The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 501: Victory in the dust

For Huron to send a fleet to attack Nathan 4, Soshyan is mentally prepared and prepared for action.

The fact that the Ascetics Group did not join the expedition is the best proof and guarantee.

But what Soshyang did not expect was that when the Ascetic's fleet and the Red Pirate's detachment fought fiercely on the edge of the Nathan galaxy, an unexpected force evaded the investigation of the Ascetic Band and took Nai directly. Mori 4 planet.

They were led by Salperdon, apostate soul drinkers!

Although they only have two light cruisers, they have 120 veterans who have experienced many battles. Soshyan’s expedition has completely emptied the planet’s defenses. Therefore, when the renegade soul drinkers are on the planetary orbital station When launching a surprise attack, the defenders hardly had any reaction time.

The orbital station only lasted for two hours before it fell, and tens of thousands of people were killed.

The first thing that followed was that the apostate soul drinkers took away two cruisers that were nearing completion, and then destroyed the remaining warships in the dock that were still under construction.

One third of the entire orbital station was destroyed in this destruction!

Four hours after the raid on the orbital station, the apostate soul drinkers launched a raid on the planet ground, and their target was the monastery fortress of the astral knights.

But to the surprise of the traitors, the fortress was not as empty as they had imagined. Lord Magyar, after all, was old-fashioned and prudent. He arranged two teams of soldiers to be stationed in the monastery fortress, and Soshyan left behind before he left. The Knight Titan Scorpion Stinger.

As soon as the battle group's auxiliary army was attacked on the track, they organized to withdraw into the fortress and quickly organized a tight defense.

After two tentative attacks, the traitors realized that they couldn't take the monastery fortress with their current power, so they turned their attention to the conscription place of the astral knights-Soms Noble Academy.

From the fall of the orbital station, a total of ten hours, the traitors launched crazy attacks on the college and the nest. They almost madly destroyed everything they could see and killed anyone alive.

They turned all their guilt into a boundless hatred for the astral knights.

In this case, they even plan to plunder the astral knights' reserve force, which is the new batch of "graduates" from the Noble Academy.

But Sarperdon's evil plan was eventually aborted in the academy's desperate counterattack.

However, according to intelligence, Sarperdon was not dead, he just suffered some injuries. After realizing that he had been severely shamed by a mortal for a while, he almost madly killed what could be seen in the Soms Noble Academy. All the living people later destroyed four-fifths of the college with an orbital bombing.

It wasn't until the Ascetic Group defeated the Red Pirates' squadron and turned back that the defectors hurried out of the battlefield.

Not only did they wreak havoc when they left, they also plundered many planetary residents into slaves and brought them to their ships.

When Soshyang learned of all this, he was almost mad, and he had been running away in the medical cabin for several minutes and then gradually calmed down. In the middle, Valer was almost beaten by him.

After confirming that there was no problem with his body, Soshyang decided to return to the planetary ground for the first time.


Standing in the cabin of Thunder Eagle, looking at the scene outside the window, Soshyan could hardly believe his eyes.

The originally magnificent orbital station has now become a pile of floating metal garbage, the huge structure is torn apart, the beautiful geometry is fragmented, and the once orbital ecosystem no longer exists, only a few shiny chips are left.

There were flashing red warning lights everywhere, and various small lifeboats moved among the ruins to salvage survivors who might still exist.

Soshyan even saw many frozen bodies floating in the void.

The star knight's battle group leader clenched his teeth, his fists were clenched, almost cracking his armour.

Lei Ying hovered for more than ten minutes before finding a suitable landing point.

Here are the few places where the orbital station's structure is still intact. When Soshyan walked out of the cabin, he heard a cry.

This place seems to have become a refugee camp. Many people who survived the dead gathered around the huge tarmac. Many people noticed the emergence of imperial heroes, but they no longer have the same glory in their eyes.

Soshyan followed the voice and saw a pair of young parents weeping amidst a pile of scattered rubbish.

A man hugged his daughter's body tightly and pulled her light, lifeless body closer to his skinny chest.

Less than an hour ago, the blood left marks on the girl's lips and face, where she had just swallowed the last breath of moisture.

Her eyes, darkened by the eternal gloom, stared blankly at the gathering crowd.

She lost her legs, which were cut off by a chain saw sword when a crazy traitor tried to slaughter a crowd.

Before the Chaos Interstellar Warrior finally left, the roaring blade had already claimed the lives of many people.

Her father was holding her remains and weeping of his grief.

Witnesses began to whisper softly, cursing in quiet words, whispering omens, and moaning to the dark.

On the girl’s chest, a pendant medal belonging to Orbital Children’s School flashed in the dim light,

Her father held the stump of a ten-year-old girl's limb and wailed against the surrounding walls of the Silent Ship.

"It's cursed here! She was taken away from us!"

More humans gathered in the darkness, their wide eyes were all wet with tears, and each of them shared the same thoughts and fears with their sad father.

Soshyan took a step, trying to walk over and say something.

But his left foot hung in the air for a second, then he retracted it, and then silently returned to the cabin.

Thunder Eagle took off again.

Half an hour later, Soshyan stood in the middle of the dilapidated square, and there was a terrible scene in front of him.

The former quiet and elegant college is now devastated. There are almost no buildings over two meters high, gardens, fountains, training grounds...all of these have disappeared, and the once neat masonry floors have become The broken jigsaw was covered with ashes and dust.

In addition to these, many huge pits ranging in size from 20 meters to 50 meters can be seen everywhere in the college, all of which are the result of orbital bombing.

Until Soshyang landed, the gunpowder had not cleared even now. The collapsed building was still full of smoke. Many people were ruining the ruins, looking for the lucky ones, and more people dragged the black shroud with difficulty. bag.

No one spoke, it was like a black and white pantomime.

But none of this can compare to everything in front of Soshyan.

He is very familiar with this square. The candidates gathered here, but now it is no longer what it looks like. In the center of the square, there is a huge pit with a diameter of more than one hundred meters and a depth of more than five meters.

As for what the pit is, there is a report that it was an old dean's counterattack before his death.

Soshyan is also willing to believe this.

But now, the pit is not empty, countless corpses are piled together like piles of wood, and the traitors stripped their skins and threw them here.

When looking at them, Soshyang's heart was full of anger and guilt. These were the people who died because of him.

The statue that once stood in the center of the square as a gift to the emperor is now only the remains, and now no one can guess what it once looked like.

The statue has no head, lacks arms and legs. It is covered with barbed wire and splashed with bright red The traitor wrote a sentence with the same red paint on the base of the statue. ——

[This is just the beginning]

Soshyang felt that his chest was about to explode, and he kept taking deep breaths to suppress his urge to kill something.

He has never been so angry.

Just this time, a whistling came from above his head, and Soshyang raised his head and saw a Thunder Eagle landing, with the standards of the Ascetic Group on the Thunder Eagle.

After landing, Magyar walked out of the cabin, facing ashamed.

"I'm very sorry... Brother Soshyan, I failed to protect your home planet."

Mazar's voice was very sincere, and Soshyang shook his head with a wry smile.

"Regardless of your business, it's me—"

He glanced at the dazzling scarlet letter again.

"——If I could kill him in the first place, there would be nothing like the present. I failed to protect them, and I failed them..."

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