When Faith Freddy reunited with his team, he was told that the battle was over soon, and there were seven mutilated bodies lying on the muddy ground.

"Is anyone injured?"

"We are all unscathed, sir."

Chica answered with a smile.

"But we found something interesting. After the battle, I asked Bonnie to follow the scavengers' path to investigate their lair to see if there were more guys there. He found something, I think We should investigate it carefully."

After just a few minutes, they arrived at the contact point between the ruins and the city wall.

At that moment, Firth Freddy couldn't believe the sight before him--the ground was littered with bricks and dirt, as well as all kinds of primitive tools.

"They are digging a tunnel into the city."

Faith Freddy said in surprise.

"Not quite right."

Chika responded, walking into the big hole in the city wall and removing the leaf clusters and rocks that the scavengers used to hide their work.

What appeared before Faith Freddy was an old metal hatch.

"It looks like these poor bugs found this drain hatch under the city wall."

"In my opinion, they are almost finished.... We must have been too close to them just now and interrupted their work. That's why they attacked us."

Firth Freddy speculated, and then waved.

"Brothers, it looks like we have found a breakthrough!"

Twenty minutes later, Faith Freddy was standing in the alley near the corner.

Since discovering the drainage channel hatch, he and his team have crawled along the drainage tunnel for a long time, until they finally found a sewer network that looked abandoned.

They found a dark well along the sewage pipe and climbed onto the ground without knowing it.

They had also discovered other dark wells before, but the area above those dark wells was not remote enough to provide adequate cover for their hidden whereabouts.

As soon as they got out of the sewer, they immediately hid themselves in alleys or streets.

Occasionally, a few citizens passing by, but basically did not see anything, or they were already drunk and didn't care who was hiding by the road.

They quickly ran past a huge bulletin board next to a building, where a woman with a slender face was seriously writing daily important things: the price of the day, the results of sports games, the local public security situation, and the Governor's opinion on supporting the star. An article on the importance and necessity of the Knights.

Soon, at the entrance of a brightly lit street they came, luminous decorative panels were hung along both sides of the street, and various private vehicles were parked everywhere.

They can see all kinds of gang members gathering here, drinking, fighting, and verbalizing each other.

If it is an ordinary six big men, it is not easy to hide their figure and run along the street in this situation, but for the six star warriors-even if they have fallen, this is actually an easy task to complete.

Faith Freddy scanned every dark spot on the street, searching for anything that might reveal their whereabouts.

"Spectral cycle scan."

After that, he whispered a command, and the optical device in the helmet immediately started to operate, switching according to each wavelength in the spectrum, showing Faith Freddy a clear image of the street.

But he also knew that no matter what the machine showed for him, it could be interfered by the enemy's deceitful technology.

In order to achieve the concealment effect, they wear black robes outside the power armor.

Afterwards, Faith Freddy took off his helmet and clamped it to his belt, and instructed the other team members to follow suit.

The advantage of this is that if they encounter cross-examination, then they still have a little chance to defend their figure, but their helmets will be another trouble.

Faith Freddy's originally curly red hair had been soaked in sweat and stuck to his forehead. The alertness contained in his eyes was completely inconsistent with his Kong Wu's appearance.

"Bonny, find the best route to the Golden Bull Hotel."

The Taurus Hotel is their destination. The innkeeper is actually a pirate’s head of stolen goods. He will provide the red pirates with a detailed schedule of the incoming and outgoing fleet of the Astral Knights, and arrange for them to sneak into the planet ground control center. Route, where they will gather further information to prove that the vicious divine power was indeed captured by the astral knights.

Bonnie immediately activated the fortune-teller detector in silence, and showed the city map on the display-although the interference damaged some of the detector's sensing elements, it could still display the city map they had obtained before.

After Faith Freddy received this task, he carefully checked every piece of information he could collect about humans in this world.

The more detailed you understand the planet and its capital, the better you can make an action plan for him and his team.

Unfortunately, as in the history of most planets, it has become very difficult to gather information due to the changes of the times and human neglect.

However, by searching in the database of the Mechanical God Church, he found some ancient plans of Soms Nest.

With these drawings, plus some other historical archives, Faith Freddy was able to piece together a basic urban structure data.

Soms is the capital of Nathan 4 and the first foothold of mankind in this world.

It is unique in that it is built on a mountain, and the upper part of the mountain, which is the area called the Governor’s Palace, is where the first human colonies were located, and it now surrounds the lower nest. The surrounding wall of the middle nest is the original city wall.

With the constant struggle against the natural environment on the planet, the colony began to expand. Residents retained the original city walls and built new urban areas around the old city.

The city has been expanding down the mountain.

In other words, Soms Nest is a top-down built city, which is extremely unique even in many worlds of the empire.

In subsequent history ~www.ltnovel.com~ The successor governor did not destroy the buildings in the old city, but ordered them to be refurbished as the planetary interior ministry, defense forces, and any other government agencies they deem important workplace.

The entire old city is almost separated from the new city in all respects: it has its own power supply equipment and waste conversion equipment, and a large amount of drinking water and food are stored here.

This means that even if it is under siege, the old city can be held for a long time.

The Golden Bull Hotel is located in the old city, so they have to cross the ancient old city wall.

"The southeast entrance has the weakest patrol force, and only a few guards equipped with light firepower are responsible for security."

"Very well, take everyone there. Remember, our task is to sneak in, find and investigate the target, and then evacuate. I don't want to disturb the whole city."

Bonnie once again stood at the forefront of the team and began to move forward in the shadows, with Faith Freddy and the other members of the team following him.

As the team moved along the street, they did not notice that a figure standing on the roof of a residential building on the side of the street was watching them.

The man hid his figure in the shadow, and his whole body was enveloped in a cloud of unnatural darkness.

When he saw the red pirate team turn the corner, he raised his hand to his mouth.

"The fish have taken the bait, there is no doubt, no accident, they will arrive in the old town in about two hours, to make sure everything has been arranged in order, we must send our guests greetings in line with their status, I will also meet you soon."

After sending the message, the mysterious watcher turned and disappeared into the darkness.

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