The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 515: Friendship of Blood

Vladimir Pew is taller than most of the fighters present, without a helmet, showing a stern face.

   His head was shaved very shaved, and a gold and silver scar was dotted on it. The long years of war left many marks on his face. Just a glance can let him know that he has been fighting for a long, long time.

  Vladimir Pew is a determined man, and he will not fall as long as there is an expedition. He prefers to lead his troops himself rather than shrinking behind.

Although he is not an inspiring leader, he is still able to formulate a rigorous plan like any leader in the history of the Emperor's Fist. However, there are some things that only Lysander and others know, that is Vladimir. Pew had his taste buds removed as an atonement for the casualties of one hundred and seventy interstellar warriors in a terrible battle he commanded.

   There is another point worth noting, that is

   Pew was awarded a seat in the High Lords Conference of Tyra, although he didn't believe he could get this honor.

He is a warrior with countless honors and a high humble character, but only a few Emperor's Fists know that the scars of their battle captains are not all left on the battlefield. Some of them are actually Pew personally. He inflicted corporal punishment on his own to remember that under his command, a combat brother had fallen.

   To put it simply, Vladimir Pew is a person who values ​​kinship very much. He not only cherishes the Fists of the Empire, but also every heir of Donne.

   "Everyone is here."

   When he spoke, the voice of the captain of the Fist of the Empire was powerful but very low.

Even when compared with the incomparable Forbidden Army in the Terra Palace, Vladimir Pew’s body exercised control power is amazing-he is almost like a statue, motionless, every facial muscle They are all in complete stillness, until the action requires a response.

   "Isn't there yet to agree?"

   Pew lowered his head and asked.

   An official in the rally, a woman wearing a green robe, with the symbol of the chief star whisperer, lowered her shaved head to apologize.

   "I have asked the Mars delegation for more, and they are not willing to let go."

   Pew nodded.

   "How many are there?"

   "Five, my lord, depending on the labor of the pharmacist, maybe six."

   Lysander immediately understood what they were discussing.

   Dreadnought mecha shell, there has been little demand for this item for centuries, and only a few exist in the cold depths of the mountain array armory.

   But this time Lysander’s reconnaissance operation resulted in a lot of casualties. The wounds caused by Tyron’s biological weapons were mostly terrible, so the demand for the sacred sarcophagus increased sharply.

In normal times, the transformation process will last for several months. They need to send an application to Mars, then conduct a series of complex favor transactions, and have enough time for the special personal walker unit to be the recipient’s unique brain pulse grid. The frame is meticulously prepared.

   However, this is not a normal period, and many fighters have no time to delay.

   "I will personally communicate with the casting general."

   The commander of the Empire Fist said without any emotion.

   "What do they want in return?"

   "That's the problem, they have heard... A large number of combat robots appeared in the New Badab war."

   Pew's expression did not tremble at all.

   "I already know."

   Then he turned to Lysander.

   "You have brought terrible but useful news to the empire, brother."

   "To be honest, the process of this mission is really terrible, we don't have much time to prepare, and there is interference from the Titans and the Spirits."

   Lysander replied sullenly.

   "Let's put these things down first."

   Pew didn't have too many expressions.

   "Lesander, you have met the captain of Soshyan, right."

   Lysander nodded. He already knew about the new Badab war. I have to say that he didn't even believe the truth of this incident at first, because it was incredible.

   But as more news came, Lysander finally accepted this fact——

   The broken astral knights successfully attacked the red pirate’s nest and won an unprecedented victory!

   "He is a very promising young man, an excellent leader and fighter."

   "Oh? I can get such an evaluation from you, even in this battle group, it seems that you really admire him."

  Vladimir Pew smiled for the first time today.

   "Do you remember the last time you went to the Obsidian Fortress, how many warriors are still left by the Astral Knights?"

   "Thirty-three people, all recruits, plus an ancient fearless."

   "Thirty three people..."

   Pew chanted the number twice thoughtfully, and then the conversation changed.

   "What do you think about them and other war unity alliances?"

"This is not the first time that the Astartes have established a fraternal alliance, watch together, and help each other together. Moreover, in the face of the Red Pirates, if they don’t unite, how can one battle group win? I think this There is nothing wrong with it, at least it turns out that this was not a wrong decision."

   "But some people in the Council of High Lords don't think so. They quoted the example of Star Claw, the predecessor of the Red Pirate, and they also attacked the Weeper to privately interrupt the expedition."

   "Hmph, those worms don't look pleasing to the eye."

   Lysander murmured, then his expression became angry.

   "If they have so many dissatisfaction, why not go and solve Huron personally, instead of sitting in a huge palace and complaining."

   "Company Commander Lysander, don't say meaningless angry words."

  Vladimir Pew interrupted Lysander’s subsequent complaints.

   "This matter has come to an end. More than half of the members of the High Lords Council agree that this victory should be rewarded. The specific reward proposal is still being worked out. I can only tell you so much."

   "They finally did some stuff."

With that said, Lysander’s expression loosened. He even guessed that his battle group leader should have entered the political game. It’s just that no one knows what methods and methods are used. .

   "Everyone, disband, Lysander, you stay, I have a task to hand over to you alone."

   The others bowed one after another, and then stepped back to continue their work.

   When only Pew and Lysander were left in the hall, the seriousness of the commander of the Empire Fist began to weaken.

   "There has been more and more bad news recently."

   Lysander sighed as he heard the heaviness in Pew's tone.


   "We are all old, and the future of the empire needs a new generation of heroes to guard."

   Vladimir Pew looked at Lysander with scorching eyes.

   "I know you are tired, but this task is only suitable for you."

   Lysander has guessed what his mission is, so he grinned and replied easily:

   "This is not a task, let's talk, you let me find what he wants to bring."

"Well, after you see Soshyang, you must tell him that although the high lords will no longer pursue their private formation of alliances, they will definitely send monitors. He must be psychologically prepared, not to be too angry, and not to There are too many doubts. He only needs to find a few experienced bureaucrats to deal with this matter, and it won't cause too many obstacles to their careers."

   "Well, I remembered, what else?"

   "The Blade Feast will be held in five years, and I hope that the astral knights will also be able to participate."

   "Is this an official invitation?"

   "Yes, UU reading, you can invite Soshyang in my name."

   "Understood, do you have any more."

"The other thing is, after you get there, check if there are any problems with their recruitment of troops. If you have difficulties in reconstructing surgery and genetic seeds, tell them that we will provide them with certain support as soon as possible. Many, but it is enough to restore one company."

   "Oh, you are so generous this time, what about the last?"

"Well... this incident can be regarded as one of the costs of the previous series of transactions. Lysander, when you go this time, you will also bring representatives of Mars. They are very interested in the battle robots of the Astral Knights. I only Agree to take the lead. As for how they negotiate with the astral knights, we are not responsible, but you can ventilate with Soshyan in advance and tell him that if Mars is too tough, then Empire Fist will also become his most solid backing. ."

   The smile on Lysander's face grew warmer.

   "It seems that you really value him."

   Vladimir Pew also laughed.

"He has only served for less than a hundred years. He has such courage and ability. He will definitely grow into the pillar of the empire in the future, just like Lord Dante of the Holy Blood Angel in the past....We old things can do There are not many things to do. Fighting for the emperor is one day. Since there are such good seedlings, it won’t take any more effort to reach out and cover them."

   "Okay, then when do I leave."

   "Three days later."

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