The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 560: Bait (top)

Standard imperial calendar, 930.M41

The human empire, the storm star field, the planet Nathan 4

Edsson Schmid, an employee of the Soms Nest Air Transport Administration, walked through the streets with the flow of people.

People walked past him, bumped into him, pushed him away, but no one looked at him, at most they glanced at him, thinking of this guy who didn’t take a shower, had a beard, and was blocking their way. who is it.

He doesn't mind, in fact he enjoys it very much: just walking, don't need to go where you want to go, let his heart flutter at will.

No way, who made him so unlucky and made a friend, but it turned out to be a trap.

He is now unable to advance or retreat.

Thinking of this, he smiled.

When a guard saw him, he must think Edsson was laughing at himself, because Edsson frowned when he saw him and was about to speak.

Edsson saluted immediately, shook his head respectfully, and continued to move forward.

He doesn't know where he is going, but it doesn't matter. Now this is the best situation he can crave.

"Edson Schmid."

In the first time, he didn't hear this sentence very clearly, and didn't bother to look back.

This call must have been misheard. It was a somewhat similar syllable separated from dozens of voices and hurried footsteps.

"Edson Schmid."

This time the voice came from behind him, and he felt a hand on his shoulder.

So he subconsciously reached for the pistol he had hidden in his pocket.

"No, no, my friend."

The voice said, this time it was in his ear.

It was a soft voice, with a sticky tongue, which seemed to be the accent of the lower nest capital.

In the next second, he felt the tip of a sword against the skin above his right kidney.

"I don't want to hurt you, but you must come with me."

Edsson felt a gap opened deep in his mind.

"who are you?"

He asked, in a very soft voice. Around him, many people hurried past without noticing or caring about it.

"Your friend's servant, he wants to see you again."

Edsson felt the pressure of the Jianfeng move to the bottom of his left arm, and at the same time the hand holding his shoulder was released.

A man walked behind him, close to his left side.

The man put a hand on his shoulder, as if they were old friends, and no one else could see the sword.

When Edsson looked at the man, he unconsciously showed a shocked expression.

The man was wearing a crimson uniform with black cross decorations, and under the pointed cap, a broad, shaved face was smiling at him.

"I'm sorry to use the sword against you, but I serve our mutual friends, and I can't let you refuse this invitation."

The accent of the man suddenly changed: simply powerful, with no accent at all.

Edsson could smell a touch of wine and a strong smell of smoke in his breath, as if he had just stepped off the card table.

The government employee's mind is running at high speed, fatigue and shock are mixed and become blurred.

"I understand."

Edsson looked at him.

The man who looked like a traffic controller smiled and nodded:

"He's not far away, come with me."

Five minutes later, he arrived at the meeting place-an abandoned warehouse.

The room is small, which is equivalent to a plastic chalk box hidden behind a small door, located at the end of a quiet corridor, as if it has been forgotten.

A lighting ball was tied to the ceiling with an iron chain, spilling dim light.

On the floor were three plastic-steel crates with a little worn edges and a thick layer of dust on them.

The room was also full of dust—the breath of dust and dirty air.

Edsson glanced at the room and turned to face the man in the red uniform.

"Wait here."

The man said, reaching out and closing the monotonous metal door.

Edsson took a deep breath and pressed his fingers to his eyes.

His hands trembled on his eyelids, trying to calm his thoughts, thinking about what to do next.

"Hello my friend."

Hearing this sound, Edsson opened his eyes sharply.

The person standing inside the door smiled friendly and bowed slightly.

He is tall and looks middle-aged, but those eyes reveal that his age is far more than what he seems to be on the surface.

He wore a set of greasy and poorly made work clothes on his thin body, his sleeves were rolled up, revealing lean but muscular arms, and some of his hair loss head shone in the light.

He smiled and took a step forward.

"Mr. Sorge."

Edsson called the man's name cleanly.

"Nice to meet you,"

Edsson said, his voice was loud, calm and unhurried,

"Sorry, it must be a bit shocking. I've been here...I've been here for a while, but I think it would be the best if the fate of the two of us had never crossed, after all... After we last met, things have changed."

Edsson just stared at Sorge.

He recalled that when the two met for the first time, the identity of the other person was still a very powerful rich man. Not only did he have strong financial resources, he also had many "friends" in the government department, and his daughter happened to be replaced at that time Serious diseases require very expensive medical equipment.

Sorge looked at him too, as if he was thinking about the same moment.

"A lot of things have changed, but both of us are still here."

Edsson felt a pain in his chest.

He took a breath, feeling his heart full of anger, hot and sour.

So he rushed up suddenly, raised his hand, and grabbed Sorge's smooth neck all at once, pressed the cunning liar against the wall, squeezed and squeezed.

Then his hand was empty.

Edsson's whole world spun and fell suddenly and then he couldn't breathe.

He fell to the floor, feeling the last bit of air in his lungs being pressed out of his mouth, and he could only pant while rolling.

Sorge stood above him, head down, hands hanging on his sides.

"You should use a knife."

Sorge smiled and raised his hand to show Edsson the knife he was holding in his left hand.

His gaze followed the blade of the sword down until he met Edsson's eyes.

"If you want to kill a person, you should kill it with one blow."

Edsson resisted the pain in his chest, the anger still remained, but was bound by the pain until they became one.

He rolled to his knees and took a big breath.

"What else are you taking from me? You have turned me into a traitor!"

The little employee gasped and said, struggling to try to get up.

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