The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 540: Terminator, strike!

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (!

While talking, the master of the survey looked down at his ornithology display screen. There were four expanding and flashing screens on it, each of which introduced detailed digital knowledge about the spacecraft's surrounding environment.

"At three-quarters speed, we are 5 minutes and 38 seconds away from our target."

So far, everything went well. Soshyan nodded to the left of the bridge, where the defensive stations were full of uniformed officers and attendants, who only focused on their duties.

"Keep the scanning device operating and don't miss any abnormal parameters."

He ordered that he had not forgotten the purpose of this trip-to stifle any threats in the Hulk.

"Okay, Master."

An officer responded that the man was an assistant to the mechanical priest. His back-mounted power pack also had one-to-multi-joint arms. These devices worked on a separate console, next to him using his biological fingers. Operating console.

Soshyan was still looking at the eyeball display.

"Let us get closer to the goal."

"My lord."

The Master of Occupation and Investigation suddenly spoke up.

"Detection shows that the target is very...huge."

"Please explain the definition of'huge'."

"The bird's eye report reported that the target quality is likely to be close to the unbound soul, master."

There was a silence, during which there was almost no sound on the bridge.

The loudest sound was the breathing of the communications officer, and the loudspeaker on his helmet made a harsh sound.

"Don't shrink back when you speak to me, I won't kill you because you told me irritating news."

"Yes, my lord."

Soshyan's next question was interrupted by the eyeball monitor, and his attention was focused.

The screen clearly shows the hulk in the distance. It is not just a single battleship. It is actually the appearance of two or three battleships gathered together, as if they were fused by the will of some capricious and crazy god. Together.

As the officer described, the opponent is indeed similar to the Unbound Soul.

At this time,

Another Astart wearing a Terminator next to the commanding throne stepped forward, and it was Maximilian, a company commander.

After standing still, Mark's helmet tilted towards the eyeball display.

"Team commander... this thing is really big."

Soshyan nodded, did not look away—this was also the largest drifting hulk he had ever seen.

"I hope there are not too many bad things in it, helmsman, bring us closer."

The main helmsman responded softly—sentence.

"Yes, my lord."

Soshyan then said to the other Marks:

"Get ready to board the ship and call all the Terminators."

After three years of development and rest, with repairs and parts exchange, the current Astral Knights, apart from Soshyan's own set, already has 20 complete sets of Terminator armor, and two tactical teams, 16 of which are indomitable. , 4 sets of iron riding type.

These Terminators are controlled by senior veterans in the battle group, belong to the most elite first company, and most of the time as Soshyan's honor guard.


Mark nodded, turned and left with a heavy step.

When Soshyang sat on the metal throne again, he stared at the gradually increasing eyeball display, and the distorted outlines and spires began to appear.

"This thing is a big trouble."

As the Unbound Soul gets closer and closer to the target, it seems to be completely overshadowed in the shadow of the distant sun.

About ten minutes later, two pods exploded from the cabin in the abdomen of the spacecraft, twisting through the space like a drill bit, until they hit the metal hull of the ruined hull of the abandoned city.

At the same time, on the bridge of Unbound Soul, two signals pulsed back to the communication array, which is now controlled by Lothar, the fourth company commander, the master of the fleet.

The first voice in the newsletter was very soft, rendered by the crackling sound

Dyed, the second is short and sharp.

"This is the first team, we are here."

"The second team, arrive inside."

Then a third voice sounded from Soshyan.

"All teams, gather in the lobby where they have been located."

The angels moved in the darkness, and Loken followed behind.

He still doesn't understand why Soshyan wants him to follow them, but his duty is to obey rather than question.

Knowing that this trip was dangerous, he put on his sturdy bulletproof armor—although it was nothing compared to the fully sealed Astarte armor of the demigods, it could give him some psychological comfort.

Along with him, in addition to Soshyan, there is also a 10-man Terminator squad.

After the aircraft was stable, he followed the armored giants down the ramp of the gunboat and into the darkness in the distance.

"My lord, I...have a question?"

Soshyan, who walked to the front, heard a voice enter his communicator.

To answer this question, he needs to manually switch channels and adjust a frequency dial built into the control panel of his left arm.

"Priest Loken, I promised that I will guarantee your safety. Because Brother Rogris has gone to Mars, now only you in the battle group can analyze those ancient technologies, so I have to bring you."

Perhaps after hearing the seriousness in Soshyang's tone, Loken hesitated for a moment unconsciously. In just a few seconds, he had fallen behind the Astartes, so he immediately jogged to keep up with their pace.

The darkness around him made him feel creepy, and the only sound was the noise of the interstellar warriors walking.

Although useful, the illuminator mounted on the side of his helmet emits a faint light no matter where he looks.

A dim amber light shot back and forth in front of him, illuminating the darkness, but the light was thin and dim, almost useless.

The spotlight swept across the arched walls made of unpolished metal and the gantry-like floor decoration. A few minutes later, the corpse came into view.

Soshyan glanced at the corpse-human, male, frozen in the heatless darkness, maybe dead for a week, or a hundred years, the time in the subspace is difficult to define.

All the decay stopped as the container closed and opened to the void.

-A layer of frost covers everything from the wall to the deck to the tortured face of the deceased with a second layer of crystalline skin.

"Everyone pay attention to your surroundings, and fire at any time if there is any change."

As they continue to move forward, they

I encountered three more corpses, each of them frozen like the first one, and each one was tightly attached to the tomb-like metal floor in the corridor.

Soshyang touched the hard-frozen wound closest to him with his fingertips. UU Reading turned out that the pink meatballs were scattered like powdered bones—the age of these corpses may be. Older than he expected.

Loken walked around them, recording how each corpse was brutally cut apart.

He has seen such wounds before, but he has only seen them in the holographic biological exhibition. Although he is not a biological sage, he can still make the most basic judgments.

"Really a gene stealer."

Loken whispered in the channel like a sigh.

"Big guy, be careful."

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