The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 534: Arrested

Sorge didn't know what it was, and didn't want to know what it was. He only knew that it was a huge threat, more than his master.

   The spy started to run, ran down the **** into the woods, and ran around the park to the west gate.

  He needs to go to a safe place.

   But for some reason, Sorge suddenly found himself in a dead end, the backyard of a tall and beautiful house.

   He heard footsteps coming from behind, and then tried to push the door, and found that most of it was locked, except for a heavy wooden door with a blood bat with wings spread painted on it.

   Sorge pushed the door open, got into the wonderful coolness and darkness in the room, and quickly closed the door and fastened it.

   He waited, listening to the dull footsteps and voices outside the door.


   At that moment, the door fell apart, and something rushed to knock it down.

   Sorge rolled out, dizzy.

   He tasted the blood in his mouth, unable to sort out his thoughts.

   What's going on... What's going on?

   Before he got up, a giant hand covered with iron armor stretched out from the darkness, grabbed his throat, turned him around, slammed it against the wall, and held him in the air.

   Sorge felt out of breath immediately, his feet kicked out of thin air.

   But the iron hand pressed him firmly against the wall.


   A low voice came from the darkness.

   "Iskander Kayan's...little mouse."

After    finished speaking, he fell heavily to the ground, almost shattering his skeleton.

   If he hadn't had a physique far superior to mortals, this would be enough to kill him.

   Sorge spat out blood, his brain is working fast, trying to find a way to get out.

  He also used a few props, which might help him——

   didn't wait for him to think more, suddenly there was a heavy burden on his body, a terrible weight that would squash him.

   A giant arm-covered hand held his throat again.

   "Let's talk slowly later."

   After speaking, he felt that his eyes went dark and he passed out.

   When Sorge woke up again, he found himself in a basement or dungeon, tied to a wooden chair, with a **** smell in his mouth.

   An interstellar warrior sits on a metal box opposite him, wearing a silver-gray power armor and a helmet, with the weapon on his leg, and Sorge’s package lying on the opponent’s feet.

"who are you?"

   Sorge calmed down for a few seconds before he knew he was captured—this was the worst possible situation.

   "This question is not important to you anymore, right?"

   The star warrior smiled, and Sorge suddenly noticed a lightning-like tear mark on the edge of the opponent's eyepiece, which made him feel a little puzzled-in the eyes of fear, only the Eighth Legion would usually decorate his helmet like this.


   "Call me my lord and show respect."

   "I don't think I'm in a position where I can start discussions."

   Sorge said helplessly, his head hurts, but he still reached out to his heart, or he could still contact his master——

   No, it's useless.

   Sorge’s initial suspicion was confirmed, the psychic energy here had been isolated, and the other party had already prepared.

   His master still doesn't know anything about it.

   "What do you want, take it away."

   The star warrior didn't respond for a while, just stared at Sorge closely.

   Then he put the weapon aside, reached out and picked up the package, took out a cloth bag, opened it, and inspected Sorge's weapons and equipment in the dim light.

   "Kayang prepared for you very thoughtfully."

   "It sounds like you seem to be familiar with my master?"

   This is also the place where Sorge is very confused. The other party not only knows who his master is, but he also knows very well in his words.

   But the other party did not directly answer his question.

   "Do you know what happens when a spy is caught?"

   "This is exactly what I expected, but I am afraid it is difficult for you to get anything from my head, because my master planted the last layer of insurance in my soul."

  The star warrior turned a blind eye to what he said, just playing with the soul-searching stone in his hand.

"You are special."

   "I'm just a servant——"

   "No, you are not even a human being."

   Sorge was speechless for a while.


"Very rare, very rare, and almost forgotten. You are a living puppet. Is it the technology Kayang got from his alien female companion? He shaped you with alien biotechnology and psychic energy. You are an artificial human. Your current appearance is definitely not what you were originally, you will definitely be deformed, right?"

   Sorge closed his eyes lightly, then his skin began to surging, and finally his face turned into a young man.

   "Who are you and why do you know this."

   "The details don't matter."

   The star warrior continued to rub the gem.

"Not only can you transform, you can even turn into a corpse, stopping the heartbeat and blood flow for at least three days, and you can reactivate only with a psionic command from Kayang, so strictly even It’s not a living person."

   Sorge frowned. He was not afraid of the interrogator, but when he faced an interrogator who knew him well, he had no bottom.

   So he lowered his head and exhaled slowly.

"Just kill me."

   "Your life is long enough to make you crave death?"

   "I can see that I lost."

   Sorge is indeed very tired. Since he was created, his life has been full of fatal dangers. Even if a machine is walking a tightrope every day, there will be a day of fatigue.

   "I appreciate your honesty, what's your name?"

   ", you may or may not know me, but once you know who I am, then you have only one way left."

   The star warrior let out a deep laugh, then jumped from the metal box, walked to Sorge, and took off his helmet.

   For an instant, Sorge's heart twitched.

   He did meet this person, but he would never imagine that in this place, at this time, it was him who caught him!


   Sorge was shocked and almost lost his language ability. After more than ten seconds of stumbling, he called out the name.

   "Talos Varkoran of the Eighth Army! Why are you here!"

   A smile appeared on the Prophet’s pale face, as if he was satisfied with the effect he had achieved.

   then put his face in front of the opponent, put his index finger between his lips, and whispered:

   "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a secret, don't be so loud."


   Sorge's thinking at this time has been completely messed up. It is not that he has not encountered strong winds and waves, but it is the first time he has encountered such a strange thing.

   "Well, now that both of us are honest, we can talk about something that is more important to you."

"whats the matter?"

   The smile on the Prophet’s face became even brighter, and he uttered two words gently.


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