The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 2019: 1 will succeed

"Well... I know about this."

Accompanied by the man's slightly regretful voice, in the darkness, the cigarette end flickered slightly, and then began to move.

"Uh...I don't know how to smoke, Captain."

"If you can't be calm, try it."

The position of the red dot on the cigarette **** lowered, and soon there was a childish cough.

"Hayes, although it is a bit hypocritical to say this, but you are a soldier, and there are no innocent people on the battlefield except friendly soldiers. The only thing that can limit your guns is your own conscience. Now that you know the price of indulgence, you can If you accept the punishment, then as I said, it doesn’t matter whether you admit your mistakes or not, as long as you can correct it.”

Hayes squeezed his cigarette, wanted to answer but could only cover his mouth and cough.

It took him a while to speak.

"Punishment... what is it?"

"You will remember this incident forever, just like the cigarette just now, the bitterness it brings will always whip your heart gently, reminding you of the mistakes you have made, well, it's time to go, don't you Would you like to stay here for a day?"

"Ahem... Company Commander, Yan."

"You keep smoking."

After thinking about it for the last time, Hayes put the cigarette **** out on the ground, put it in his pocket, and followed Olanios out of the warehouse.

At this point, the battle was basically over, and soldiers could be seen busy carrying corpses everywhere. When Hayes walked out of the factory and came to the outside space, Hayes lowered his head in embarrassment when he saw Hashett approaching.

"Uncle... I'm sorry."

Hashett raised his hand, originally intending to slap the other person on the back of the head, but ended up stroking Hayes' head. He looked at the boy and sighed softly.

"It's fine."

"The Space Marines are here!"

Suddenly, someone yelled, and everyone started running. Hayes glanced at Hashett, who nodded.

"Go and see."

When they arrived at the apron of the ordnance factory, there was already a circle of people there, a row of guards kept the crowd out, and a Thunderhawk was slowly descending, their regiment leader Arni and other officers were waiting by the side, Including Oranios.


When the Leiying ramp was lowered, Arnie immediately made a sound, and not only the officers, but also the soldiers who were watching immediately stood up and saluted.

Arash, the theater commander dressed in a Terminator, walked out of the Thunder Eagle. In fact, when he learned that the cannon fodder and the "trash" boy had abandoned their position, his first thought was to order the execution of the other party, but it didn't take long for another news to make him He was shocked.

The opponent actually took over an important ordnance factory in one fell swoop!

Arash was indeed using some second- and third-line troops to attack the sheep to attract the attention of the Red Pirate defenders, but another reason was that this ordnance factory was relatively important, and an easy attack on him was worried that it would cause irreparable damage.

Unexpectedly, such an important goal was captured by a group of cannon fodder.

After seeing the opponent's marching route, Arash couldn't help but exclaim. This is undoubtedly a bold and very clever plan. A little carelessness will end in the end of the entire army. It must be a bold or even crazy commander. Only then was he able to come up with a plan, so he decided to come down to meet the young master who had been publicly denounced by him before.

Arash glanced left and right at the ordnance factory, and saw only a few damages, and there were no traces of fire or explosion. Obviously, this place has been well preserved, which made him quite happy. After all, at the frontier far away from the logistics line, It is very important to have a complete factory.

This also made him more curious, how did the other party take the important place here without causing large-scale damage?

"Arnie Morales."

Lowering his head slightly, Arash's shadow completely covered Arney's body.


Facing the huge space warrior, Arney's face was tense, his body straightened like a javelin.

"how did you do it?"

"Reporting to the commander, under the protection of the emperor, we were not discovered by the enemy all the way. After arriving at the target point, we found a loophole in the drainage system of the factory through investigation, so we sent a commando to sneak into its interior through the drainage pipe and destroyed them. The circuit system of the heretics is thrown into chaos, so as to take the place in one fell swoop!"

After listening, Arash blinked, with no expression on his face.

After a moment of silence, he said slowly:

"Such a risky plan, why did you make such a decision?"

Arney paused, then replied:

"Report to the sir, because I firmly believe that heretics must be defeated!"

Arash pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Arni Morales, I thought you were an ignorant idiot before, but now I have to admit that I was wrong. You are a bold, brave and wise commander who takes the initiative to attack, Penetrate the enemy's rear and attack its weak point..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the circle of soldiers around him.

"You still bring such troops, you did a good job."

"Commander! I still have something to say..."

Arney took a step forward, then whispered a few words, then turned around and took an enlarged data pad from the side attendant, and handed it to Arash with both hands.

After the space soldier took it, he simply swiped it twice, without any expression on his face, and then turned around and handed it to the guards around him.

"Understood, I will send someone to investigate. Your regiment will be stationed here for the time being, and a mechanical priest will come to take over later. Your task is to defend this place and assist the Mechanic Society to resume production here. Those prisoners don't need to Just move it to the rear and hand it over to the mechanical priest on the spot."


"In view of your brave raid and brilliant record, I will personally write your award notice."

Arney immediately gave a sky eagle salute to the other party.

"Thank you sir!"

Then Arash turned around and walked towards Thunder Eagle, but suddenly stopped halfway, and looked sideways at Arney.

"Arni Morales, keep your bravery and fighting spirit, your future will be brilliant, and your family will be proud of you."


Arney couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, and even smiled on his face. Those honors were pumped into his body like a dose of stimulant. Maybe in a certain future, he also has the opportunity to be like Macharius in the past and Soshyan in the present. All the same, become the leader of an expedition that will forever carve your name in the history of the Empire.

With the departure of the space warriors, the crowd dispersed, and Arney was busy deploying defenses and waiting for the approaching mechanical priest, while the soldiers continued with their work.

I don't know why, seeing the Star Warrior again, Hayes's mood is completely different from the He is no longer excited, no longer fantasized, and even feels nothing.

When he saw the smile on his head's face, he occasionally wondered, does that person know who was sacrificed? Will he grieve for them?

After the battle, everything seemed to have changed.

He tried to find Jung's body, but found nothing.

This partner, like thousands of others, was only part of the victory, some paid the final price, some survived, but probably only delayed death.

In any case, as the next day wore on, the war would continue, with more flesh and souls to be devoured by this mad machine.

I don't know why, but Hayes didn't want to pray to the God Emperor at all today. Instead, he started to write something in the expedition manual, and prayed that after his death, at least something could be sent back to Xiao An and others, proving that he had lived Pass-

That's all.

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