The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 519: Ji Ji 1 lesson

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (!

"Where is he!"

"Target danger level 5! Priority to kill! Priority to kill!"

"Damn, he killed Niels!"

There were shouts, and the people heard the muffled sound of the dead body falling to the ground.

Sorge rushed to his first two victims, a corpse soaked face down in the water, and the air wrapped in the coat made it only slowly sink into the sewage full of green algae.

The other person was lying on his back on the street, his eyes staring like a full moon, blood flowing from his body at an astonishing speed, staining the dirt road into brick red.

Sorge leaned over and moved some hands and feet to the man's weapon, then he turned and ran back along the same path.

"He's here! Come and help me!"

He yelled behind him as he ran, and then plunged his head behind the far end of the shack, keeping a thick wall between himself and the canal.

He heard other guards approaching quickly, and they cursed angrily after seeing the dead.

Suddenly, one of them said:

"Wait, wait! What sound is that?"

The sound of a time bomb, you idiot.

Sorge sneered secretly in his heart.

The bomb detonated instantly, blasting the shack adjacent to the canal to pieces.

Sorge rushed into the thick smoke and used a sharp headshot to kill a guard who hadn't died in the explosion. Then he counted the other corpses-it was a puzzle, and he tried to distinguish the scorched ones. Bloody remains.

There are four in total, so two more are nearby, and the other teams must be on their way.

He has paid the price for his recklessness, and now is the time to perform the task.

Sorge looked down at the canal and found that the river suddenly became still.

"Oh, isn't it..."

His master appeared like a shadow that could not exist in the daytime, and he could even see a big cat-like creature lying on his master’s shoulders. This psionic communication was like a searing heat that penetrated into his mind. Copper wire.

[You are wasting time and exposing yourself needlessly, slave. 】

"I'm releasing pressure—"

Sorge growled in pain.

[Complete the duties you must perform. 】

"I know, master—"

[Investigate everything about the astral knight]

"I remember! I will do it!"

Sorge frowned and shouted, and the pressure in his skull suddenly disappeared.

He turned and walked away from the canal. Two guards were rushing towards him along the streets. One of them opened fire, and the hot laser struck his thigh, almost hitting him.

Sorge raised his gun and fired at the same time.

"It's over soon—"

Five minutes later, when a large number of guards arrived at the scene, they only saw the guards' broken bodies. As for the perpetrators, they had disappeared in the vast sea of ​​people.

The planetary governor received the news for the first time, so he raised the security level, sent more guards, and started investigating the cargo ship that has recently entered orbit.

But in a short period of time, it is almost impossible to find this dangerous element, so I can only try to do some remedial measures.

And on the night of the celebration ceremony, in the monastery fortress of the astral knights, the victory banquet belonging to the Astartes also began.

Hundreds of fighters from the four battle groups gathered in the hall of the monastery, including soul drinkers who were inconvenient to show up during the day, heroes and warriors gathered together.

Everyone has an expression of compassion and resentment, and everyone's soul is as sharp as a sword in his hand, polished to the utmost to serve the emperor.

The rows of giants stayed still, their gazes crossed the pyre, through the rising flames, and stared at the sky eagle emblem at the far end.

The armors looked ruthless under the firelight, and their unmoving figures resembled sculptures.

After the mourning ceremony was over, one person should address the soldiers, and Soshyan was pleased to perform this duty.

After all, although this war was not his will, it was launched under his orders.

The huge sense of pride instantly grabbed his ambition, and was instantly relieved by his own humility.

Because this is not his own victory.

Soshyan stepped into this circle of fire exuding a strange chill, and turned to face these fighting brothers.

His cloak, so heavy, curled around him.

The parchment roll was rubbed against the plastic steel, whispering the oath of loyalty, while his crown was tightly bound, his military badge began to resound, whispering to him:

Who helped you stand to your current height?

It is the power of the emperor.

And whose shoulders are your feet standing on?

I stand on the shoulders of my brothers.

This is their victory.

"There will be no statues!"

Soshyan shouted to the fighting brothers.

"No statues will be erected, no monuments to remember our victory! There will be no songs, no poems, no deafening deeds, no stories of praise! We will not hear praises of courage, nor will we listen to them. As far as the chants for remembering, there are only bitter, dark gravel, and the fickle light of the poisoned stars, they are the only things we can see!"

Soshyan lowered his head slightly, a curly cold wind was blowing in the southern jagged mountains, while the aurora was dancing in the icy night sky, and their sick light merged with the mountains, giving the peaks false heights.

"It doesn't matter, who cares about these gadgets? How can we care about fame?"

He stretched out a hand to the fighting brothers and opened his palm to all of them.

Some of them are already familiar to him, while others have almost never met.

It doesn't matter, because they are all his brothers-fighting brothers beyond blood.

"Use our armor-covered feet to step into the enemy's land to show our trajectory! Use the bones and remains of the enemy tossed as our joyful hymn! Do we still need applause and praise? We are familiar with service and dedication, What satisfaction can be more than fulfilling our duties? Because we are loyal to the emperor! He looks at us, and his will is our guide and mentor! When we are triumphant, He is happy, and when we decline, He blesses us. We regain our strength! What is the opinion of people, and what is the use of the fleeting cheers of mortals? As long as the emperor's eyes are watching what we do and think, any other approval is not surprising!"

He slapped his chest, making the medal tremble.

"Here, we don't have to seek the crown of victory, nor the glory pursued by others! We are Astarte, the holy angel of death!"

He said, his voice gradually muted.

"——Victory and loyalty are our own rewards."

The soldiers heard exactly the word, and suddenly, their roar sounded, which exploded and shattered the silence in the hall.

"Holy my emperor!"

Soshyang nodded in approval, his eyes locked tightly on the brothers in front of him.

"Later, I will hold your hands one by one and express my gratitude to each of you from the bottom of my heart! This is your victory, this is your day, this is your strength, and the crown of this victory belongs to you. ."

Only more roars could answer him.

"You fought, you won the battle!"

He clenched his fist and continued:

"Although the enemy has not been annihilated, one day, we will once again step on the waves of the subspace and bring the emperor's anger to the traitors again. That time, they will have nowhere to hide!"

"For the emperor!"

Hundreds of Astarte Ziqi roared, causing the entire fortress to tremble slightly.

"This cup."

Afterwards, Soshyang raised a golden wine glass.

"To the eternal golden throne!"

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