The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 548: Abyss-class battleship

   "What is it, Dieterian?"

   has become accustomed to the calm attitude of this technical heresy. Seeing his gaffe this time, Soshyang became very curious.

   But Dietrian did not answer right away, but took a few deep breaths and calmed down his trembling body, but because most of his body parts were mechanical, this made him produce a blower-like sound when he breathed.

   About ten seconds later, he returned to the original tone of Furui Bubo, only with a little more excitement.

   "This place stores the blueprint of a battleship."

  "Battleship blueprint?"

   Loken blinked.

  To say that the preciousness of this thing is about the same as STC, after the Gein rebellion, the blueprints of many battleships have been lost due to various reasons.

   But he couldn't understand Dieterian's "little man's ambition" attitude, and then mocked:

   "What is it? You can't be the queen of glory, right?"

   "Oh, you also know a queen of glory."

   Dietrian sarcastically.

   "This thing is more precious than the Queen of Glory."

   "More precious than the Queen of Glory?"

   Sosh made a statement to interrupt the quarrel between the two of them.

   "Don't buy it, let's talk about it."

   "Yes, my lord, what is stored here... is the blueprint of the Abyss-class battleship!"

   As soon as these words came out, Soshyang was stunned, Loken was also stunned, and the other three fighters were also stunned.

   A few seconds later, Soshyan said slightly confused:

   "Abyss class...I have never heard of this type of warship."

  Ditrian glanced at the crowd and found that others had the same attitude as Soshyan, and finally realized that his excitement was a waste of expression, so he covered his face with both hands.

   "Gosh, what am I doing..."

   "There is still time to ride, let's talk about the abyss level."

   With a sigh, Dietrian explained the origin of this legendary warship.

   Abyss-class battleship is a special imperial battleship secretly built by the Dark Mechanic Cult for the Legion of the Word Bearer at the beginning of the 31st millennium on the eve of the Horus Rebellion. A total of three were built.

These ships were secretly built at the end of the Great Expedition by the rebels who were loyal to the fallen casting generals and casting generals. The first ship of this class, the Furious Abyss, was built in the Arctic Jupiter orbit around the gas giant Jupiter in the solar system. In the dock, its sister ships, the Blessed Lady and the Three Holy Prayer, were also constructed in other secret locations during the same period.

These ships were immediately delivered to the Legion of Word Bearers who had thrown back at the traitor Horus, and carried this furious legion to destroy the territory of the Ultimate Warrior, among which the Furious Abyss relied on its destructive power, In the Battle of Cass and the subsequent series of devastating battles suffered by the Five Hundred Worlds, countless crimes were committed.

  The Abyss class is the largest warship ever built by mankind in thirty-one thousand years, even surpassing the Glory Queen class, so its armament can be said to be extremely powerful and complete.

Its armor is so solid that even the orbital defense laser cannon can hardly hurt it. Its thick, pointed bow, the jagged structure on the wings of the hull, and the huge hull. All boast of the strength of this warship.

The three huge zigzag structures of the Abyss make it look like a giant trident. Under the heavy bronze of its wide ship, the muzzles of countless twin laser cannons are shining with cold light, powerful artillery. It sits on top of every angular metal boss, and below it is the densely packed cabins inside the ship.

   The bow of the Abyss class is also equipped with an experimental plasma cannon for combat against ships. Its power is extremely powerful, and few warships can take a blow.

   At the ridge of the ship and the belly of the ship, there is also a forest-like defensive turret, and the dark nozzle of the torpedo tube is also among them, silently declaring naked violence.

Numerous communication antenna spires emerge from the numerous decks, and they are also surrounded by heavy weapon arrays, and the warship’s ribs are not calm, dozens of hangars are arranged here, so that it has a certain fighter mothership. Combat effectiveness.

   In addition, the Abyss-class battleship can also deploy psychic air mines during the transition, thereby destroying stable subspace channels and preventing enemy tracking.

However, although this type of battleship is so powerful, their owner is very unbearable. Although the three battleships played a certain role in the Great Rebellion, they did not wait for them to really shine, Fury Abyss and Ms. Zhu were destroyed. Now, only the Three Holy Prayer is missing.

   "That's it..."

   After listening to Dietrian's narration, Soshyang finally understood why the other party was so gaffe.

   But he was not so excited.

It may be extremely precious knowledge for the believers of the mechanics, but for Soshyan, this is just a blueprint that is useless-such a powerful battleship, the materials and technology required for manufacturing must be of dream level. Yes, now it is estimated that Mars may not be able to make it.

   But Soshyan immediately had new doubts.

   "Dietrian, why do you know the Abyss level so much?"

   Hearing this question, Dietrian laughed twice, and then replied:

   "Because of my mentor, he was involved in the construction of the Ms. Blessed... and he was almost killed. Fortunately, he left a memory copy at that time and was not really killed."

   Soshyang nodded, confirming this statement.

   "How long will the blueprint be extracted?"

   "The amount of data is huge, it takes a little time"

   Dietrian has inserted sixteen independent storage units into the data storage, and now they are incorporating the data and blueprints of Ocean Blue into it.

   "Try to be as fast as possible."

   The enemies have dispersed as it was designed. They go to save the weak and isolate the strong.

   This is an opportunity.

   Its oldest child turned a bend and grabbed the wall with his paws, which crunched on the curved old iron frame.

   But it hasn't slowed It didn't even have a heartbeat.

  The hot saliva stings its jaw, prey, six.

   But two of them are too weak, not even prey, just meat.

   There are only four real prey.

   The nest master leaped forward and jumped over the fallen relative's corpse and dashed forward-hit the ceiling with his head, and still did not slow down.

   It tore at the handle on the dome of the data compartment at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time the small relative pushed aside, and violently passed through the tall relatives who were big enough to block its way.

   At a better time, their thought connection with the nest owner would make them run aside respectfully, but now they are very hungry.

   The last time it fell from the sky, it hit the enemy by surprise and killed seven difficult blue giants.

   Now, it believes it will be so.


  Using Dietrian's reconnaissance machine, Soshyan has confirmed that the enemy is approaching and there is a large target among them.

   Beside him, a tactic with a heavy-explosive bomb picked up his weapon to aim, and the familiar sound of footsteps echoed in the corridor.

   "It's on the ceiling... shoot!"


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