The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 417: Dan Yasos

Salperdon, the former think tank curator of the Soul Drinker Group, raised his head. His noble face is now as pale as a dead corpse, and his face is distorted because of anger and frustration.

In the darkness of the icy tomb, his face was illuminated by a blazing brazier, and his eyes reflected flames.

"I saw a prophecy and felt the truth through the blood of the sacrifice on the tip of my tongue."

He was roaring in a low voice, facing the silent audience, Old Fearless, and also the author of "Answer to the Army", Dan Yasos.

"Countless scenes flooded my mind, I repeated the mantra, offered tributes and sacrifices to pray to the mighty, spent countless hours of meditation to open myself in front of the greatness and wisdom of the living ether, but the meaning is still ambiguous!"

Salperdon clenched his fists, and the servo muscles of the power armor wailed as his body tightened.

"I can't bear this shame anymore. I want to smash his bones with my fists and make him pay for his crimes. I want to take back our holy artifacts!"

"Calm down, Salperton."

The ancient fearless roared, the sound was like the tomb itself being given words, the incredible deep bass echoed between the calm tombstones, every word was slow and calm, and it was enhanced by the powerful amplification system.

In the past, Dan Yasos was a strong hero who fought side by side with other great warriors. As a company commander, he led soul drinkers against countless enemies of the emperor, and wrote the soul drinker "Questions and Answers in the Army" The soul of the creator.

From the day he joined the warband, Sarperdon has been studying every sermon and precept record of his.

At that time, it seemed to him that every piece written by the ancient warrior was a perfect masterpiece of rhetoric and conviction, full of hatred filled with righteous indignation.

However, Dan Yasos was lost in a certain battle, a battle against the enemy of mankind.

"You are too resistant to those sights. Those sights are gifts from the gods. You should accept them as gratefully as other rewards from power."

The remaining limbs of the former passionate leader are now buried in the iron coffin in front of Sarpedon. Even though his body has been completely destroyed, he continues to live in the tomb made of a new shell.

But no one knew that he was alive, not even Salperton.

Until he was embraced by the power of chaos, a whisper told him the truth.

At first, he still had doubts. When he led the remnants of the soul-drinking army to the barren planet Selaka and found the fearless in the catacombs of the planet, which was stored in a stagnant position, he finally confirmed that he was listening. It is true.

It was not until this time that he truly understood the secrets of them.

According to Dan Yasos's narrative, it turns out that the soul drinkers are the blood of the second legion, and their original body and legion have been destroyed by the ruthless emperor and brothers.

Dan Yasos was able to know all this because after he awakened the power of the former Legion, he was taken by the dark power and returned the disappeared history to him.

And his goal of surviving to the present is to rebuild the Second Legion and avenge the empire that destroyed them in the name of the power of darkness!

After learning of all this, Sarperdon was calm, and the confusion surrounding him before also disappeared with the wind.

More importantly, he wanted revenge more and more desperately, wanting revenge on the person who took everything from him.

Astral knight, Soshyan Ariksha.

"Yes, Lord."

After Dan Yasos spoke, the frustration and anger on Sarperdon disappeared.

He smiled slightly, and the face that looked confused and distorted by anger returned to calm again, his black eyes gleaming.

"Don't be impatient, expect to be satisfied immediately."

Dan Yasos continued:

"As long as you continue to walk on the path of devotion, the honor of the gods will come, but you must take the initiative to throw into the arms of mighty power, and they will give you support. Only in this way can the mist in front of you be lifted. Only in this way can you understand those The meaning of the sight, you don’t need to be afraid of the darkness, because you are the darkness.”

Fearlessly raised its huge mechanical arm, his joints spewed out hissing steam.

"Our genetic father used to be infinitely close to this road, but he was eventually torn apart by those cruel brothers, just as those villains tore our warband!"

The mere mention of the word battle group made Sarperdon feel a tingling pain.

The memories in his mind are still vivid, but the anger, hatred and righteous anger in his body are still burning.

How much he wished he could now lead the soldiers to kill those hypocrites and traitors, but he couldn't do so.

"But we are too weak now."

Sarpedon said bitterly:

"We only have less than a hundred soldiers left, only a small warship. All the weapons and equipment are gone. We have almost nothing left."

"Are you scared?"

"No, of course not..."

Salperton lowered his head.

"It's just that there is no plan yet."

"Go back to the boat first, maybe someone else already has a plan."

Hearing Fearless words, Sarperdon frowned, but didn't ask more, but summoned Thunder Eagle.

When the Thunder Eagle transported Fearless back to the Greyhound, the priest Iktinos had already been waiting on the flight deck.

With a firm step, Sarpedon followed fearlessly down the assault ramp that the Thunderhawk descended.

After that, he took off his helmet and took a deep breath.

Now the cabin of the Greyhound is full of pollutants, smoke, and corruption. Since Salperdon used his psionic energy to control the navigator and Star Whisperer on board, great changes have been made here.

The minaret that once engraved the sacred outline was removed and replaced by iron pillars full of spikes with many corpses strung together.

Fuchsia lines cover the flat and gray walls of the upper deck, and the walls of the promenade are painted with the symbols of the great gods with blood.

Nodding to the guards of honor standing on either side of the towering arch, Sarperdon and Fearless walked through them into the large terrace.

Iketinos immediately walked to Fearless and knelt down.

"Great master, welcome your return."

After a while, Fearless gently placed the robotic arm on his head.

"The dark gods of the invisible realm bless you, my chief priest, be flat."

Iktinos stood up.

"The soul drinker has been brought back on the right path, although the process is not perfect."

"The so-called perfection is just an illusory trap."

Fearless replied flatly:

"We should pursue more practical results. You did a good job."

"Your praise makes me very honorable, Master, but now we are still facing many difficulties and enemies."

"No need to worry, as long as we are on the right path, we will crush any enemy. They are stronger than us. That's right, but when they are in the decadent greenhouse of the empire, that's not the case. Through provocation, seduction and deceit, We have many ways to weaken them, and they will be vulnerable."

"I understand, Master, but..."

Iketinos glanced at Sarpedon.

"I don't think our new commander understands this."

Salperdon looked at the priest without saying anything, even his eyes did not fluctuate, as if he was just looking at a stone.

"Salperdon does not need to understand. He will be the leader of the legion. He knows his position and can perform his duties perfectly."

Fearless and profoundly said:

"He is, always always, a better fighter than you, Ichtinos."

"Master, I, I didn't mean that--"

"I didn't blame you."

Fearlessly swing the robotic arm.

"Close to the subject, as you said, we are in a predicament and lack all necessary human and material resources, so do you have any solutions."

Salperdon's expression finally changed. He raised his brows and looked at the priest with interest, his mutant appendages scratching gently on the metal ground.

"Yes, Master, I have some preliminary ideas."

"tell me the story."

"About the Astral Knights--"

Iktynos paused for a moment, then glanced at Sarperdon, and after confirming that the other party's expression was a little stiff, he continued with a slight smile.

"I checked the battle records of the Greyhound and found that the opponent was using a large cruiser when attacking, and it was not any known model of the empire...According to the records of the empire, the astral knights were counted. There was a devastating blow a year ago, and almost the entire army was wiped out. Later, it was removed from the decayed Tyra Council. All the battle group assets were taken over by another new battle group. In this case, they had no reason to own a ship. Such a powerful warship."

"It's also possible that it was captured in a battle."

Sarpedon coldly throws out a possibility.

Iktinos smiled.

"Yes, it is indeed possible, and the possibility is still very high...Speaking of I have heard one thing from some friends. The Red Pirate has issued a reward."

"Reward order? What is the goal."

"A battleship."

As soon as he said this, Salperton immediately showed a clear expression.

"You mean...they got this ship from Huron."

"It may or may not, but it doesn't matter."

The clergyman looked like Zhizhu in his hand. This kind of artificial expression made Salperdon feel nauseous, but it was not easy to attack.

"The important thing is that with this intelligence, we can get on line with Huron. Now the power of the Black Heart King is developing very fast, and he is a warlord with a reputation. We may be able to temporarily rely on him to restore our strength."

"You want us to join the Red Pirates?"

Salperdon's tone suddenly changed.

"We are in a terrible situation right now, so let go of your useless self-esteem, commander of the army."

In the last three words, the priest said very yin and yang strangely, a spark of psychic energy immediately appeared in Salperdon's eyes.

"All right."

Finally, fearlessly speaking for a long time, the two arrogant two immediately converged.

"Ichtinos is right. At the moment we should reduce our unnecessary self-esteem, Sarperdon, don't forget, the result is the most important thing."

Salperdon twitched at the corner of his eyes twice, and finally dropped his head.


"Ichtinos, just do what you said and contact the black heart king."

"Yes, master, I will do it right away."

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