The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 505: Get rich in one night

The Hell’s Eye Fortress has several weapons depots, which are located in different corners, so that everyone on this behemoth with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers can find their own weapons in the shortest possible time.

   Long before Soshyan and others entered, technical sergeants and technical priests had already visited most of them.

   These armouries have adopted a rather simple design-completely unpainted walls, very clean floors, and very high roofs.

   When Soshyang opened Armory No. 6, the weapon racks were neatly placed in a spacious and bright room, with all kinds of light weapons, from swords to explosive guns.

   "This place is really good."

   Rarely, Soshyang was in a great mood, as he walked between the two rows of cabinets, looking at the weapons inside.

   In addition to standard weapons, there are many special weapons in the warehouse, and there are even strange weapons captured by alien races defeated by the red pirates.

   Around a tall and round cabinet, Soshyang carefully observed a huge sickle-shaped war blade. This thing is as long as two adults, and it's dark all over, emitting a strange light.

   "This is the weapon of the Dark Spirit Race."

   Malakin walked to Soshyan and said softly.

   "This kind of weapon will cause terrible pain to the injured, and the dark and dark spirit races use this thing to capture slaves."

   After that, Soshyan summoned the technical sergeant Rogers, and carried out an inventory of the materials in the No. 6 Armory, and obtained a gratifying data.

  Only the main hall of Armory No. 6 has:

   80 chainsaw swords

   60 chainsaw axes

  50 power swords

  50 power axes

   30 power hammers

   20 sets of power gloves

   20 sets of lightning claws

   Seiko chain saw sword 15 pieces

   Seiko Chain Saw Axe 15

   10 Seiko Power Swords

   MK3 blasting gun 120 pieces

   MK4 type explosive gun 120

  Riza type blasting gun 50 pcs

  80 various composite explosive guns

   30 wildfire plasma rifles

  Riza Thunder type plasma rifle 10 pcs

  Waltec 2 Plasma Pistol 15 pcs

   15 MK5 "Anger" Plasma Pistols

   50 heavy flamethrowers

   Yuanshi MK.2 type hot melt gun 10 pcs

   10 extreme hot melt guns

After   , everyone also checked the deputy hall of Armory No. 6, which was full of various ammunition and spare chain saws packed in boxes, as well as auxiliary weapons such as grenades, which were also packed box by box.

But this is still not over. In fact, Armory No. 6 has two deputy halls, and another deputy hall is used to store heavy weapons and more precious materials-power armor. To open this auxiliary hall, you need a Red Pirate technical sergeant. The secret key.

   And "coincidentally" Valier knew a technical sergeant of the Red Pirate, and recovered the key from the opponent's body.

   So Rogers opened it with little effort.

"turn on!"

   The technical sergeant of the astral knight yelled out the instructions softly, and the hydraulic device controlling the blockade made a soft whistle.

   Soon, the explosion-proof door opened along the longitudinal axis, revealing rows of brand new power armor, auxiliary equipment and other items.

   Magyar's face was immediately lit up with an expression similar to joy.

   "Hello, little beauty."

   He muttered, staring intently at a row of heavy explosive guns and heavy plasma guns, these gorgeous guns are dotted with metal wings and sensor probes.

   Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on a weapon locked in a static position, and he stepped forward and stretched out his hand to pick it up, weighing it in his hand.

   A cold laughter came from Mazar, and the genetic recognition device built into the gun briefly communicated with the chip implanted in his brain lobe to confirm his identity.

   "Huron is really incredible. He even has the equipment to stab the living room. This is the executioner's compound pistol."

  Mazar blinked his eyes lightly and retrieved information from the memory pool deep in the cortex.

   "Both the dual functions of projecting explosive bombs and stinging needles are taken into account. The power is so powerful that it cannot be used too much for Astarte."

And Titus saw a weird giant warhammer, as high as an Astarte, the ranger warrior warrior captain removed it from the shelf and weighed it for a while before recognizing its identity. .

   "Gravity Hammer? This thing is rare, I have only seen it in the team archives."

   "And this is not an ordinary power hammer. If I read it right, this thing is probably from a steel warrior."

   Malakin finished speaking, picked up an Anglus type

   Explosive bullet gun, stroking the angel blood and tear badge on it.

This blasting gun is a variant of the standard blasting gun in Barr. It is mainly equipped with the Holy Blood Guard. It uses a special bullet called "Blood Fragment" as ammunition, which can create terrible tearing wounds on large targets. .

   Soshyang's attention is mainly focused on the power armor.

There are a total of twenty power armors in the entire deputy hall. They are all standard MarkVII Skyhawk-type power armors, and they are all polished and polished to look very new. They have not been painted yet, but they only maintain the most plastic steel. The original light gray.

   A few minutes later, Rogers’ statistics came out.

   In addition to the 20 sets of power armor, this secret warehouse also contains:

   10 heavy bombs of each model

   10 assault guns of each model

   15 individual missile launchers of various types

   Highest type multi-tube hot melt gun 10 pcs

   and 23 various melee weapons

There is no doubt that the equipment seized this time is far more than everyone expected, because there are still 5 in the Star Castle like this armory. Even if the red pirates took some of them, the remaining equipment added up. It is also very likely to break a thousand.

   After a brief discussion, the four commanders reached a consensus on dividing the equipment.

Because of the different combat styles and personnel composition of each battle group, the requirements for equipment are also different. Everyone will give priority to the equipment that is urgently needed by the battle group. However, the principle of this distribution is not based on the number of people, but each group has A fixed amount.

  For example, astral knights, priority is given to power armor, plasma weapons and some heavy weapons.

   and the cryer, preferentially choose jetpacks, various pistols and individual melee weapons.

   Ranger warriors mainly use hot melt and power swords, while ascetics mainly choose various chain saw weapons and heavy weapons.

After each regiment basically meets its needs, the remaining weapons will continue to be stored in the Starcastle as a common reserve of the Alliance of Misery. If any regiment needs to be replenished in the future, it can be removed from the storage after other members’ consent is obtained. Allocate part of the equipment.

   This can also be regarded as an "insurance" mechanism to prevent a certain battle group from being unable to replenish equipment after the First World War.

   But as everyone continued to count the armory, an accident happened.

   It turns out that the 6 armory is not as they expected, they are all filled with individual weapons, in fact, the No. 3 and No. 4 ordnance stores all kinds of vehicles!

   After the inventory, the two warehouses have:

   Thunder Eagle 19

   22 storm crow gunboats

   5 Storm Birds

   40 RAND fast attack boats of various models

   35 Rand Raiders of various models

   30 Predator tanks of various models

   15 defender siege tanks

   25 rhinoceros personnel carriers

   25 cyclone missile launch vehicles

   20 lurker anti-aircraft guns

   50 wheeled motorcycles

   30 Lucius airdrop capsules

These are not counted, there is actually a company in the warehouse, a full 20 Riemann Rustanks, and 30 brand new Chimera personnel carriers, there is no doubt that Huron robbed a certain Astral Army troop carrier. .

   But this is not the most amazing. The most amazing thing is that there are actually 2 Sikaran battle tanks in the still position deep in Warehouse 3!

This equipment can be traced back to the era of the Great Expedition. It was developed in cooperation with the original Iron Hand original Ferus Manus, the Ultimate Warrior original Robert Killiman, and the mechanical sage. Legend has it that a large number of lost ones have been used. STC components can no longer be manufactured after the Great Rebellion.

This tank is characterized by high speed and high precision. Although the defense is much worse than the heavy armor of the same generation, based on its advanced weapon system, the Sikaran with two Hercules-type acceleration automatic cannons can track and quickly strike targets. And accurately locate the weakness of the enemy's armored vehicle with lethal precision.

   On the battlefield of forty-one thousand years, high-speed and flexible armored vehicles are obviously more suitable for smaller battle groups. Soshyang took a fancy to these two vehicles at a glance.

   After a friendly negotiation, the four battle groups that lacked vehicles divided up all the vehicles in the armory.

Astral Knights were assigned 5 Thunder Storm Ravens, 5 Rand Speed ​​Boats, 8 Rand Raiders, 7 Predator Tanks, 4 Defender Siege Tanks, 5 Rhino personnel carriers, 10 Tornado missile launchers, 4 Lurkers anti-aircraft guns, 10 wheeled motorcycles, 10 Riemann Russ and 20 Chimera personnel carriers.

   There are also the most critical, 2 Sikaran combat tanks.

   Obviously, Soshyang sacrificed part of the flying vehicles in exchange for ground vehicles, but this is a good deal for him.

   On the one hand, he could see that Malakin was eager to expand the flight force of the Weeper. On the other hand, the Star Knights currently did not have many suitable pilots.

   As for the equipment of the Astral Army, the other three battle groups didn't mean anything. After all, the two ship-based battle groups, the Weeper and the Ranger Warrior, basically don't have mortal auxiliary troops, and the Ascetics don't pay much attention to this one.

   In the end, Soshyang was embarrassed to take it all away, and forced a part of it to Mazar, otherwise it was his.

   Although it seems a bit superior to stuff these astral army equipment into the mortal auxiliary units, and it may cause some trouble in the future, Soshyang can't care about that much now.

This time, the harvest was full and the four commanders were very happy, so after a brief discussion, they planned to hold a grand celebration banquet on the planet Nathan 4 in a month’s time, and solemnly announced the Alliance of Misery. Was established.

   However, just as the four battle groups were intensively gathering supplies, the aftermath of the Battle of New Badab began to spread, and finally reached the core of the human empire-Holy Terra.

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