The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 479: The art of pain

Of course Soshyang asked Talos what that scream was.

Until now, he still remembered the smile and answer of the prophet, and planted a seed of regret in his heart.

"By combining with the pure art of torture, Dieterian created a screaming song loud enough to be heard and felt by souls on several planets... but it's not enough. It’s not uncommon to sacrifice sacrifices to mortals at all. How many legionaries have done the same thing for thousands of years? I don’t even need to guess. Raiders have used this trick to cover up their tracks a long time ago. So in that case... Is there a better way to slow down the speed of the pursuers than to stir the subspace to thicken the silt? Even if there is a risk of being infected by the devil, its effect is enough to make us worth the risk. risk."

"So you killed all the slaves on your ship?"

"The soul of a mortal is meaningless. You won’t understand. The power and pain are at our fingertips. It is not a weapon that can razor cities, nor a warship that can break the blockade of the entire fleet. These things are in eternity. There is no point in the battle.... We can leave scars on steel, but any old pirate ship equipped with a large cannon can also be used, but we are the Eighth Army. We cut the flesh, steel and soul with swords. Our traumatic memories, we tear our hearts, our actions will definitely make sense, otherwise we should be forgotten and rot in the ancient myth."

Talos took a breath at the time, and his voice suddenly softened again.

"So we sing, this piece of music is definitely is a weapon that is more real than laser cannons or bombardments, but how can we best turn this silent song into possible? A sharp blade that will make the empire bleed?"

Soshyan did not answer, but he had already guessed it.

"Sing louder."

Talos' lips still smiled sickly as before.

"It only needs to sing loudly, so we turn the singer into a screaming choir, condensing the pain and fear from week to week into pure absolute pain, and then imposing torture on torture, and constantly increasing their intensity. .... The massacre of thousands of people is nothing-a drop in the ocean, but the Star Whisperers are different! They have no choice but to listen, see, and feel what is happening... .. When the psionics finally die, they are like a shell swollen by the suffering caused by the mass murder, blinded by the ghosts of the surrounding dead."

Soshyan was shocked by such atrocities.

"We made them feel pain and fear night after night. They screamed that it was mental pain. They screamed at the moment of death and entered the psychic channel... and then one world after another will be Listen, those Star Whispers on the planet or battleship will also use their own suffering to amplify it, adding verses and chorus to the song, and sharing it with others."

After listening to this, Soshyang kept admonishing himself that he must not use such depraved power until the last moment.

However, what he didn't expect was that such a moment would come so quickly--


One by one, Valle used various methods to torture them.

Each of them looked into his eyes, and although he didn't know what they saw, he knew what would happen.

The first man howled, grabbed him with his invisible hand, and hit his face with his broken wrist.

Not every Astarte is a psionicist, but in essence, their structure and genes are contaminated with a part of psychic power.

Under torment, their hearts revealed fear beyond the warp, and their flesh and blood were broken and could not be controlled.

Some people fainted directly, and their spirits finally fell from the tormented bodies.

Others twist their bodies and try to break free. They have a vitality that they have never had before, struggling with painful organ failure.

Several people bloomed in front of him, so that the white armor of the pharmacist was soaked with rancid internal organs.

When the torture here is over, Valer will watch the servant take all the remains out until the last one.

He is usually not interested in mechanical teaching, but this time it is an exception. He cleaned his body and then went to Dieterian's secret cabin.

In the concept of many chaotic space warriors, humans can only be called humans when viewed from the most indulgent and most physiologically meaningful point of view.

He didn't know that he had ever had a name, and he didn't have real perception, and he couldn't express the same painful emotions over and over again.

His existence is divided into two levels of experience, and his strangled mind is interpreted as numbness and torture.

In the long time between each disaster, he was in a state of numbness, doing nothing, seeing nothing, knowing nothing, only knowing that there is a state of eternal weightlessness and saltiness in his lungs and throat. Chemical material.

The only thing that can be generously interpreted as thought is the faint and distant echo of anger.

What he felt was not the anger itself, but the memory of it: a memory of anger that he had known for not knowing why.

When the whip of torture is drawn, it will bring a storm of pain.

The anger rose again, sparks in his brain blood vessels, like a malfunctioning wire.

He would feel his jaw open, and his tongueless mouth screamed silently into the cold void that surrounded him.

After a while, the pain will disappear, followed by false anger.

It is happening.

The red pirate captain, once known as Tedley, was breathing cold liquid in the gray.

Inhaling liquid and excreting dirt, his ravaged body was finally able to rest.

Valer was standing in front of the glass jar containing the tortured person. Some things needed to be investigated more closely.

After that, he tapped the glass with his hand.

"Hey, how are you, my good brother."

He spoke in a low voice with a smile,

The body in the pod was dragged by mechanical claws, both legs were chopped off below the knees, and both hands were amputated at the wrists.

Valier watched the figure churn in the liquid, and fell deeply into the pain of fascinated heart.

"Don't touch the glass, thank you."

Dieterian’s calm voice still expresses his dissatisfaction.

Valer turned his head.

"I won't break anything."

"I didn't tell you to break anything, I told you not to touch that piece of glass."

Valer groaned and looked back at the torture needle drawn from the prisoner's temple.

"Is that how you made the scream?"

"Yes it is."

Dieterian's chrome face is hidden in his cloak, and he is trying to shut down the painful engine that enters the suspension tank.

"These prisoners are of good quality. Although they are not psionicists, they have been in the subspace for too long. They have strong psychic qualities and are a very good medium."

Valier is not a technical sergeant, but he can easily guess the details.

In fact, screaming fascinated him.

He could not imagine that such an instrument could make the scanning and communication equipment of many enemy ships dull and useless, as well as the Star Whisperers and navigators, so that they could be submerged in a piece of painful cut-and-paste code. In the long essay...

This kind of technology is very rare, it must have the right genius and the right materials, and only one of the innumerable methods can be successful, during which it will experience countless failures.

Generate electronic interference from the pain of a person's soul, filter the organic pain through the spacecraft's system and use it to harm the enemy-this is the poetry that Valer can truly appreciate.

After that, he knocked on the glass again and let out a low growl, but it was not a laugh.

"Bishop, how many humans are there in your mind?"

Dieterian stopped, his knotty fingers hovering over the console keys.

"I don't have the will or motivation to discuss this issue, why are you asking this?"

Valer turned his head diagonally to the amniotic cistern.

"Because of this, this is not a cold, logical creation. It is a work of art that understands pain and fear in the mind."

Dietrian hesitated again, wondering if he should take the pharmacist's words as a compliment.

This guy is always confused.

Suddenly, the door opened and the hydraulic device made a harsh sound. Dietrian felt that there was no need to answer, because he saw several people reflected in the red emergency light in the distance.

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