The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 551: Full load

"carry out!"

   Dietrian yelled excitedly and recovered the last piece of storage. Obviously he didn't realize that no one was paying attention to him.

Then he turned behind and saw the fallen alien monster. Its body had a pile of torn wounds, its head rolled aside, its two egg-shaped eyes were left with jagged liquid-filled craters, and its sturdy neck. The blood flow from his fractured mouth continued, quickly forming a rotten pool under his body.

   With the death of the nest owner, the gene stealers suddenly became confused. Some began to flee because of fear, some were trampled on the ground, and some were still attacking, but they were quickly resolved.

   At this moment, a burst of violent gunfire suddenly started outside the passage.

   The Mark team and the soldiers who supported them have returned.

   Under the double blow, the gene stealers quickly collapsed, and apart from the alien stumps and severed arms, there were only five **** figures on the battlefield.

   "Is it all right?"

   turned around and looked at Dietrian and Loken who was getting up from the ground.

   "All recycling has been completed."


   Soshyan glanced at the data compartment again, his eyes rested on the Terminators who died in the Alpha Legion.

   "We need to take them away."

  The soldiers placed their bodies on the mosaic floor, seven dead Alphas. In addition to the bomb gun, their weapons also included storm shields, power weapons, and a plasma cannon.

"of course."

   Loken expressed his attitude for the first time.

   This harvest, in the name of the God of All Machines, is simply a sacred reward.

   He stroked the Alpha Legion’s Hydra badge. Such markings can be stripped off, and the armor itself can be modified and transformed... The machine soul will be purified, which will be more useful to the loyal battle group.

   on the other side,

   Dietrian is also smiling, even though his skull face is formed like this.

   But now, when he thinks of his new wealth, his expression is extremely sincere.

   However, it is not so easy to carry the seven sets of Terminator armor. Although the gene stealers are scattered, it is difficult to say whether they will kill the carbine, and now everyone is in a state of insufficient ammunition, which is bound to be disadvantageous.

   Therefore, Loken decided not to dismantle the Terminator first, and directly transported away with the corpse.

After simply arranging a teleport beacon, more than a dozen machine servants and five huge boxes were directly teleported down—the kind used for void transportation—heavy, striped, and designed to withstand Hit.

   Everyone worked together to put the body of the Terminator into the box, and then Loken took out a portable anti-gravity board, carefully placed it on the four corners of the box, and carefully calibrated it before starting the interference wave.

   With the activation of the anti-gravity field, the surface air seemed to tremble, like a rippling water surface.

   All boxes are installed at each of the four corners, and the anti-gravity plate clamps the box tightly, flashing red light in the shadow.

   "It's all done."

   Loken clapped his hands after installing the last anti-gravity board.

   Soshyang glanced at the timer, it was almost over.

   "Call Thunder Eagle to let them approach, everyone, retreat."

   As Loken activated the anti-gravity board, the boxes got rid of the restraints one by one, rising from the ground and floating at knee height.

   The Terminator is very heavy, and everyone can hear the wailing of the anti-gravity field struggling to support it.

  The machine servants followed the box before and after them, stretched their hands from above, and pulled the box over.

   After simply reorganizing the formation and redistributing the ammunition, the team quickly returned through the passage-Mark took the lead, and behind Soshyang, the box floated between the teams, roaring in a low voice like a grumpy cow.

   Not long after he walked out, Soshyang heard the crowd of fine footsteps.

   As expected, the enemy has made a comeback again.

   "How many are there?"

   He complained in a low voice, and at the same time activated the position of Saint Yan Sword again.

   Another group of gene stealers attacked from the darkness, and Soshyang’s storm blaster roared and blasted a gap in the rushing enemy group, and shot the last bullet.

   But soon more enemies came up.

   Soshyang could only draw out the plasma pistol and spray the hot plasma ball at the oncoming enemy group, while the soldiers behind him also took up their weapons and fired together.

   However, the passage is narrow and can only accommodate two Terminators side by side at most.

   The monsters rushed in desperately against the fierce firepower, as if some kind of force more powerful than their primitive ferocity was driving them.

  The light and flames made them burn with anger, like a whole assault on the astral knight who was retreating.

   Soshyang suddenly realized that perhaps in such a short time, a new leader was born in their ethnic group—

   If this is the case, then the creature like Tyron is really scary.

   "Continue to retreat! Don't stop!"

  The Terminators returned along the same path while suppressing the endless stream of aliens with firepower.

But the pressure on Soshyan, who assumed the task of being the queen of the palace, was far greater than everyone else, so he changed his strategy and no longer shot the enemy directly, but shot down the already very fragile structure at the top of the passage with a plasma gun to delay the monster’s attack.

  The gene stealers are always able to find new routes to invade, and the astral knights can knock down the enemy as fast as the monsters.

   What's more terrible is that because of a few large boxes, the team's speed really can't get up.


   While the Terminator team was fighting hard, the 50-meter channel bulkhead suddenly exploded.

   Then, a towering silver machine stepped out of the darkness.

   "Master, the evacuation route has been changed."

   Hearing the voice of YT-001, Soshyang was determined. Fortunately, he left a back hand, otherwise it would be really dangerous this time.

   "Everyone evacuated from the new route!"

   Soon, the team changed directions, one by one, they entered the unevenly bombed gap, while Soshyang arrived at the insect tide at the back.

   "Target, type 2 organic creature, special killing mode, activation."

   At this time, YT-001 appeared beside Soshyang, raised his arm, and aimed at a close gene stealer.

The next second, a bullet was shot from the muzzle. This is a special bullet. The core and warhead are replaced with a small bottle of organic mutant acid and needles. When shooting at the target, these needles will separate from the bottle and inject the acid into the target. in vivo.

   This shot accurately hit the alien's forehead and caused it to fall to the ground instantly, but other aliens stepped on the corpses of the same kind and continued to pounce.

   But then another bullet hits precisely.

   This kind of bullet does not need a headshot, it only needs to hit the body, and it can do a one-shot kill against the gene stealer.

   Soshyang looked at him immediately.

Regarding YT-001, there are many mysteries on its body. Even Loken once wanted to secretly disassemble its body. He had already paralyzed the opponent with an electronic trap beforehand. But before he could start, the cyborg suddenly jumped up and brought Luo. Ken beat him for a while, but also asked him to never get close to his 50-meter range in the future, or he would be killed directly.

   Soshyang also went to ask Brother Said, but the other party told him that this cyborg had a mysterious origin. UU read www.uukanshu. Com only knows who deployed it.

   Suddenly, a gene stealer emerged from the broken ceiling above Soshyang's head. Soshyang immediately interrupted these distracting thoughts and used his sword to cut the opponent's upper body without hesitation.

   The cyborg on the side raised his hand and shot a small rocket.

   This is a fragmented rocket, which has strong lethality against a large number of low-armor targets and has a large explosion radius.

   The rocket accurately hit the center of the swarm, and a dozen aliens were killed on the spot, and howling resounded through the battlefield.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Soshyang and YT-001 quickly retreated, keeping up with the team's footsteps, and quickly arrived at the place where the Thunder Eagles were parked. All three Thunder Eagles were ready to go.

   Less than five minutes after they left the dead ship, the main guns of the Unbound Soul lit up one after another, and then the abandoned city was directly torn apart with violent firepower.

  The attack process lasted for two hours. Soshyan's request was not to let any piece of debris larger than the landing module.

  The crisis of the hulk has collapsed.

   But before Soshyang returned, he transferred a frigate to patrol here for a long time to prevent other hulks from appearing. As for the blueprint of the Abyss, he still needs to think carefully before deciding how to use it—


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