The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 507: Messenger of Abaddon

Iskandar Kayan is a Chaos wizard, the vigilant lord of the Black Legion, the leader of the Kahashehan battle gang, the third person of Azerkarien, and Abaddon’s confidant. The thousand sons called him " Black Kayang"-because of his crime of attacking his own Primarch, the Black Legion called him the King Breaker, because he had forced the Thousand Son Primarch Magnus to kneel on the ground.

   "What is the commander of war let us do? Is this a worthwhile question?"

  Kayang listened to his words melted into the silence that enveloped the throne room, and Huron looked back at him with bright yellow eyes sunken in his eye sockets.

   At the foot and on both sides of the throne, the bodyguards wearing the Terminator stood motionless. Only Kerkus stood beside his lord and was the only senior commander of the Red Pirate who appeared here.

In the queue of the Black Legion below, "Masked Prince" Teremanon swayed behind Kayang, the black metal lock ring of the armor skirt rubbed the floor, and people could even hear the lips under his mask because Bored and made a whirring sound.

Teremanon Leila is the son of the emperor who took refuge in the Black Legion and one of the founding members of the Black Legion. He once served as the commander of the 51st Company of the Third Army and also joined the lord command in the Horus Rebellion. Officer Edoron’s Honor Guard responded to the commander’s order to gather rebels in Ulano.

After the Great Rebellion, he was the deputy commander of the 16th, 40th and 51st Company of the Emperor’s Son. After the establishment of the Black Legion, Teremanon remained loyal to Abaddon and became his adjutant and legion special envoy. In the second black expedition, he is one of the important commanders. In addition, Teremanon also leads a large chaos war gang named "Screaming Mask", whose members are all composed of Chaos Raptor assault troops.

   A step after the masked prince, Amural, wearing black armor, was motionless, breathing behind his horned helmet, making a low hissing sound.

  He was a company commander of the son of Horus, and now he is one of Abaddon’s assistants, and often appears as a messenger of the commander.

   The presence of three Abaddon's messengers at the same time can fully show the importance of the Chaos Warmaster.

   Huron’s silence continued, and everyone tried to maintain their gaze amidst the oppression of the Black Heart King.

   I have to say that Kayang has to admit that the rumors have quite a lot of truth. Huron now has a very obvious change from the last time I saw them.

His existence seems to have shrunk. It is not a change in size, but a sense of existence that has been weakened. The cruel light in his eyes has been replaced by pure hatred. The flesh and blood on the bones are a little withered, and the light attached to the back of the head makes Kayang's The eye can't discern its source.

   And that suit of armor endowed with powerful black magic is almost submerged by pistons, metal struts and brushed plastic steel. Huron's head is embedded among a large number of cables and metal conduits, just like a patient on an operating bed.

   There is no doubt that the failure caused a very serious blow to him.

   The rumors should be true. The Red Pirates were defeated by a far less number of enemies, and their majesty was sweeping.

   "I am not responsible for you, Kayang."

   Huron finally spoke, his voice was like steel rubbing.

   But the Lord of the Dead did not flinch, and his tone was stronger than before.

   "You are responsible to the commander Zhan, and I am his messenger."

   "So that's why Abaddon sent you here and let me guess a dumb riddle?"

  Kayang heard the sharpness in this sentence, he lowered his head, half obedient, half confessing.

   "The transaction between Zhanshuai and you still exists. The genetic seeds we ordered from you have been delayed for some time. Zhanshuai wants to know why?"

   "Black Legion, don't go too far!"

   Kyrkus yelled, and he raised an armor-covered finger at Kayang, as if it were the barrel of a gun.

   "You knowingly ask, do you want to humiliate us."

   "Our lord, the adult who made a contract with you, spoke and asked according to his wishes."

  Kayang looked up at the bronze and ruby ​​eyes on the top of the black flagpole in his hand.

   "Here, I am his voice."

   Kerkus opened his mouth, but Huron moved his eyes, and the red pirate company commander fell silent immediately.

   "All genetic seeds, goods, and trade goods have been stolen by the Empire. We need some time."

   "That is not an answer."

   Huron turned his head slowly, his gaze rested on the darkness in the corner of the throne room.

"The Maelstrom is an important base for the empire. Many subspace channels use this as a starting point. This also means that if we ignore it, it will definitely be used by the enemy... I know Abaddon’s What is the plan? The purpose of the blackstone fortresses obtained from the Gothic zone may be able to hide from others, but absolutely cannot hide from me. There are many routes to the throne world, but the future victory of the war It does not depend on power or quantity, but who controls these gates to Terra."

   Huron paused, then turned his gaze back to Ka Yang.

"If Abaddon still wants to continue his grand plan, then don't test me again and again. We have indeed been hit to a certain extent, but if he thinks this way we will become weak and become weak. It can be manipulated, then he thinks too simple."

   said, the curtain behind the throne of Huron suddenly fell.

   The members of the envoy of the Black Legion raised their heads, and in the next second they let out a low cry of exclamation, and only Teremanon laughed.

On the towering barbed iron fence, more than a dozen remnants in crimson power armor are hanging. Some of them are dead, and some are still struggling slightly. All of them have lost at least two limbs. Tightly wrapped by barbed wire.

   "These guys once had this idea. After betraying the pledge of allegiance, I gave them the cruelest punishment."

Kayang greeted Huron’s gaze, but shuddered. It felt like being submerged in There is no doubt that they did underestimate the methods of the Maelstrom. They did not expect the other party to be so. The internal unstable factors were cleaned up within the time of the interruption.

   Some of the people who were even hung up, even after contacting Kayang, tried to get their help.

  Kayang did not accept or refuse, but expressed an ambiguous attitude.

   If the Red Pirates really change their owner, it would be a good thing for the Black Legion.

   But now it seems that this matter is still too early.

   The complicated thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning. A second later, Kayang lowered his head low and carefully made sure that the banner in his hand was still standing.

   "The commander of war has no intention of this, the King of Black Heart."

   He answered the opponent in courteous terms, and paid attention to his tone of voice to show guard, respect and strength at the same time.

   "Zhanshuai, still value your ... friendship."

   Huron tilted his head slightly.


   The tyrant snorted, but everyone felt that the sense of oppression disappeared.

   "To be honest, as far as I know, anyone who gets involved in Abaddon's friendship will probably end up with nothing, and those who call him brothers and sisters die horribly."

   Kayang's eyebrows were raised by the other party's words, but he didn't say anything. Everyone knows that there are only a few people who really call Abaddon, including him.

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