The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 496: Nathan's Tribulation (Part 2)

"Can you keep us alive?"

   Hearing these words, Salperdon guessed that the other party had been shaken, so he smiled and said:

   "It depends on the situation. Besides, how many people linger in this world can't be called alive."

   "You killed a lot of people."

"Life is cruel everywhere. The galaxy has no love for us. I will let some of you live, linger in the ruins, waiting for the return of that person... If no one survives, no one will talk about them. What you see, maybe one out of every thousand people here can live to welcome Soshyan's return. It will be interesting and dramatic."

   "You have no honor in killing the weak—"

   Salperton cleared his throat, the voice sounded like a tank shifting gears, interrupting the director's words.

   "I'm tired of this kind of conversation, do as I wish, and you may survive the night."

   The old man straightened his waist.

"Do not."

   "It's a good thing to see a person with spine, I admire and respect it, but now, at this moment, suspicious courage has no place here, let me tell you why."

   A phantom warrior came up, his hand grabbed the instructor's thin hair.

   The man's boots left the floor, and he screamed.


   The man stammered, and the warrior drew his dagger and sculpted it along the teacher's belly in a neat way.

   Soon, blood poured out like a torrent of water, and the man's own fingers gripped the internal organs of the body tightly, because it could flow out at any time.

   Not long after, his plea immediately turned into a worthless scream.


   Salperdon pointed.

   "It's happening, right on the ruins of what you call the academy. That's how we treat your subordinates."

   The renegade still grabbed the teacher’s greasy hair and shook him in his hand.

   More screams, now interrupted by the sound of wet, smelly intestines slapped on the floor.

"Did you see it?"

   Salperdon’s eyes never left the dean.

"I know they all fled to the refuge, and there is nowhere to escape when they are stuck there. Now I want you to call them out, or my brothers and I will do this to everyone, just like those who run away like maggots. People."

   He reached out to catch the man who was caught by the defector, clamped the throat of the twitching, alive man, and unceremoniously threw the bleeding corpse onto the desk.

"If you obey me, your subordinates will be able to avoid this evil, and you will become one of them, but if you disobey, I will not spare them, even you will die, and you will be alive while you are still alive. At that time, my pharmacist will peel your skin. He is a master of prolonging the experience of painful sensations, so the prey must die within a few hours after the operation....The previous prisoner lived for six nights in extreme pain. Howling and crying, finally died of infection in the dirty cell."

   The old man trembled and swallowed.

   "Your threat is meaningless to me."

   Next second,

   Salperdon pressed his iron-clad fingers on the dean's face, and his cold fingertips moved along the outline of the weathered skin and the fragile bones below.

"When the brain feels fear, the human body will do wonderful things. It becomes a paradoxical embodiment of stress. Is it fighting or running? Your breath will become sour due to the chemicals in the body, and the tightening of your muscles will It affects digestion, reaction, and ability to concentrate. At the same time, the damp rhythm of the heart becomes a drum, and the beating blood supplies muscles to congestion to avoid injury... Your sweat smells very different, more fragrant, just like An animal trembles in fear, marking its territory in despair for the last time. The corners of your eyes are trembling, responding to hidden signals from the brain, hiding your sight from what threatens you."

   Salperdon grabbed the back of the dean's head, his face was only a few centimeters away from the old man's face.

"I can feel all of this on your body. I see it in every twitch of your soft skin. I smell a strong smell coming from you. Don't try to lie to me, human beings, mine Threats mean to you—all."


  The old dean had to swallow again.

"What do you want to do?"

   "I have told you what I want, and send all those candidates."

Dean    was silent for a while, then nodded and said:

   "I need to talk to the people below."

"of course."

   Salperton let go of him.

Dean    took a deep breath, walked behind the desk, picked up a communicator, and entered a string of passwords.

   Soon, the other end of the communicator was connected.

   "Bring them up."

   There was only this sentence, and then he turned off the communicator.

   While they were waiting, the dean watched his academy die, and the enemy lord named Sarpedon stood on the edge of the dome, constantly communicating with his compatriots.

   His voice is a deep, wild noise, constantly updating the position of each team and depicting their progress.

   Every few minutes he will be silent for a while, watching the fire spread.

   The teacher has fallen silent. The dean has closed his friend's eyes, choked by the smell from the cracked corpse.

"You will get used to it."

   One of the soldiers said with a smile, and suddenly turned on a portable tactical display.

Dean    looked at the holographic feedback, and despite the visual distortion, he clearly saw death.

   The Phantom Warriors slaughtered in the middle level of Chaodu. They did not attack the heavily guarded upper level because they were not strong enough.

The armored warriors tore open the partitions of the air-raid shelter and tore the crowd that formed inside. The dean watched them pulling men, women, and children by their hair, dragging them into the street, and letting the servants take them. Go, or nail them to the side of the building to show that the nearest shelter has been looted.

   Piles of corpses are piled higher and higher-a monument of living flesh and blood, which commemorates only pain and torture.


   He whispered, unaware that he was speaking out.

   Salperdon looked at him, and suddenly smiled and said:

   "We do this because we like to do We do this because we can do it. You are his tribe, and killing you will make him feel painful. That's enough."

   Soon, more than a hundred men appeared on the academy playground, and Salperdon took the dean to the playground.

   He looked at these boys in college uniforms, mostly 16-18 years old.

   "That's it?"

   Salperdon frowned, and the dean just nodded silently.

   "Don't play tricks with me, a planet shouldn't just be such a candidate."

   He walked between the boys, looked around, then suddenly grabbed one of them.

   The thin boy suddenly turned pale with fright, his head was sweating, and his whole body was trembling, but besides fear, there was another thing in his eyes.

  Salperton suddenly felt something and slammed the boy to the ground.

   "These are not candidates—"

   At this moment, the dean suddenly roared.

   "For the emperor!"

   The boys also responded and tore open their uniforms abruptly.

   Salperdon's eyes widened, and every boy was covered with explosives——

   The next second, he stretched out his hand, wanting to use psionic energy, but it was too late.


   There was a loud noise, and the entire square, together with the dean and Sarpedon, was swallowed by a huge rising flame ball.

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