The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1872: death watch

After confirming that everything on his body was fine, Alvarez glanced at Kessler beside him. This huge warrior positioned himself on the right side of Alvarez, the only technical sergeant or normal person in the warband, To look with disgust on this man who could hardly be called a brother.

Kessler has found it difficult to recognize his former appearance. His armor is a mass of fibrous tumors mixed with distorted metal and thorns. The backpack seems to be beating like life. Huge bones.

Usually, Kessler disdains wearing a helmet, reveling in the terror his split jaw and skinless face evoke in his prey.

A former sergeant of the Eighth Legion who had enthusiastically embraced the ravages of the Warp, and such men abound in the warband, Shadow Wraith is almost a cesspit of sorcery and mutation.

Alvarez even considered the cesspit a compliment for their warband.

He was not untouched by the warp, but Alvarez refrained, his tolerance for sorcery and mutation would end only in madness and destruction, and if such abominations were the future of the Warband, then the Primarchs of Old The long battle required was already a failure for the Legion.

It is conceivable that Alvarez, who has a unique thinking, is so unpopular in Shadow Ghost. If he hadn't mastered the only talent and the master of the warband needed him, he would have been torn apart by his crazy brothers. eat.

But maybe, it's not too far away.

Unless he's willing to go mad with everyone, and he doesn't seem to have a choice—

On the surface of the planet, night fell, and the land was shrouded in darkness, but it was not a night, but a long night.

Soon, all pain and horror will materialize...

"It will be a **** battle and we must evacuate all civilians from the area."

The piercing voice of Duntarje from the Space Wolves broke the silence as he stared at the lightless dark sky and frowned, as if his thick leather face still bore the scars of old battles and the signature tattoos of Fenris. . .

"Those skinned **** are not easy to deal with."

Dressed in black armor, this warrior holds a gigantic double-bladed battle-axe with a metal-wrapped handle engraved with runes and scaly sea serpents. The blade shone coldly, as if haunting the deadly power of Fenris. In the cold winter, the bones and furs of beasts still hang on the shoulders and waist, the left shoulder plate is the silver shoulder emblem representing the Deathwatch, and the right is the Space Wolves chapter logo.

Deathwatch, a special organization dedicated to facing the threat of aliens, as the only officially recognized non-canon warband, all members of Deathwatch come from various warbands, and everyone comes to Deathwatch for different reasons, Some are out of duty, some out of honor, others are "exiled" because they don't fit in with the Chapter, and some have severed their ties with the Chapter and decided to serve the Emperor in their own way. (I don’t want to explain too much, let’s Baidu it yourself)

Dontaye was one of those who left the Chapter on his own, and there were not a few Space Wolves who made the choice like him.

As a war group with a relatively "loose" atmosphere, the unique culture of the Space Wolves makes its fighters often have some unique ideas or insights, some of which may gradually fade over time and eventually merge into the wolf pack, but Some still can't eradicate their unique views, and gradually, they will stay away from the wolves and become "lone wolves".

Some of the more serious ones will even embark on the road of traitors and fall into the dark side of chaos, while those who are not so serious will choose to leave and enter Death Watch, seeking their own spiritual salvation in another environment, and the Space Wolves The unique feral instincts and ferocious tactics also fit well with the philosophy of the Deathwatch, so the captains of the watch welcome the wolf from Fenris.

"If a mass evacuation is organized, the Flayers may become aware of our presence."

A cold voice seemed like poison, causing the wild wolf warrior's expression to change instantly.

He turned his furry head and looked at the person who made the sound. The other person was wearing a crow-shaped helmet, and on the right shoulder was a golden crow.

Mayowex, from the Eagle Lords, was also Kill Squad's least favorite member of Lydon Tail, for his insistence on being as ruthless to his own men as he was to his enemies.

The Eagle Lords, a sub-order of the Raven Guard, have regularly sent fighters to the Deathwatch since the Second Beast War.

Dontaye sighed playfully.

"The smell of bird droppings on your body can be smelled through the atmosphere. Do you still expect to continue playing hide-and-seek with the other party at this time?"

"This group of heretics are cunning prey, and any movement may alert them. We have been dodged by the other side every time we have ambushed before."

Another voice rang out. It was a sergeant holding a shield and a long sword with light green shimmer in his hand. On his right shoulder armor was a black-winged skull logo, which represented that he came from the mysterious Angel of Salvation. group.

The Angel of Redemption is one of the sub-groups of the Dark Angels, and it is also a sub-group that was separated earlier, but the group has always been known for its secretive whereabouts. Few people know what they are doing and who they are fighting, and the sub-groups of the Dark Angels are also Very few people would enter the Death Watch, so when this warrior named Gaponov wanted to enter the Death Watch, even the Lord of the Watch had doubts, but in the end he was convinced by his superb swordsmanship and let him enter. Deathwatch.

"They've poisoned a dozen worlds, and it's time for this game of hide and seek to end."

"Vasco Gore must be punished, and the blood of Lord Modusburg and a hundred watch brothers must be paid."

When a dull voice sounded, everyone turned around and saw a giant wearing a Terminator walking slowly.

His left hand is a power hammer, his right hand is a heavy melta gun, and the unyielding Terminator is painted black and green The right shoulder armor is a symbol of a fire dragon.

This is a Terminator veteran from the Salamanders, and a soldier sent by Tu\'Shan to fulfill the Death Watch agreement after he took office. His name is Gonzaro, and he is also the company commander of this watch company and the leader of the killing team. .

As a non-canon battlegroup, the structure of Deathwatch is also different from that of regular battlegroups. A watch company usually consists of 3-5 killing teams, and the number of each killing team varies from a few to more than a dozen. Flexibility is The most notable feature of Deathwatch's structure is that even the personnel of each killing team will change from time to time, all for the better execution of tasks.

Gonzalo's company has a total of four killing teams, with a total of 35 people. Except for the team led by him, which has 11 people, the number of other teams ranges from 6 to 9 people. What they want to do is to destroy a whole team The notorious Warband of Chaos, probably numbering over sixty!

Although the main combat targets are aliens, it does not mean that the Death Watch will ignore the threat of chaos. They will also launch deadly raids on heretics, and due to their flexible organization and better weapons, their raids can often achieve good results. , often able to form an advantage over an enemy with a numerical advantage.

(end of this chapter)

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