The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 494: Defeated Huron!

"what did you do to me!"

Huron tried to push away, but found that his arm seemed to be glued to the weapon, and the weapon was glued to the opponent.

This situation shocked Huron.

People say that no matter whether they are depraved or not, the interstellar warrior should be fearless, but at this time the thing that flashed in Huron's eyes was no different from fear.

Soshyang grinned, that thing was so beautiful.

Later, when Soshyang planned to wipe Huron's consciousness directly from his brain just like he did with **** beasts, he was suddenly obstructed.

He also couldn't tell what was blocking him, but there was no doubt that his liquefied metal tentacles could not capture the other's consciousness, so he turned to grab another thing from Huron.


Seeing his body could not move, Huron's eyes flashed with determination, and then suddenly he swung his left arm with sharp claws, and cut his right arm directly from his elbow.

Seeing the opponent so decisive, Soshyang snorted and took a step back, and Huron's severed arm holding the tomahawk also fell.

And as Soshyang left, a group of essence suddenly flowed out of Huron's body, as if ribbons made of blood fog were converging into shape-if you look closely, you will notice that there are roots floating in the air. The metal thread, which is difficult to catch with the naked eye, has been connected to Soshyan's palm.

In Huron's horrified gaze, this group of essence changed, rotated, and took shape, finally turning into a black, still beating heart.

"Black Heart King, he really deserves his reputation."

Looking at the witchcraft heart floating in the air, Soshyang made a mocking sound, and then the soul spear slammed.

"How dare you!"

Huron was shocked at once, but his apparent speed after losing an arm was also disturbed. Before his hand could reach the heart, the spirit spear pierced it.


As the black heart burst, Huron suddenly uttered an extremely miserable scream. At the same time, black blood began to gush out from the ears, nose and mouth, and his face quickly turned pale.

But Huron is after all a giant that has been in the Maelstrom for hundreds of years. Even at this moment, he can remain calm enough.

Just when Soshyan was about to kill him, a dense rain of bullets suddenly shot at him.

Huron's bodyguard arrived in time, and Huron himself started to run back, clutching his chest and staggering when Soshyang was suppressed by the bombing rain.

"Don't run!!!"

Soshyang roared, and immediately ran towards the opponent in stride, and the soul spear sang in the air filled with the smell of propellant.

A red pirate terminator raised his axe to try to parry, but the soul spear, the magic weapon cast by the emperor, directly split the handle of the terminator’s slightly inferior axe, and hacked. Still unabated.

In the blink of an eye, the soul spear split the Terminator's palm and cut it in half lengthwise, then split the wrist covered with heavy armor, and cut off the forearm all from the wrist.

In the end, the soul spear slashed deeply into the Terminator's neck guard, and plunged into the right chest with the sound of metal breaking.


Huron's Terminator bodyguard read, staring at Soshyan's cracked eyepiece with disbelief.

Then Soshyang twisted his wrist and moved everything up, allowing the spirit spear to escape from the opponent's body.

The head wearing the helmet rolled and fell to the ground, and the heavy body also fell like a withered sail, slapped wet on the deck.

Soshyang wanted to continue pursuing, but a painful voice affected his nerves.

He turned his head and saw the nun Viletz fell, her shoulder was injured, blood splashed on her pale face, and her sister had already fallen by her side.

A bloodletter is approaching.

Soshyang looked back at Huron's staggering back.

After gritting his teeth, he finally turned and rushed towards Willets. Before the devil hurt the nun, he pierced the bloodletter from behind with a spirit spear and picked it up in the air, and then used the whirlpool stand to tear it to pieces.

"Brother Soshyan! I'm late!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the communicator, and Soshyang turned and looked around and found that a bright yellow storm was sweeping across the chaotic battlefield.

The Weeping Clan finally arrived on the battlefield!

The sons of San Giles flanked into the demon's army with immense enthusiasm and anger, tearing apart the corrupt flesh and blood with explosive bombs and chainsaws.

And the eye of this storm is undoubtedly Malakin holding a **** wide blade.

With a black anger visible to the naked eye, the Watcher of the Abyss hurried across the battlefield. No matter whether it was a demon or a red pirate, there was no enemy in one, and he would die when facing each other.

This is also the first time Soshyan has seen Malakin give full play to his strength, and also the first time that he realized how terrifying the rage of San Giles' children is.

He is almost a perfect killing machine.

Every step is a flying head, and every step is a string of **** footprints.

Malakin just walked straight through the middle of the battlefield, leaving his subordinates and enemies behind, because he had only one goal left in the entire world.


Hearing the thunderous roar, Huron, who was hurriedly retreating, turned his head and took a look, then showed a frightened expression.

His former friend, Malakin, who was also a good brother, was coming straight at him with a murderous look, and everything that was blocked in front of him was just a knife.

If he was in his heyday, he could still fight against his kind friend, but now he is seriously injured, I am afraid he can't take the opponent's cut.

No one knew better than Huron, the horror of the knife in Malakin's hand.

In the Badab war of that year, if it weren't for Malakin's strategy, and was caught off guard by the Minotaur in the space battle, the weepers would never lose easily.

"Stop him!"

Huron immediately greeted his men.

A red pirate brandished a chain saw sword to greet him. Three seconds later, his head and the broken chain saw sword landed at the same time.

Then, a Terminator greeted him, and within a few seconds, the Terminator covered his abdomen with his remaining arm and fell.

Two swordsmen from the Third Army chose to fight this terrible enemy together, but after more than ten rounds, one broke two legs and the other was cut in the middle.

But even so, the death of these Chaos Star Warriors finally dragged Huron enough time.

The tyrant came back to his subordinates panting. Kerkus supported him, surrounded by the core power he brought out of the claws of the stars. Chaos wizard Garon Suleite was drawing a strange symbol on the ground with his blood. .

This only means one thing.

"Huron!! If you are still a warrior, come face me!!"

Malakin was almost madly swinging the blade, and he was only less than twenty meters away from Huron.

But the wizard's symbol has been completed.

Huron didn't speak, just glared at his former friend with spiteful eyes, and then glared at Soshyang who was not far away.


The tyrant only had time to say a word, and his whole body was shrouded in a burst of bright light.

"Do not!!!!!!!!!!"

The opponent was already close at hand, and Malakin roared and swung his sword, heading for Huron's head.

The bright light burst out suddenly and then disappeared suddenly.

When all the dust settled, Malakin squatted halfway on the spot, his knife slashed deep into the ground without its hilt.

With the departure of Huron and the wizard who presided over the ceremony, the subspace rift in the Star Castle quickly healed, and the demons collapsed without fighting.

The remaining red pirates began to escape long before the demon army collapsed. They tried to escape back to the place where they landed before, where their Thunder Eagles and other aircraft were parked.

The surviving soldiers stood in place, quietly enjoying the taste of victory.

Soshyang glanced at Malakin who was still staying in and shook his head, not knowing what to say-I don't know if it is luck or what, his friend seems to be slow at critical moments. step.

Is there really any curse on the weepers?

After thinking about it, he put aside the strange idea, and then connected to the battle group communication.

"Team commander, the enemy has been defeated!"

The first thing that sounded was Ustad's voice.

"Me too."

Then Falzad's voice.

"Okay, activate the Starcastle defense system, destroy any targets that leave, and warm up the subspace engine, prepare to—"

As he said, Soshyang suddenly felt his brain shook suddenly, as if he was hit by a thunder hammer, and the whole person fell forward uncontrollably.

Before he lost consciousness, the last thing he heard was Willett's flustered scream.

What is she afraid of—

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