The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 411: Come to an abrupt end


The moment Jain Zal's black spear collided with Saivita's spirit spear, the space in front of her was instantly torn apart, and a huge suction force almost dragged her spear away from her hand.

She had to change her posture, focus her strength on her arm, and drag the spear back.

At this moment, the rift disappeared.

Riding on the opponent's unsteady footing, Savita stood forward, stabs and slashed, feeling the vibration from the spear in his hand. At this moment, the heavy rain was rushing through his eyes.

The situation suddenly reversed, and Lord Phoenix fell into a defensive position, her face locked into a hideous mask, and her smile disappeared.

As she dodged the block, her wet hair kept beating her wide-open eyes.

Under the guidance of anger, her spear turned into a light and shadow, and turned into a revolving dance drama.

"You are so well-deserved..."

Lord Phoenix yelled, a tremor flashed across the corner of his eyes, and then he avoided Saivita's sudden sting.

"But I will never fail!!!"

Jain Zal screamed, and the temples on the back of his head rose like some kind of irritated bird, like a huge screen.

The howl shook everyone back, even Soshyang was no exception.

But Savita remained motionless. At this time, there was only the soul spear in his mind, only the nerve current that flowed through his whole body and drove him to chop and move, and only steady blood and breathing.

Lord Phoenix leaped again, his figure dancing into a whirlwind of blades.

Her speed broke the limit, and she was so fast that she had a sonic boom.

"Although you are skilled, you are almost!"

After half a breath, she suddenly pierced her spear, and Savita raised his hand to open the opponent's weapon.

Then, he felt a blow on his armguard and a sound, and then Jain Zal backed away, and the rain-soaked crown and hair sideburns flung aside.

Saivita looked down at his arm, his arm armor was cut open, and blood was dripping from it.

The crow prince let out a chuckle, and then moved forward again, dancing his soul spear.

Lord Phoenix dodged in the air cut by the spirit spear, like a tree swaying in the wind, but the suction generated by those tiny cracks always interfered with her.

At this time, an armored heel suddenly appeared, kicking Lord Phoenix's head back, accompanied by the sound of broken bones and a puff of blood.

The colorful colors exploded in her sight one after another, and the onlookers burst out a tense and painful roar.

Jan Zal felt dizzy. She was blinded by her own blood, with various thoughts in her mind: anger, pain, shaking, and... loss.

Normal humans would explode their skulls if they suffered this blow, but for her it was nothing more than that.

She took a deep breath and dissipated the buzzing in her skull.

Saivita was swinging his soul spear straight to her head, and the Phoenix Lord lowered his head in an extreme state, and at the same time pierced the spear with his backhand.

The black spear flicked across Saivita's right abdomen, drew a spark and tore the plastic steel, bringing out a puff of blood.

The soul spear cut off her proud sideburns, turning them into black feathers in the sky.

Everything is still.

With a missed hit, Savita stopped and attacked again.

A drum-like heartbeat surged through his body, his world was at this moment, his existence was just something in his hand, nothing else, nothing else.

Jain Zal’s next action has already begun. Saivita can't see it, he can't see anything at all, but he can feel it, just like the silence before thunder.

His spear met the blow.

The force of the collision shook through the skull and reached between the teeth. He felt his spear moving, and felt the sound of it as it blocked attacks from time to time.

He was backing up, his vision was a congealing blur, his feet were constantly slipping in the mud.

Howling Jan Zal is like a whirlwind of cutting, sending one blow after another.

She is so fast, faster than the wind, faster than the lightning that keeps flashing in the distance.

But all of a sudden, as if the thunderstorm clouds spread out and the sunlight passing through, an opening appeared in her movements.

Savita cut in and slashed down. He felt the impact of hitting the object, and he slashed twice before the lingering sound of the first blow dissipated.

Then the Phoenix Lord disappeared, dancing out of the contact area.

Saivita paused, and his instinct followed the fast shadow.

The sound of rain hitting the plastic steel is full of tranquility while waiting.

Jan Zal once again stood on the edge of the perception ring, her armor adorned with blood, and gradually diluted as the rain flowed through the dark copper armor.

The black spear was still held firmly in her hand, but her left arm was trembling, and blood was leaking from the joint of the elbow joint.

Her right breastplate was torn apart, the guard plate on her right thigh also showed a spider web pattern, and the frivolous smile in her eyes disappeared-her sight suddenly became vicissitudes of life.

"I may not be able to beat you, but you can't beat me either. Our greatest possibility is to hug and die."

Lord Phoenix spoke, and his words implied determination.

"I know this, and you know it."

Her lips opened slightly, showing the smooth white teeth in them.

"But this song is worth singing."

"As always, you always lack fun."

After a long time, Savita finally spoke, her voice with a texture of metal friction.

Lord Phoenix nodded.

"My existence is only for service."

Jan Zal looked around, blinked, and motioned to the banshees who were already about to move.

Then she turned back to look at Saivita and began to spin the weapon with her arm.

"Come on, let's end it quickly."

"grown ups!"

Suddenly, Veronica yelled, who had been pointed at by Soshyang's sword.

"Wait, my lord!"


Lord Phoenix turned his head in doubt.

"The tide has changed! The Great Prophet let us retreat!"


Confusion appeared on Jan Zal's face.

"I do not understand."

Veronica glanced at Soshyang carefully, and then said in a voice that only she and Jan Zal could hear:

"We don't need to kill the Prophet now! His fate has changed... To some extent, he is dead, Talos of the Eighth Legion is dead!"

"But for this we sacrificed so much."

Lord Phoenix clenched his teeth and looked very unwilling.

"This is the price of changing your destiny..."

"I will ask the Grand Prophet for an explanation."

In the end, Jan Zal obeyed. She raised the spear in her hand and let out a scream, and then the banshees slowly disappeared from the shadows.

Then she walked to Soshyan and lifted Veronica up as if he was nothing, and disappeared on the edge of the battlement with two jumps.

In the process, Soshyan did not stop either, because Saul warned him not to do this in the communication.

Before disappearing into the rain, Veronica glanced back at Soshyan, which made him feel very uncomfortable, but could not tell why.

"No! She can't go!"

Suddenly, another voice sounded.

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