The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 481: Mourning

"Destroy Ghost? Please answer, please answer—"

Kerkus had sent out dozens of communication requests to the fleet outside, but the communication channel had no other sound except for the screams.

After that, he shook his head to the lord beside him, Ruft Huron.

"It seems... the other party has prepared a special trap for us."

Huron sighed slightly, but there was a smile on his face.

"Master, things have changed now, shall we first--"


Huron grinned, as if mocking the stupidity of his subordinates.

"I can guarantee that as soon as our Thunder Eagle leaves the hangar, the Weapon System of the Eye of Hell will be activated, destroying us all. At this distance, none of us can escape."

"But why don't they do it on the way?"

"Because they are not sure, whether I will log in personally."

Huron looked down at his slightly moving claws.

"Good calculation, Soshyan Alexei."

At this time, Huron calmed down instead. There was no anger or disappointment, and it was this kind of insecurity that helped him through the disasters.


He turned his gaze to Garon Sulet.

"We think this kind of communication interference is very abnormal, what do you think?"

The chaos wizard's horned helmet tapped lightly.

"Yes, Master, I feel the fluctuation of psychic energy, and the principle is quite similar to that of the subspace storm...If it continues, I am afraid that the situation will be very bad, and our fleet will become blind and deaf. "

"So we have to fight quickly."

Huron didn't stop much, and followed the path Soshyan had walked all the way.

Now the inside of the Star Castle was as dead as the outside, and the red pirates passed through the lifeless hall and saw the nearly annihilated statues indifferently guarding its slaughtered slaves.

As the exploration deepened, the red pirates became more and more vigilant, because the destruction here was very thorough.

On the other hand, Starcastle is not completely silent.

The bent metal sounds under heavy pressure; the leaked fuel and coolant drips or splashes or sprays or flows, and the footsteps echo on the scale of kilometers or more, refracting and turning in the channels of broken metal, twisting and changing , Until the end, it felt as if there were thousands of troops and horses striding towards everyone from the shadow in front.

After that, they passed through a huge temple-like hall whose window mullions were originally decorated with stained skulls are now just open holes.

Those skulls shattered into millions of colored fragments and covered the ground under the feet of the red pirates. A row of demon statues turned into a tumbling and defeated phalanx, scattered among the ruins. A huge horrifying demon once opened up. Wings entangled on the high wall, but now they are turned into rubble on the feet.

There were corpses in scarlet armor everywhere, mixed with a little dark green, their power armor was broken, and they were stained black with blood.

After inspection by the pharmacist, they found that the condition of these corpses was far from ideal. The genetic seeds of each corpse were either destroyed or dug away.

Huron used his combat boots to open another corpse in decaying armor. The corpse inside was almost dissolved, revealing a large amount of disgusting pus as it moved, and the armor was marked by the **** of corruption.

"Kopras people."

Although his speech was heavy, his tone was not impressed.

"It seems that the level of this plague soldier is not as high as he said."

He then inspected the body of a red pirate soldier.

He died in battle, with traces of blasting guns and blades on his body, and acid residues on the nearby decks and bulkheads, which are traces of the destruction of the demon's physical form and dissolution.

There is no doubt that they have also summoned a demon, although it is the lowest, but it is also a demon, but it is obvious that the desired effect has not been achieved.

"Who will come?"

Huron asked in a low voice. Several wizards under his command were standing nearby, and the power armor and the servo device in it hummed in low voices.

"I'll do it, master."

Garon Sulet stepped forward.

For those of them who manipulate the power of witchcraft, extracting the memories and memories of the deceased does not need to eat brain tissue or something, they can directly drag out the soul of the deceased.

Especially this kind of just died.

He squatted next to the corpse, drew a knife, and pierced the dead man's head.

A few seconds later, Garon Sulet made a surprised voice.



"His soul... is gone."


Huron stared at the dead soldier, his pale face was covered with crisscross scars, and his bright yellow eyes were dull.

"Snatched away by some demon?"

In the field of subspace, this is common, and the soul of the dead is the most delicious food for nihilistic predators.

But the Chaos Wizard shook his head.

"If the devil took it away, it would leave traces or smells, but there was nothing on him. It was as clean as a plate that had been washed and dried. There were no traces of the soul that had ever existed on him, if not. When I saw it with my own eyes, I thought I was a dead thing in front of me."

With that said, the wizard drew out the ritual dagger and walked to the other dead.

"This too."

After that is the third, the fourth——

"all of them......"

When he said this, his voice was trembling.

"It's impossible... Even the most terrifying soul-grabber can't eat so many souls at the same time! And this—"

The wizard pointed to a tactic on the ground where only half of his body was left, and the man's forehead had a very obvious mark of horror.

"He is a believer in the Blood God. In any case, I don't believe that his soul will not even have any residue left!"

"But the truth is—"

Huron showed a playful expression, and the sharp claws on his hands rubbed lightly unconsciously, making a crisp sound.

"Their souls were taken away by something, or wiped out by Sulet replied in a nearly frustrated tone:

"should be."

"It seems that something we don't know has happened here. Do you think it has something to do with those empires?"

"It's not good, but I have never encountered such a method."

The voices of Huron and Garon Sulet used the voices that they could only hear, so the other red pirates only saw the wizard inspecting each corpse, and did not know the result of the wizard's inspection.

If they know, then their morale may drop directly to the freezing point. After all, for the Chaos Interstellar Warrior, even if it is to the end, at least it has to return to the embrace of the gods they believe in.

Huron pondered for a moment, and then said to the wizard:

"Don't say anything about this in advance, wait until this battle is over, and then investigate further."

"Yes, master."

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