The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 425: Brotherhood

On the day when the morning in the fortress of the Astral Knights Monastery, Soshyan led the Honor Guard assembled in the planetary airport to welcome the fleet that had just arrived.

On the console, Soshyan, wearing a full set of ritual armor, looked at the holographic projection in front of him, and a noble face appeared inside.

Then he smiled.

"Hello, Brother Malakin."

Soshyan welcomed very sincerely:

"I'm glad you arrived safely."

The other party responded with a calm smile.

"It's been a long time, Brother Soshyan."

The welcoming ceremony was short and swift, and the accompanying Lord Magyar also appropriately expressed his brotherhood, and then the three war leaders entered the room for secret meetings in the monastery.

Soshyan placed a long table and four seats in it, the wide door was closed tightly, and the soldiers of the three battle groups were guarded outside.

"This is a stopgap measure."

After a long narrative and explanation, Soshyan made a summary of his actions.

"The end of the fortieth millennium was full of crises. The Black Legion of Abaddon increased the frequency of intrusion on the empire. The Tyrann Zerg attacked one star area after another. The green skin is always a hidden danger... if we are rigid and tight. Keep the dogma, then we can neither stand against the world we want to guard, nor the soldiers who fought in blood.”

Soshyan was sitting on a chair, behind him was the star knight's battle flag, and likewise, the ascetic flag was hung behind the chair where Magyar was sitting.

Malakin was not seated, he paced and thought with anxiety.

"Soshyan has explained his thoughts to me in detail not long ago. Although some of the details worry me a little, I have become more aware of its value."

Mazar's words made Malakin stop. He looked at the two and whispered:

"But it is easy to cause misunderstanding by others."

Soshyan leaned back in the chair, his hands flat on the edge of the table.

"Brother Malakin, what do you mean?"

"I am not referring to the alliance. Although this move may be unexpected, it is not without precedent..."

Malakin considered his words carefully.

"The soul drinker... Brother Soshyan, do you remember the ending of Huron."

"I know this is shocking, so I am willing to share this secret with my most trusted brother to prove that I am absolutely different from Huron."

Malakin raised his head and looked at the midnight sky through the window of the room.

After a while, the son of San Giles said quietly:

"We have all witnessed disasters, brothers and sisters, stars are falling, demons are rampant... the ancient nightmare is making a comeback."

Malakin turned around and looked at Soshyan sincerely.

"Brother Soshyan, I am moved by your trust. Even if you know what Huron has done, you still don't want to deceive me. I also want to believe that you are fundamentally different from that traitor."

Soshyang stood up and pointed to another empty chair.

"I once made this oath, and now I also solemnly promise you that once the stain on the banner of the Soul Drinker is erased, I will let the soldiers restore their original identities and rebuild their battle groups without any delay. Or argue."

"Are you willing to swear so?"

Malakin looked at him with scorching eyes.

"Sincere and sincere."

Malakin took a deep breath.

"Then it's so decided?"

"It's so decided."

Magyar stood up, then drew out his saber.

Malakin walked back to his own chair and drew out his saber, while Soshyan drew out the holy flame sword.

The three weapons crossed on the long table, making a metal crash.

"We swear to watch each other and never give up!"

At the same time, in the underground prison of the monastery fortress, a gloomy figure slowly walked into the dark tunnel.

Soon, the lights came on, the heavy cell door opened, and the figure walked into the cell.

Talos, who was sitting on a metal bench, looked up, but did not speak.

His wrists, ankles and neck were all tied into the concrete floor with iron ropes.

"What are you going to do again?"

Talos said lazily:

"Are you going to add something to me today? I'm really tired of these cold rations."

"Would you like some'heart blood rose'?"

The voice that entered the cell said with a smile, and Talos heard the term and almost jumped out of his chair if he hadn't been chained.

Heart Blood Rose is the most famous wine in his former hometown.

He stared at the figure, remembered the voice, and then whispered:

"A company commander..."

Savitar lifted his hood, revealing the pale face and dark eyes of Talos.

"You have always been a hard-to-understand person, which impressed me deeply."

"Then I'm really honored."

Talos made a mocking sound, then leaned against the wall.

"It is a great honor to be remembered by the great warrior of God Emperor, Prince Saivita of the Crows."

"Your mockery is meaningless to me, Talos."

Saivita walked to the other side of the cell and also leaned against the wall.

"I'm not here to persuade you to surrender. This is Soshyan's job. I am only entrusted by others to tell you something."

"Oh? Let me guess."

Talos sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"It's Macarion, right."

"Then do you want to know."

"It depends on what you want to say."

Sevita stared at him. Talos felt a little creepy with this look, but he forced himself not to show any weak expression.

About three minutes later, the crow prince said slowly:

"Do you know what happened to the Scarlet King."

Talos thought for a while and shook his head.

Saivita left the wall, and then walked to Talos, the two of them were barely punching each other, almost face to face.

"Look at me, look carefully."

Hearing Saivita's words, Talos looked at the opponent's face, and unknowingly fell into the opponent's black hole-like eyes.

Gradually, Talos' forehead oozes sweat, and his face gradually becomes paler than a dead body.


After a while, his body shook violently, and he collapsed on the chair, while Savita slowly moved away from So, you see. "

Talos widened his eyes, lowered his head, and looked to the ground, his eyes scattered, as if he had just witnessed something extremely terrifying.

"I'm leaving."

Saying that, Savita walked outside the cell.

"and many more--"

Talos suddenly raised his head and stopped Savita, although his voice was still trembling.

"This, is this his order?"

Savita glanced back at him, a mocking smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"That's it."

Seeing that Savita had walked out of the cell, Talos suddenly stood up and exclaimed excitedly:

"Call Soshyang to come and see me, right away!"

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