The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 435: War mobilization

After the decision-making meeting, Soshyan met with Brother Said alone, but the other side also agreed with Saivita's idea, so Soshyan summoned all the fighters to make a warning of the war.

In less than a minute, all the members of the Astral Knights assembled in the assembly hall.

As the last servant left, the gate of the assembly hall rolled and closed.

The surrounding braziers crackled due to the change in airflow, and the air processor that absorbed the smoke wailed.

"My soldiers, my brothers."

Soshyang stood on the high platform and said quietly.

"The emperor's best warriors."

When he looked at them, everyone was watching him silently.

"Listen carefully what I am going to say. I don't want to repeat it. I don't want anyone to repeat what I said outside this hall. If there is anything I'm going to tell you, anyone will be punished."

Everyone's mood fluctuates, because many people know that if there is no good reason, Soshyan will not easily say such serious words.

He could feel their anxiety.

"The former watchman of the Maelstrom, the traitor now, the Huron of the Red Pirates is watching us, and the war is inevitable."

Soshyan did not expect his subordinates to respond kindly to this statement, and they did not.

As soon as the words came out, the warriors' vigilance mixed with anger, agitating among the crowd.

Soshyan could feel the uneasy echoes from everyone, as if those whispers gathered all the negative thoughts in the room, and then spread back maliciously.

"Team commander, whatever the red pirate! Hit him if you dare to come!"

Falzad uttered these words with a howl. The emotions of the soldiers made him angry, and judging from the words in his mouth, he also stung them.

"The strength of the enemy is huge, and the enemy's fleet and number are more than ten times ours."

"We are the emperor's warriors, even if the enemy is too few, what about it?"

"Wash your ears, third company commander!"

Soshyan said in a threatening tone:

"If you interrupt me again, I will immediately close your confinement."

This time Falzad would not say anything, but he has also successfully eliminated those uneasy whispers.

"There is one thing that Falzad is right. What if the enemy is widowed? We will never wait to die!"

With that, Soshyang turned on the tactical imaging device, and the scene of the Red Pirate's scouts being captured appeared on it.

"After interrogating these captives, Huron's invasion is almost inevitable."

Following Soshyan's words, some information about the former Star Claws appeared on the visualizer.

"No matter what Huron was in the past, he has now become a bloodthirsty and cruel tyrant, and his mutated soul has also made Subspace tremble, and the stench of corruption has been blown across thousands of worlds by the wind... .... He is a beast, and its fleet is even more so, but we all know that no beast is invincible."

"Commander, what is your plan."

The company commander Mark raised his own question.

"We have to take the initiative. If we get caught in a cat and mouse game with Huron, then we must be the loser."

The picture on the imaging device changed. A planet wrapped in crazy colorful colors appeared on it, and the star castle in orbit could be seen vaguely.

"This is New Badab, Huron's lair, and we are going to burn the war there."

Everyone was in an uproar when he said this.

Soshyan had foreseen this situation earlier.

"He has a blaster gun, we also have a blaster gun, he has a battleship, we also have a battleship, we have the knight of the Freedom Blade, he also has the terrible demon engine, we have a large number of mortal auxiliary forces, and so does he... We have everything he has, and he has everything we have, except for one weapon, a deadly weapon."

Soshyan glanced at everyone.

"Huron has already drunk the water of darkness, and the power of darkness in the subspace is flowing in his veins. Although we have the emperor's blessing, he may be very busy."

Then he patted his chest.

"But I can end him, I can destroy his unclean soul, provided that I have to face him."

"No matter what, commander of the battle group, this sounds more like suicide, the whole battle group."

Mark's words sounded like pouring cold water, but Soshyang knew that this was not the intention of the company commander. He was a cautious and steady person, but he did not lose his courage.

His ability to say these words means that he understands the burden on his shoulders.

"It is true that single-handedly, it is indeed undoubtedly suicide, here is the second thing to say."

Soshyang smiled and said something that shocked everyone even more.

"After friendly consultations, under the witness of the emperor, astral knights, ascetics, and weepers have formed a brotherly alliance. The three battle groups will watch each other and support each other. This alliance is called the Alliance of Misery."

The whispers between these fighters broke out again, even Falzad was a little confused.

"Commander of the battle group, is this getting worse?"

Mark's words did not imply rebelliousness, it was his caution that prompted him to say this.

"Lord Magyar is a well-known empire's veteran. He also recognizes that he is prepared at the end of the forty thousand years when this crisis is getting deeper and deeper, and this is not the first case. There have been many battle groups that have formed brotherly alliances with each other. "

The company commander nodded, which was considered to have approved Soshyang's words.

"If the three join forces, there is indeed a slight chance of winning."

"Don't worry about the odds of winning."

Falzad murmured:

"Where the battle commander points, I will go, if necessary, even **** I will not hesitate! How can death stop me? All hurry up, the battle commander, talk about the specific plan? How should we kill Huron this mad dog..."

The words of the third company commander caused waves of approval in the crowd, and it was as if the number of people in the hall had tripled.

Soshyang nodded and said:

"The first step of the plan is to anger Huron first."

Mark blinked.

"We have to wait for work? Ambushed him somewhere? This seems too straightforward. Anyone with a little combat experience will be prepared. Not to mention that Huron is rumored to be very cunning and suspicious. It may be difficult for him to be simply agitated. Take the bait."

Soshyan shook his head.

"This is not an aggressive general, and Huron would not consider it an aggressive general, he would think I was delaying time."

Mark was stunned for a moment, and then nodded suddenly.

"Yes, yes, the warlords of Chaos are all suspicious....The wisdom of the battle captain is admirable."

"The second step, at this time tomorrow, we will come out and head straight for Huron's nest!"

"In such a hurry? If Huron hasn't attacked yet, wouldn't we have to bump into it?"

"This is a big bet. We bet that Huron is faster than us. When he thinks we are delaying time, he will choose to launch a quick raid before we are'not ready.'"

Although he said so, Soshyang had full confidence in his heart that Huron would definitely attack in advance.

Talos had already seen Maybe it was Soshyan's determined attitude, or was stimulated by the coming battle of the agitation, the hesitation on Mark's face disappeared and turned into determination.

He slammed his chest and said loudly:

"Willing to go to **** with the battle captain!"

For a moment, all the soldiers roared neatly.

"Willing to go to **** with the battle captain!"

"We don't just have to go deep into hell!"

Soshyan responded loudly.

"We still have to tear up that filthy heart in hell! Take back the treasure stolen by the demons!"

With words, the image of the video camera began to expand, and finally locked on the star fort in the orbit of the planet.

"The third step! And the most important step! Take down the **** iris!"

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