Willets didn't know how long they had been in the cell.

She could only feel another impact on the hull two minutes ago. Although it was relatively minor, she could still detect it.

Is it the reinforcements of the Red Pirates?

She can only guess like this, after all, it is undoubtedly a luxury to expect her own reinforcements to arrive at this time.

Outside the door, the gate of **** seemed to have been opened, and the nun could only hear the screams of unfettered psychics and the roar of explosive guns.

After a long time, all sounds disappeared.

"Are they all dead?"

When a nun tried to put her ear on the cold metal door, the cell door suddenly burst open, turning her whole body into a pool on the wall.

Nasir Waterk kicked open the cell door and got in.

Subspace sparks flashed on his shoulder armor, and large scorched marks and psychic claw marks interlaced on his chest armor.

But he still survived.

"Burn you to death, heresy!"

Viletz spit on him, and the nun squad stepped forward and spewed flames at the Captain of the Red Pirate.

Nasir Waterk lifted the power claw like a shield to deflect the fire, and then moved quickly with a sneer. In the blink of an eye, he took a nun's head and pierced another nun's with that crackling claw. chest.

When the nun's head fell to the ground, the flamethrower stammered to a halt.

Waterk ripped his paws from the torso of the other nun and let her fall to the ground. Then he pointed his paws at Willets, the tips of the paws gleaming with dark energy.

"Hand over that witch!"

The red pirate roared.

Sister Anatole had used the power hammer to withstand Knox's throat, preparing to smash her throat.

Willets remained motionless, staring at the traitor intently.

"She has been predestined by others, heresy, is your previous master-the emperor of mankind."

At the mention of the emperor, the Chaos Star Warrior became irritable.

"This name is meaningless to me now! I have only one master, the master of the Maelstrom! The blood collector, the black heart king, the tyrant of New Badab."

When the Red Pirate was busy announcing that he had a new owner, Velec acted.

Beside her, the psionicist in Anatol's hands was struggling-the witch Jiroubia Knox wanted to get rid of the nun, but also wanted to get rid of the halter.

Velez hoped that this dangerous psionicist no longer wanted to be a slave to the tyrant, but wanted to be part of the emperor's soul, so she reached out and untied the halter-she hoped she was right.

As soon as the halter fell to the side, the banshee started screaming.

Everything becomes very painful.

So close to the witch, the nuns stepped back and covered their ears, but they were not helpful.

Because the witch's wailing is tearing apart the soul, which has nothing to do with material obstacles.

Both nuns fell to their knees, and Emilia Anatole fell on the deck and dropped the power hammer.

Jiroubia Knox's voice enveloped the cell like a storm, and even Wattke was affected. The red pirate reached out to reach the psionicist with his crackling claws.

Black blood flowed from Wattke's nostrils, ears, and eyes, and even his teeth were stained dark red, and the blood and oil under the mechanical parts of his face boiled.


At this time, the cell door was torn again, and the two red pirates rushed in and stood in front of Watke.

But they were immediately tortured by the witch's power, shaking in place.

Willetts took a deep breath, and she awakened her strength and tried to make herself strong-she firmly believed that the belief in the emperor would protect her.

She tried to move her arm and took the power hammer from the captain of the nun.

Afterwards, Willets used all his strength to brandish the weapon and smashed the face of a red pirate.

The red pirate staggered back, his face covered with blood, his brain messed up by the witch's scream.

"My faith is my shield."

The nun muttered a word, and then smashed the head of the Chaos Interstellar Warrior, blood splattered over her armor and the cell.

Then he smashed the second Chaos Space Warrior in the head with the warhammer.

The traitor then fell at her feet.

At this moment, she felt that her soul was about to be shattered like a crystal, and she felt blood flowing from her eyes to her cheeks, and her ears were also wet, obviously blood was flowing out.

Knox's mouth was wide open, the rows of shark-like teeth were very obvious, there were screams everywhere in the cabin, and the unbearable crazy voice echoed in the corridor of the black ship.

At this time, the metal hand armor that had been piercing suddenly swung away from the witch's throat, turning the scream into an unpleasant crunch, followed by choking and hissing.

"It's too tender!"

The grinning Voltek threw the witch aside, surrounded by a faint light of darkness, apparently hiding some kind of anti-psychic means.


Then he stretched out his hand again and slapped the blood-stained Velec to the ground.

The nun's world of consciousness gradually blurred, and the mental pain began to dissipate...

"I'm going to face the emperor's trial in shame--"

The regret of not being able to complete the task became the only thing in her thoughts. When the chaos traitor put the claws towards her face, she felt a little relief.

"How dare an evil animal!"

With a loud shout, the bulkhead of the cell was suddenly torn apart by a certain force from the inside to the outside.

Accompanied by the dazzling electric light, a crimson long sword slashed across Willitz's blurred vision, severing the **** dirty claw and the arm that connected it.

Voltke let out a stern growl, and backed away abruptly, while Willetts slowly widened his azure blue eyes.

A figure covered her whole person.

It was a stalwart warrior wearing silver-gray terminator armor. On his shoulder armor was the symbol of crossed swords. The metal eagle emblem on his chest was as dazzling as a small sun in the dark cell. The iron halo hung on the backpack. Next, is a heroic and young face.

The other party suddenly appeared, lying between Willett and the Chaos Traitor. When he turned around, his eyes met with Willett.

In just half a second, Willetts firmly remembered these dark eyes.

The next moment, the stalwart warrior suddenly turned around and hit the chaos traitor's face with a punch, smashing the opponent's entire face into the depression, and then before the opponent fell backward, the long sword slashed like a meteor.

When Wattke's head flew high, there was still an expression of surprise on his face.

When the headless body fell heavily on the metal floor~www.ltnovel.com~, the huge head also fell to the ground.

Everything happened in a matter of seconds.

When the soldier reached out to Willets, the nun's brain was still down.

"I am the commander of the Astral Knights, Soshyan Alexei."

The nun dazedly grabbed the other's thumb and was about to stand up, but suddenly her knees softened and she fell forward.

Fortunately, the other party supported her with his arms in time and didn't let her fall again.

"Can I go by myself?"

Willetts nodded, glanced at Knox, and found that the witch was really not easy to suffer, and she was still fainting on the ground now.

Knowing that she did not fail, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and whispered:

"The Emperor... Bless."

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