The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 477: Out of bounds

"Soshyan, what I promised you is over. Now I have some things to leave. Macarion will go with me. Talos will stay with you. So will Atani, protect me first. she was."

Listening to the voice in the communicator, Soshyan fell into deep thought.

After this time of getting along, he has not had such a deep prejudice against Saivita, but he still can't figure out Saivita's position.

And he has faintly noticed that the encounter between the other party and himself did not seem to be purely accidental.

"Where are you going?"

"Please don't ask, we will meet again in the future, you will not be afraid of not being able to deal with Huron?"

"of course not."

Although he didn't know how the opponent left, Suoshyang was still a little nervous when he thought that his strongest combat power was not there at this time.

Regardless of Saivita’s position, Soshyan is convinced of his personal strength. At least in the many Astartes he has seen, very few have been able to walk through Saivita’s hand. Recruit people.

In the battle between Prince Crow and Voidwalker, he went back to reminisce from time to time every day, and he has benefited a lot.


Just before the communication was closed, Savita whispered to Soshyan in a strange tone:

"There is something I always wanted to tell you."

"what's up?"

"Sol Taviz died very early."

"What are you talking about? Wait—"

But Savita has closed communications.

Soshyang's heart sank a little bit, he didn't mean to eat Savita.

Does he want to say that this Thor is fake now?

Thinking about it, it is indeed possible. After all, Soshyang has never seen the real Sol himself, and everything said by this veteran of ten thousand years ago cannot be verified by himself.

But Brother Said has confirmed it, can't he also read it wrong, right?

Or does Savita mean another thing?

Thinking of this, he secretly glanced at Sol, who was standing in front of the surveillance screen, and then noticed that Talos' body beside him suddenly swayed.

"Talos, did Savita tell you something?"

Soshyan sent a communication request, but the Prophet responded immediately.

"Nothing, little things."

"He is leaving."


"Do you know where he is going?"

"do not know."

Talos waved his arm impatiently.

"Our grand captain, you first care about what's in front of you, Huron has already come up with thousands of murderers and butchers."

So choked, Soshyan stopped saying anything, but focused on the tactical panel in front of him.

At present, the main areas of Starcastle have been controlled, but they are limited to these areas. In fact, more than half of the areas are unguarded. There are still many red pirate remnants here. Lun will definitely go to meet up immediately when he enters Starcastle.

As an experienced warrior, Huron's tactics are also very simple and efficient. He concentrates all his forces on the center, ignoring the occupied areas.

This decision was actually quite correct, because the division of troops gave Soshyang a chance. The entire Starcastle's monitoring system was under the control of the astral knights. Once the troops were divided, they might be defeated by the enemy's concentrated strength.

But once the Red Pirate clenched his fist and hit the center directly, Soshyang had to accept it.

Moreover, Huron's landing was carried out after the external fleet basically controlled the airspace around the Star Fort, which made Soshyan and others lose their final retreat.

It can be said that Soshyang and the others have been locked in an iron cage.

However, this is also the last step in Soshyan's plan, and he needs Huron to make this decision.

"Ustad, Falzad, how is your team?"

Soon, Ustad took the lead to respond.

"We have reached the periphery and are building a shelter."

Then Falzad made the same response, but his breathing was heavier-although his injury was not fatal, it was still more serious.


Huron clenched his fists, and Soshyang returned to the same posture, shrinking his strength near the center.

He is going to fight Huron here in a decisive battle!

"Captain Tytus, how is your side now?"

"The genetic seed has successfully arrived on the battleship, and we will stay here to live and die with the astral knights."

The ranger fighters found their plundered genetic seeds in the Star Fort. The reason why Huron did not put these precious trophies in the fortress of New Badab, but in the Star Fort, is probably worried about the ground environment. Is contaminated.

Or maybe it's who he intends to trade the seeds with.

In any case, the ranger fighters regained their hope. After sending dozens of fighters and genetic seeds out of the Star Fortress, Magna Titus decided to lead the remaining nearly a hundred fighters to fight with Soshyan.

"Thank you, Brother Titus, let us give these traitors a good look, and let them know the sad end of abandoning the light of the throne."

"For the emperor!"

"For the emperor."

After confirming that the ranger fighters were also in place, Soshyan pulled out the structural diagram near the center from the tactical panel.

The center has three entrances, which lead to the armory, the energy control center, and the first public area.

Judging from Huron's path of action, there is a high probability that he will enter from the main public area, which is the path Soshyan took before.

Therefore, he also deployed most of his power at this entrance-including the ranger fighters, and several small teams guarded the other two entrances.

In terms of numbers, the number of Huron landings is between 800 and 1,000, and they add up to less than 400.

The ratio of 2 to 1 can be described as an absolute disadvantage from a tactical point of view, especially after the loss of Saivita and his black guards, as well as the fearless support of the Eighth Army. It's even bigger.

This is the only variable in the plan.

For the first time, Soshyang, who was full of confidence, had the idea of ​​unpredictable outcome.

At this moment, he turned around and looked at the nuns who were checking their weapons.

After fierce fighting, there are only four nuns left, including Adriana Willets.

Noting that Soshyan was looking at himself, Velec, who was loading the bullets, raised his head.

"Captain Soshyan, what's the matter?"

"Sister Adriana Willets, the following battle may be extremely dangerous. You and your sisters have paid enough for the emperor. Now there is still a chance to retreat. I will arrange--"

"Captain Soshyan, your words and deeds make me feel very sad and angry."

Adriana Viletz interrupted Soshyan and her eyes widened, and her sisters also showed the anger that was scorned.

"We are dedicated to the emperor, this dedication cannot be counted, only to die!"

Soshyang looked at him, his shoulders relaxed, as if sighing.

"Sister Anna, listen to me, sacrifice is worthy of praise, but in many cases, only by living can we do more valuable things."

"In my opinion, the most valuable thing now is to kill a few more heretics."

With that, she slammed the magazine under the gun body.

Then she turned around and whispered in a voice that only she could hear:

"Even if... die here."

Then she raised her head and said in a proud voice:

"We don't need your extra care, Commander Soshyan, we will take care of ourselves."

"ok, I get it."

Soshyang nodded and returned to his post.

At this time, Huron's team has gradually approached the periphery of the central hub, and the crucial moment of the plan is approaching.

Suddenly, Talos on the side spoke:

"Sevita said before leaving, it's time to start screaming."

Soshyang froze for a moment, clenched his fist, and then released it again, but made no sign.

Talos snorted contemptuously.

"Master, do you feel uneasy in your conscience?"

Soshyan did not respond.

"Do you know that the Eighth Legion is not formed after the Great Rebellion. We became this ghostly virtue as early as the return of the Primarch... Do you think the emperor doesn’t know it? Do you think it’s the Primarch’s. Brothers don’t know? They are very clear, but no one of them has really stopped, because they need a weapon named \'fear', because in this way can they quickly build up this huge So when Primordial is crazy, they don’t say anything about it, like the emperor, so are the brothers of Primordial...Remember, the empire you are loyal to is never built on morality! Ha, right. People often say that the Primarch has inherited a certain personality trait of the emperor, Soshyan, guess what kind of personality our Primarch has inherited from the emperor?"

Soshyang's breathing became heavy, and a few seconds later, he nodded slightly.

Talos immediately connected to the communication of Unbound Soul.

"Pick me Dieterian."

"Roger that."

Soon, Dietrian's shriveled voice remembered.

"Soul hunter?"

"How many times have you said it, don't call me that, prepare to start screaming."


On the side, Soshyang kept questioning himself.

"I, have you crossed the line..."

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