The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 543: Hulk Fight

Standard tactical timing: 00.15.44

The green and fuzzy echo signals on the sensor network are scattered into several individuals, which are rapidly approaching the position of the Terminator, while spreading to the left and right, and are divided into two groups.

Soshyan counted seven obvious targets rushing towards him, and another five went around to the other side where Mark was. The trajectories of the two groups of enemies did not seem to match the graphical data.

"Ensure the safety of the main road and move on."

Soshyan gave the order calmly.

"Beware of intrusion points and beware of enemy forces approaching from the upper level."

The team continued to approach the next door, and a Terminator followed him closely, scanning left and right, searching for holes in the walls, floor and ceiling to ensure that the captain's back was properly protected.

Behind, a soldier named Harry stopped in front of the open door, his heavy breathing fire pointed directly at the side corridor.

"There is a breach in the ceiling."

Harry reported in a deep voice, and Soshyang turned his head to look and found an open crack in the heavy pipe. The pipe had traveled halfway along the fifty-meter-long corridor and then suddenly turned into the bulkhead.

The distance between the contact on the sensor and Soshyan is no more than 75 meters, and the distance between Mark is less than 50 meters.

"Brothers, the enemy is here, mustering up all determination and hatred."

Soshyan approached the door and turned to face it. The door was activated by pulling the lever as before, but it slid out of sight in a hiss quite smoothly.

He rushed in as soon as the door opened, so that others could continue to advance along the corridor.

"Be careful!"

On the other side of the team, a swift and agile thing rushed into the corridor from the rusty grille on the floor in front of Mark.

It leaped towards the Terminator, its four muscle twitching arms clutching the wall to balance its figure.

This creature has a purple spherical head, the rest of the body is covered with dark blue chitin, and its eyes sparkle under the light of the Terminator armor.

"Visual contact!"

Mark yelled sharply.

"Target confirmed, gene stealer."

Before Mark fired, the creature had only time to run three steps down the corridor.

The roar of the storm blaster reverberated in the passage, but the thing jumped from one wall to the other with alien swiftness, and the Terminator's first round of shooting exploded a series of bullet marks on the bare metal.

It rushed forward with a light stride, the claws of its upper limbs inserted into the floor to accumulate strength, and at the same time another figure emerged from the dark.

Then Mark's second round of shooting hit the monster's head and back, and the minced meat was torn off with blood.

Sticky blood splashed on the walls and floor, the second creature passed the fallen companion without hesitation, and Mark opened fire again.

The turbulent explosive bomb directly tore the ugly alien from his chest.

"Kill confirmed, multiple targets are approaching."

A soldier reported quietly, and then shot again.

"The threat is low."

Standard tactical timing: 00.16.11

"Target invaded!"

As Harry announced, he pulled the fire-breathing trigger.

The fire net roared across the corridor, submerging the ceiling and pipes in the anger of the promethium element.

Something tumbling in the hellfire, twitching silently in the purifying flames of melting carapace, muscles, and bones.

The carbonized corpse fell from the damaged pipe, and the adhesive promethium element still clung to the wall, shrouding the corridor in white-hot flames.


Seeing the monster burn to ashes, Harry's mood began to soar.

"Save fuel."

Soshyan ordered that Harry’s further attacks were prevented.

At this time, monsters constantly gushing out of the narrow gap under the floor, like boiling water bubbling, Soshyang pouring ammunition toward the surging wave, and the roar of the blast bullet gun is like a jumping ballad.

When another group of aliens appeared in front of Harry, the heavy breathing fire in his hand burst out again with a low growl.

During the shooting, Soshyan noticed that the passage he was in was long and narrow, and the carved patterns were faintly visible on the stone walls.

In the far corner of the front right, there was a vent that kept dust blowing out. Just as Soshyan was about to turn around, he noticed that the dust blowing out of the vent had stopped.

The alarm sounded, and a signal on the sensor flashed an ominous red light, representing an imminent threat.

After a while, the grille of the vent was knocked into the air, and it has been leaping into the air in a special shape and hitting Soshyang.

The distance between the two was too close, and there was no time to fire. Soshyang raised the Sacred Yan sword neatly and cut open an outstretched claw.

The other three claws of the gene stealer made dents in the wall, and the forward swooping gesture had to take a step back under the blow.

"Exterminate the alien!"

Sosh roared and slashed the sword at the monster's head. In an instant, the wound extending from the cheek to the neck formed a fountain of blood.

The deformed arm closed under the action of the nerve reflex, trying to clamp Soshyan's right arm.

The sharp claws scratched the Tao Gang on the outer layer of the armor, and Soshyang immediately raised his fist and flew the opponent directly, slapped it on the wall into a soft puddle, and then slid to the ground.

All was only a few seconds, Soshyan stepped forward and looked down at the **** corpse lying on the floor.

Despite the severe trauma, it still twitches with the fading residual life force.

Looking at the monster with fangs under his feet, his heart was mixed with disgust and and an almost strange feeling——


He lifted his foot in heavy boots and stepped on the head of the gene thief, crushing it into meat sauce.

Thick blood oozes from the magnetized sole of the star warrior's boot and drips into the gap between the tiles.


At this time, a yell from the communication channel and a dazzling flash on the sensor warned Soshyang that a wave of blurred light spots on the radar rushed through the side corridor of the main road towards the middle of the team.

Harry was the first to react, turning the huge armor and rushing to the first room.

"Get out of the shooting world!"

The fire of **** rolled out from the heavy flamethrower, instantly creating a terrible high temperature of nearly a thousand degrees.

Behind the beating flames, Soshyan could see seven or eight creatures, tumbling in pain, wailing, and carbonizing—

But when the fire in the local **** burned out, there were still a few slippery fishes who had passed by the corpses that had been roasted into coke, charging forward, their claws opened, and their lifeless eyes fixed on Harry.

The Terminator stepped back and leaned to the side, spreading the corridor into the field of vision of his comrades armed with assault guns.

"Purify the alien!"

The warrior laughed wildly and fired. The torrential rain of bullets penetrated the target's body, head and neck limbs flying all over the sky.

Covering shots blasted four aliens one after another, no matter how flexible they were, they couldn't survive such a metal storm.

"Brothers! Kill four in one shot!"

With a click, the assault gun trembling in the Terminator's hand stopped shooting.

At this time, a series of warnings popped up in the head-mounted display of Soshyan.

He turned around and saw three gene stealers rushing towards him at an accelerated speed along the corridor.

"The battle is not over yet! Keep going!"

Wielding a long sword, he directly greeted him.

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