The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 413: Regulation No. 11

The aftermath is actually not easy to do. An imperial prison world was attacked, a naval orbital station was destroyed, the spirit race and heretics invaded at the same time, and fighting broke out.

The superposition of these events can easily attract the attention of the court, and then the astral knight as the event terminator can easily be thrown into the spotlight again.

This is what Soshyang wants to avoid, so he must push the incident down as much as possible, or simplify it.

So the first order he gave was to clean up the wreckage of the orbital station, especially the wreckage of the Echo of the Curse. Whatever can be recovered is recovered, and the unrecoverable site is destroyed.

And his second order was to search for the remnants of the Eighth Legion still remaining in the underground prison.

However, it was clear that the Spirit Race had moved true this time. After searching through the complex underground network for a week, apart from finding more corpses, the Astral Knights did not search for any living Eighth Army soldiers.

As for the equipment of those soldiers who died in battle, what could be recovered was naturally recovered, including several sets of Terminator armors that were abandoned underground by Talos.

But the most important thing is actually the prisoners and jailers in the prison. Although the spirit race killed most of the jailers and a considerable part of the prisoners who rioted during the invasion, there are still many in the depths of the prison.

Salt emphasized that anyone who has seen the soldiers of the Eighth Legion should not be allowed to stay on the planet.

For this reason, Soshyan can only make a difficult decision-to send most of the living prisoners to the lower slave deck of Unbound Soul, and those who resist...

He chose to secretly line the squad of atonement into the prison, and this action was later named "Ordinance No. 11"-Nathan Six became the first planet to be enforced by Regulation No. 11.

These dirty tasks are not suitable for the soldiers standing in the sun to perform. They can only use the power in the shadows.

The vast majority of prisoners who were released by Talos and launched riots are hiding in the prison's No. 4 mine area. There are almost 100,000 criminals gathered here. They ransacked the armory and possessed a certain amount of armed. It is also because of this. I didn't make any effort to solve them.

But their good fortune ended on the twenty-first day of the incident.

The power supply system inside the prison was cut off in an instant, and fear and suspicion like a shroud shrouded in the prison mining area.

Hundreds of thousands of prisoners prayed for freedom, a few stopped to think about what happened, and then seized the opportunity to leave the cell and cage and walked up the circular tunnel inside the mine.

In the crazy, precious few minutes, it looked like the biggest jailbreak in the history of the constellation was being staged.

That is, at that moment the killing started at the same time.

The mine passage was not built to accommodate a large number of people at the same time. Frightened people were pushed over the railings and fell into the abyss of the mine.

Whether it was deliberately or purely due to madness, or the pressure of a messy body, they almost lost their minds, and their screams easily disappeared in the hustle and bustle that echoed on both sides of the towering pit.

There was no jailer in sight, and the thugs marched toward the ground with the hope of freedom.

But all the gravity ladders stopped working, so they crowded the stairs.

Those on the top floors were the first batch to run out and were the strongest and most fierce ones, but they soon regretted their indiscretion.

They found that there was a separate figure waiting on the top of each platform-a towering giant, dressed in silver-gray armor, as unshakable as the statue of the arbitrator on the side of the district guard room.

At this point the killing really started.

The giants silently fired at the crowd that filled the well ladder. Their bullets wiped out the foremost prisoner and exploded the thin, soil-wrapped body into steaming pieces of meat and bones.

The thunderous reverberations of weapons oscillated along the deep well, causing those who continued to push forward to be confused because of temporary deafness.

Some prisoners grabbed weapons to counterattack, and some even smashed through tool boxes or picked up large ore fragments and threw them at the giants, but it didn't make any difference.

There are also knowledgeable people who have recognized the identity of the slaughterer.

"Astart! It's Astart! Run!!!!"

While the prisoners in the front tried to go back, those in the back pushed forward with all their strength because they didn't understand the situation.

People were hit and trampled, and their bodies shattered on slate walls or plastic steel stairs.

Then the giants started to move forward and fired at the same time. In order to save ammunition, they opened the flamethrower and flooded the deep well with liquid flames without making any sound.

As they approached the crowd, the soldiers drew out their chain saw swords, and with a loud howl from the chain saw motor, they jumped into the prisoner, tearing, cutting and hitting with the rapidly rotating weapon and the huge body covered in armor. Everything that arrived knocked countless bodies back along the way they came.

This is a massacre, and it has just begun.

While the Redemption Squad was "cleaning up" at the lower level of the prison, Sol found the only survivor of the Imperial Ministry of Justice, a law enforcement officer.

He hid in the main church of the fortress in the prefecture, and did not know why, but all of his colleagues died, either in the hands of the spirit race or the soldiers of the Eighth Legion.

This lawman is the only official witness of the empire.

The halls and corridors are quiet, the faint weeping sound echoes in the half-dome of the church, and the entrance is dark.

Saul walked in slowly, even if he stepped into something damp and soft in his boots, he didn't look down.

The once sacred air of the church is now cold and full of death.

With his footsteps, the sob became louder.

It only took half a second for Sol to find the source of the noise.

At the end of the semicircular room, a human figure moves in front of the ruins of the altar.

Sol activated the helmet's lighting and slowly approached. The figure looked up as he got closer, squinting in the beam of light and showing an expression of pain.

He looked very young, probably just a trainee legal officer, pale and full of fear.

When Sol stopped, he whimpered and said something, and hugged his legs with his arms, like a child.

He hardly had the strength to stand, his body was numb, his thinking was slow, his skull twitched in pain, and it felt like his fingers were poking in the head, clutching his brain. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

But he still recognized Sol's identity-relying on the Sky Eagle emblem on his chest.

A shudder and relaxation spread throughout his tired body. There is no doubt that this is the loyal angel of the empire, and he is safe.

"Sir...I must report..."

As soon as he spoke, Soshyan interrupted him.

"We will take away all the prisoners."

Sol's voice was calm and not warm.

"We will start transferring them through the shuttle port of the fortress in your jurisdiction within four hours. It may take two days, local time."

"I... I don't understand."

"We are the protectors of mankind and the executioners. All traces that happened here must be erased. Only the spirits have visited here, and we repelled them."

The legal officer was stunned for a while. He couldn't digest Soshyan's message, but he probably knew that the other party would take everyone away.

"Will you take me away in the same way?"

"No, you are a member of the imperial institution. Our principles do not allow such things... However, the criminals in prison have lost all their rights, but they may at least earn salvation and final rest. , Under the slave deck."

"but I......"

The legal officer still couldn't fully understand what the other party meant.

But Saul did not answer either, but touched his hand to the blaster.

"Do not"

Fa Yu realized what the other party was going to do, he cried and crawled back.

"Do not!"

After the screams, a gunshot came from the empty wooden truss of the church.

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