed dormant in the core of the planet, waiting for the next awakening, but some worlds are too polluted and damaged to regenerate new seeds, so they slowly wither.

However, it is still in the growth stage. Although it is close to a battleship in size, it is still far from enough. According to Veronica's estimation, it will take at least 3-5 years.

And on the sea opposite the newly built Yindian Valley is the world of Lugnat's Ark. Soshyan did not expect it to land directly on the sea.

Now the ark world is like a floating island, dormant on the blue sea, and many strange seabirds can be seen around, I don’t know if it is the original planet or the creatures on the ark, there are still some vaguely visible on the sea. The Eldar fishing boat, shaped like some kind of big fish with wings, constantly slides on the water and then dives in.

There are three main groups of Eldar who follow Veronica, one group is the members of the blood forest conspiracy in the past, they live in temporary camps outside the new city, one group is Lugnat's Ark World, and the other group is more complicated. , some are the Eldar of Comoros, some are harlequins, and the howling banshee and Si Zhan from the ark world Inbilis, they are relatively scattered, staying on the ark world, and also wandering to other parts of the planet.

After the new city is built, how to manage these Eldar is also a big problem.

Since the new city was not ready, Veronica and Soshyan went to the Ark World, where the prophets had been waiting for a long time.

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