The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 457: ‘Pestemic Sea Maggot’ Kopras

The moment the ceremony was completed, the whole world froze and stopped.

The light turns into darkness, and the darkness turns into blind day.

A single high-pitched sound echoed and spread, roaring and extinguishing all other sounds.

For a long time, a disgusting faint fragrance spreads like a tendon.

Then the cultists all began to float from the ground, blood and smoke spewed out of their mouths, and their entire bodies stood up and trembling as if pulled by a string.

Soon, their skin cracked, something came out of the broken flesh, and it was shiny and lubricated by blood.

After a while, the eyes, mouth, and bone spurs melted and changed throughout the body, as if something unnatural first occupied them, and then gradually turned into entities in them step by step.

Many soldiers who have not seen such a scene can not help but take a step back.

Only Soshyan in the middle remains unchanged.

His eyes became cold, they were indifferent eyes, but with a strong sense of war.

Soshyang felt a sound burst in his head, extracting his thoughts, and he could feel the thoughts, doubts and memories that were out of his own control like soap bubbles, and they were broken one after another.

At this moment, he saw the only road paved in front of him-there was only the long sword in his hand, only the enemy in front of him, and the only feeling he could allow.

Pure and shiny, like a beacon in the dark.

Soshyang blinked, and the world returned to normal in an instant.

He ran forward, the shield wall formed by the warriors had broken open, and everyone knew that the battle had turned into a frenzied storm of swords and claws.

The stench filled the air, and the creatures leaped towards him, their claws stretched out from the ends of their limbs.

Soshyang's sword pierced the top of the deforming head and cut it in half in an instant, letting blood and pus mist in the air.

Even through the helmet, he could smell the internal residue and the indescribable rancid smell.

Gunshots roared non-stop nearby, and the roar of those creatures also rose forward with Teng Nao's leaping.

Talos threw his sword, and the weapon revolved round and round, and the active position pulled out the lightning remaining behind it.

It hit the nearest beast, and the thing struggled, and black cracks spread all over the body.

But the creature did not die. None of those things died. Instead, they crowded around the soldiers, even if they kept shooting.

I don’t know when, a large number of insect swarms began to fly in the air. They were fat and disgusting flies. They shrouded everyone's heads like a black mist, and kept coming and going in and out of the bodies of those creatures. Out.

Soshyang saw a glimpse of a bony claw flashing an effortless stroke to cut a certain warrior's visor.

The blood, the light suddenly flashed in the air.

When Soshyan slashed and rushed towards the enemy, it turned into an afterimage. He saw something surrounding the soldier's gun arm. Something stirred and flickered as if chewing flesh and blood.

The group of creatures rushed forward, and blood and sour drilling sounds came from the sharp teeth in the distance.

After approaching the warrior, his backhand was a sword, from left to right, as if a sickle had cut corn.

When he cut through, he felt the vibration of the flesh and bones from the sword.

An opening opened up in front of him, and he inserted it, stepped over the fallen warrior, swept the long sword back and forth--the creatures yelled at him as they retreated.

He looked down, the opponent's armor was mottled and covered with blood clotting, and red blood bubbles and foam were spit out from the slit in the helmet.

"Get up quickly."

The soldier took Soshyang's arm, pulled himself up, and landed his feet on the ground, but the blaster was still in his hands.

"I'm sorry, commander..."

He shook for a while, then shook his whole body, the scattered blood dripping down like a dog shaking off the water in his fur.

The creatures left in front of them, retreating like a tide of corrupt flesh and blood.

The noise of the battle and the buzzing of rancid flying insects still sang in the air, but at this moment it seemed to come from farther away.

The huge figure that had become dark and dark stood in front of them, and as he stepped forward, it seemed as if smoke was peeling off in front of him, and the creatures around him cheered and whispered like beasts under restraint.

And when his voice was uttering words, it was as if blood was covering the broken glass.

"Astral Knight, the tyrant really underestimated you. You are not shivering in your own lair and waiting for death, but unexpectedly attacking here...but it is meaningless, death is still waiting for you."

Suddenly, he stopped moving, then turned around and put his hand in a bone box opened on the altar.

"Shut up, traitor!"

Falzad took a sip and rushed forward. As he charged, new blood spilled from his wound.

Soshyang squinted his eyes, and he noticed something moving in the box, something like a python churning in black oil.

The Chaos Interstellar warrior's hands surrounded it, and the gray lightning whipped his arm. As the pattern on the armor began to twist, the outline of his figure began to turn into a phantom.

Falzad leaped high and smashed his axe down.

In the next second, Soshyang heard the powerful roar and saw the blood bursting out of Farzad's mouth.

That blow was not clean and elegant, it was the most primitive war slash-a fatal blow, quick and direct.

The black figure turned around unhurriedly, and the shape and outline became phantom due to the rapid violent change.

After that, something hit Farzad's chest.


Falzad was shaken back by some unknown force and fell back, folding down the rope as if it had been chopped down.

The Chaos Star Warrior sneered and twitched the weapon back-its shape changed and stretched among various shapes, while solidifying and dissolving, and hissing.

Falzad now fell on the ground motionless, the whispering shadow sucking on his wound.

Just when the thing struck again towards Falzad, the burning Holy Flame sword held the blow.

White light was scattered in the air, two weapons twirling each other.

"The flames and the wind tell the end of you!"

The Chaos Star Warrior roared, and at such a close distance, he was finally able to see the opponent's face clearly.

This was a huge swollen monster, favored by the gods he believed in and became swollen. The damp filth covered the layers of armor pieces on his armor, and the unknown biochemical machinery dirt sealed the gaps between the armor pieces.

The pottery steel armor covering his torso and two legs was bent due to the melting and morbid expansion of the flesh and blood in The long copper horns pierced out of the holes in the damaged armor.

There are blood vessels growing on these long copper horns, which can be regarded as living things to some extent, with blood-like promethium flowing on them.

And on his shoulder, there is a tumor like a dead tree trunk, and there are constantly black maggots and flies coming and going in and out-the reason why he looks like he is surrounded by a cloud of black mist is precisely because these maggots and The flies hung around him tightly.

Each of those flies has the finger length of an interstellar warrior, and the wings are long and thin, shaking.

But unlike the dirty and tattered armor, this man's face was as dry and white as a corpse, and looked more like a ghoul-hiding in an undesecrated, untouched catacomb covered in dust for centuries. s things.

In the bright yellow eyes covered with blood, there was a temperatureless subspace fire burning.

Hatred and contempt are constantly emerging from this fire.

"Plague Sea Mad Maggot" Kopras, the former company commander of the devotee group, fell into the arms of the chaos evil **** Nurgle after a subspace trek and became a plague warrior.

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