The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 2021: Wicked things

"Landing in five minutes."

With the monotonous voice of the servitor, Thunderhawk turned sharply to the left. Makarov, the new combat brother who joined the second company, stared carefully at the scene outside the window. Presented in front of the space warriors, there is only one huge city group, which is the hive capital. As for the other lands that can be seen, there are only endless dense nets woven by scarlet scars.

"Lots of open pits."

As soon as he opened his mouth, a figure sounded beside him.

"Because this planet is rich in cobalt ore."

The young Space Marine turned his head to see his Captain Ustad speaking, and blinked.

"Ah, please forgive me, Captain, but there shouldn't be any enemies here, right?"

"Although most of the mortals who took refuge in the Red Pirates have been centrally managed and sent to the mines, there are still many stupid people who are still fighting against the empire, and there are also many gangsters in the hive capital who are attacking the garrison or causing damage."

"The Star Militia Army can handle these things, aren't we more useful in other places?"

There was a hint of hurt pride in the voice of the young soldier, and Ustad replied with a smile:

"There are not necessarily fragile mortal traitors there. Cobalt ore, which is crucial to the production of electronic components, is like moths to a flame, seducing greedy and weak souls. We can't let mortals stand guard for it, let alone count on them Fight off the warp-cursed traitors and stop them from destroying the wealth of the Imperium, there have been several attempts by Chaos Space Marines to sabotage the mines in the previous week, and they have succeeded twice."

Thunderhawk passed through the vortex, and the fuselage rumbled. Robin, who was sitting at the end, said calmly:

"Find the enemy, kill the enemy, nothing else needs to be said."

Makarov closed his mouth cautiously. Except for company commander Ustad, everyone in the second company feared Robin the most, because he was the undisputed champion of the mother, and there were many people who admired him among the recruits.

When they arrived at the designated area of ​​the Hive Capital, the rest of the company had already been waiting there. As the core combat company of the Star Knights, the Second Company not only had a full squad of combat brothers, but also a large number of vehicles, including Lan German Raiders, Predator Tanks, Sikaran Battle Tanks, and even Javelin Speed ​​Attack Boats, which are relatively rare in the warband, and a tactical team equipped with Iron Terminator, which basically combines penetration, assault and advancement function.

Then Ustad summoned the officer in charge of this area, and learned that the vanguard had set off to surround a hidden stronghold where the "evil" was.

Evil is the code name they call that target, with contempt and a little fear, that thing has been launching attacks since the hive was controlled by the empire. Its attack methods are various, and sometimes everyone in a post is shocked They went crazy and killed each other, sometimes turning all the atonement miners in the mines near the hive into twisted and depraved monsters, and sometimes sneaking into some command posts with loose defenses and turning all the officers inside into pieces of meat...

The frontline siege troops tried many methods, but none of them were able to solve this problem. Even because of the activities of the evil, it has gathered a large-scale gang, which is said to have tens of thousands of people, and is weaving an even more evil conspiracy in the bottom nest .

When the report was sent to Soshyan, he guessed that it might be a Chaos Wizard, or even better, a Chaos Space Marine capable of witchcraft, or... Thousand Sons.

Now that Kayang is not here, Suoshyan can't judge whether it is, but according to the worst plan, if it is really a thousand sons, then the trouble it can cause is absolutely beyond imagination, so he sent the second company to arrest or Annihilate this guy.

The Second Company is currently the company with the highest proportion of gray marrow fighters in the battle group except for the First Company. Suoshyan believes that it should not be difficult to capture a wizard.

The point is not to let the opponent run away.

Therefore, after determining the position of the opponent, Ustad will arrange for the mortal troops to attack first, so that the opponent can be negligent-of course, the attacking mortal troops may suffer relatively large losses.

To put it simply, the attacking force is the bait, and Ustad is betting that that guy will be a little arrogant after so many successes, and will not be as cautious as before.

Therefore, they can also rush to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Just as the Second Company rode all kinds of vehicles and rushed straight to the location of the evil thing, the Star Border Army responsible for attacking the area also encountered big trouble.

They fought in lands they had conquered a month ago, and although it was logical that this place belonged to the Empire long ago, the land in these places is now soaked in blood, and the bodies of the fallen are everywhere on the ground.

The three infantry regiments responsible for the attack were all locally recruited troops from the Maelstrom. They weren't outstanding, but they weren't terrible either. The total number exceeded 20,000.

And what they besieged was a small town in Bottom Nest, which was occupied by a tribe of mutants in the past, and the red pirates didn't bother to take care of it. There are too many actions, because going there is tantamount to being exiled, Suoshyan just asked to clean up the people in the hive capital, not including the bottom hive, so many people fled to the dark and desperate bottom hive to survive.

Afterwards, the evil thing occupied this place as a stronghold, and the original residents were twisted into terrifying servants by him. Afterwards, a large number of residents of the original hive capital came to seek refuge after hearing the news.

Another reason why they hated the Empire so much was an order from the High Command of the Expeditionary Force.

All those who betrayed the empire in Kerkeria will be deprived of all their identities and properties. These properties, including houses, land, etc., will be distributed to those meritorious soldiers after the war.

For the imperial soldiers who came to encircle and suppress, these people are not only traitors and but also weeds of their future homeland.

Because the officers got the news earlier, they have already used various means to carve up the assets and real estate of the middle and lower nests, especially wineries, tobacco factories, and bars, which can immediately make profits, are even more sought-after assets. They also dream of owning their own house, or a bakery, or a shop, but first they have to "deal with" the original owners of these things.

The two sides are not only the hatred brought about by their positions, but also the hatred brought about by their interests.

The darkness of Bottomhive is constantly being torn by flares, filled with the sounds of battle, gunshots, screams of the dying, and... the screams of monsters.

The imperial army fought, bleed, and died in the smoke filled with gunpowder smoke, carrion, and blood, and won step by step. In the ruins of the burned town, there were ragged corpses of traitors everywhere, including men, women, and children. The last sliver of value is taken from them.

There is no mercy, only killing.

Bit by bit, meter by meter, the imperial army kept advancing.

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