The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 465: Ace Combat (Part 2)

"bring it on--"

   Facing the challenge, Albert rolled and avoided the beam of the laser cannon.

   The sound of sirens filled his ears continuously, the communication channel also boiled, and the enemies also found his men.

   The automatic aiming system lost its function with Albert's violent roll.

  The enemy's interceptor pierced him like a dagger, and the continuous laser shot turned the void into daylight.

   Suddenly, Albert chose to stop and stop turning.

   The moment the aiming system overlapped with the enemy interceptor, the crying ace pilot took a deep breath and pressed the trigger.

   A beam of white light whizzed out from under the wing.

   This is an attack that no one can do. Very few mortals will try, because it requires too much precision for the driver.

   But Albert is not a mortal.

   In the next second, the tail of the enemy interceptor was accurately hit and completely evaporated.

   Albert watched the enemy burning from his side for two seconds. At this brief moment-half of his attention was focused on marking the location of the remaining subordinates and enemies.

   "The situation is not good."

   Albert thought, rushing to the next target.

   At this time, the sound of the warning device sounded again.

   On the display, a bright green outline surrounded the approaching enemy bomber.

But a group of black outlines appeared in the direction of the distant stars. The enemy or friend of the sword-tail interceptor immediately recognized that it was an enemy vehicle, and Marcel Albert judged from his personal experience that it was A team of **** blades and **** claws.

Hell Blades are fighters designed to act as interceptors and used by Chaos forces. They are used as fast and flexible interceptors. They have a sleek, slender and deadly appearance. They are considered to be the product of the eye of fear forging the world. , Engage enemy aircraft when the larger Hellclaw fighter-bomber destroys ground targets.

   Hell Blade is mainly equipped with two dual automatic cannons and two missile launchers.

   And Hellclaw is a fighter-bomber. It has a sleek appearance, similar to a double-edged sword head, and its vector engine configuration can give it better flexibility, making it take precedence over almost any type of imperial aircraft in combat.

   Its weapons and equipment include dual laser cannons, automatic cannons or Havoc missile launchers and incendiary bombs, which can attack small warships and even pose a certain threat to giant ships in the sky.

Hellclaws and similar aircraft are believed to be products of the Corrupt Casting World Shala 2 in the Eye of Fear. In battle, they will swoop down, use laser cannons and automatic cannons to shoot targets, and use the flames of incendiary bombs. Devour the enemy.

   The chaotic formation of fighter planes dived down at a dazzling speed, passing straight through the formation of Baal's Light Squadron, with full firepower.

   In a very short time, several lightning bolts disappeared in the hot ball of fire, or hovered and disappeared into the void.

   The remaining fighters immediately broke the formation and launched a counterattack. Albert drove the Eidolon forcibly to make a maneuvering turn. Astarte's physique allowed him to endure the impact of this extreme high pressure on his body.

   Just as he was aiming, an enemy plane flashed past the scope, and Albert pulled the trigger of the weapon before his brain could fully react.

   But this time it didn't hit the target, the Hell's Blade was as agile as a fish in the sea.

   While the Hell Blade and Lightning were in a fight, the Hell Claw bomber began its final dash.

   A frigate undertook the air defense mission in the area. Anti-aircraft guns and small lasers struck the void. The tracer shells pouring out of the turret accompanied by the bright flashes of the railgun, along with the ion cannon pulse firepower, hit the attacking bomber group.

The Hell Blades advanced like flying tanks with fierce firepower. Their shells were scarred by the explosion, the surrounding air was filled with explosions, some were disintegrated by the winding tracer, and others were cut in half by the laser. .

   But most of the bombers quickly became a dead end of the frigate.

   More than a dozen ammunition doors opened in perfect synchronization, and a large number of Havoc missiles and hot melt bombs rained on the frigate's hull.

   For an instant, the superstructure and fort of the frigate covered with stardust were engulfed by flames.

   The attack did not last long, but the entire upper deck of the frigate was almost turned into burning ruins.

   While the frigate struggled under the firepower of the bomber, the confrontation in the void did not stop.

   Marcel Albert has already scored two aerial kills, and he is approaching the third goal.

   Dogfighting **** blades and lightning, tracer bullets and energy beams can be seen everywhere on the battlefield.

   Although the opponent's body is old, corrupt, and even with obvious battle damage, Marcel Albert still marvels at the speed and maneuverability of Hell's Blade.

  Time and time again, the fighter used incredible flying skills to slip away from him, or escaped from the muzzle at an extremely fast speed. He didn't know what the other party used to make up for the lack of technology.

But Marcel Albert has the confidence to hunt it, because the soul of Eidolon never let him down, and he also has a stronger advantage than most pilots-his body can withstand gravity that humans can't stand. limit.

   All of this made him extremely confident when approaching the next prey.

   However, before Albert could hit the Hellblade, the communication system was illuminated by the interception bomber's command.

   Obviously, the Hellclaw bomber has already put a lot of pressure on the frigate formation.

  Marcel Albert had to make a difficult decision. He asked the second and third teams to block the enemy's interceptors, while he led the first team to attack the bombers.

   The battle was fierce from the beginning.

   They fired a missile first, and then used a laser cannon to shoot the fish that slipped through the net.

   One-third of the bombers were shot down immediately, and the remaining enemy planes began to throw bombs indiscriminately-most of the bombs fell into the air or hit the armor plate because of interference.

   But there were also very few bombs that fell into the correct position, causing serious damage.

   Albert drove the Eidolon and other warships and continued to shoot those bombers that had not dropped bombs, and the Hellclaws were torn apart under the attack of air defense fire and interceptors.

   When the attack went smoothly, other teams issued warnings that some interceptors broke through the interception.

The formation of    can only be divided into two teams again. Albert and a temporary wingman will delay the enemy interceptor. The other lightning's goal is to destroy the remaining bombers.

   He worked out an attack plan, but before he could implement it, the Hell's Blade that he had been chasing before suddenly appeared from behind, blasting his new wingman with a missile.

   Albert was extremely angry and decided to kill the Chaos pilot. Eidolon obviously had the same idea.

   The two sides immediately started a fierce dog fight.

  Albert is battling the enemy plane while paying attention to his own situation-Eidolon has not much fuel and ammunition left.

  The pilot who chased him was a master, and bit him tightly behind him. Albert gave up using logic to control the Eidolon, and instead followed its killing instinct to drive the interceptor.

   He first got rid of the tail bite with a high-speed S-shape posture, and then suddenly turned around. This was a high-risk decision.

   Both sides formed a head-on attack posture.

   Cannonballs swept the night spirit's hatch and even cracked it, but Albert didn't care at all. His will and spirit had been highly unified with the night spirit.

   His eyes are only the circle in the sight.

   At the very moment, both sides entered the range of the adjacent frigate anti-aircraft gun.

   Under the intensive rain of bullets, the pilot of Hellblade was the first to be unable to withstand the huge psychological pressure, and had to break away from the anti-aircraft firepower of the enemy attack and dodge.

   Albert seized the opportunity to bite behind, and hit the tail of the Hellblade with the last missile, and the fighter directly exploded.

  At this time, the rest of the Hellclaws died and fled.

   Albert breathed a sigh of relief, and then opened the squadron’s public communications channel.

   "Good job, boys, now we return to sail and replenish ammunition."


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