The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 562: Iskandar Kayan

After experiencing so many things, Iskandar Kayan has always considered himself fearless because he has nothing.

However, when all his cherished things really disappeared in the wind of time, he realized that he was not fearless, and he was more afraid of losing than anyone else.

Every reason that had inspired him to fight for it has now proved to be a false statement, but it is the exile whispering to the ghost.

He no longer feels angry, no longer sad, and has even decided not to declare war on fate.

Of course, he can also see disappointment in the eyes of the war commander, because he has become an empty shell, which has no effect on him. Kayang knows this very well. For Abaddon, the so-called Brotherhood is nothing but vain, everything depends on value.

If once he believed in the friendship between each other, after losing her, he would never believe it anymore.

The reason that drove him to continue fighting for the Black Legion seemed to be instinct. It was like a high-speed vehicle that would still roll forward even if the throttle was released.

But from the bottom of his heart, he was tired.

What made him more exhausted was not only the reality, but also his dreams that had circumvented the past, and the howling of the wolf that he thought to be far away, came back again.

When Kayang relaxes and forces himself to fall asleep, he will encounter them.

On the day that the lonely soul was thrown to the end, the night when the wolf of Fenris roared into the ruins and burning streets.

For a long time, he had thought that the wolves in his dream had disappeared. After meeting Abaddon, he thought he had defeated the demons.

But in fact, his inner wolf pack never left.

Whenever he dreamed back at midnight, the sudden release of adrenaline would wake him from light sleep, his hands would also tremble due to the hysteresis effect, and his body would be covered with frost condensed by sweat.

In the illusion, the wolves still seemed to follow me, and he could hear their howls slowly disappearing into the surrounding cabins.

Sometimes, he can even feel these sounds flowing in my blood vessels, leaving marks on the genetic chain.

These space wolves, even if they only exist in memory, still chase after themselves with the desire to hunt.

In addition to this nightmare, there is another dream that bothers Kayang, which he once thought he was lost forever and despised—


Whenever he was chased by a pack of wolves in his dream and desperate, a black wing would wrap him back and take him to a safe high altitude.

Then he would look at her and recall the time the two spent together again.


She is so close to herself that in the past, anyone else who dared to touch herself like her at that moment would be ruthlessly destroyed.

But she belonged to him, no matter how others laughed, she was Kayang's Niftali, his blood guard, so he allowed her to gently brush her cheeks with the fingertips in the gloves, which were still equipped with sharp blades.

She is a spirit race, to be precise, a dark spirit race, a race that is almost spurned by the entire galaxy.

When Kayang was the loneliest and most desperate, she was the only one with herself.

In those days, two lonely and tortured souls drifted in the cold void, getting the most insignificant warmth from each other——

Between him and her, there is only a simple, selfless closeness.

"You are safe."

She put her pale, monster, but incomparably beautiful face to Ka Yang's cheek, and whispered softly.

"The wild wolf will never hurt you."

At this moment, Kayang's blood will change from cold to warm.

"I... Nefitali..."

"Shhh, one more thing."

Her eyes caught Kayang's gaze.

"I hate you, originally you could allow me to accept death calmly instead of dying so painfully."

Nifitali's smile disappeared, she retracted the crystal claws and gently put her lips on Kayang's lips.

After that, she whispered an ancient spiritual language, and then starting from the face, it gradually fell apart and dissipated like the wind——


Kayang yelled in horror, and suddenly stretched out his hand, trying to hold the opponent's remnant body.

This action made him sit up directly from the bed, and after looking around, he found that he was still in the lounge on the ship, with a vigilant figure like a cat lying on the floor of the cabin.

When Kayang awakened, she stood up together quickly, showing unnatural flow in her movements.

In fact, she is not a creature, more like a ghost with the appearance of a lynx.

And when you get closer to the beast, you will feel that she is different from any known creature.

She never blinked, let alone drooling, the beast's claws and teeth shone with black glass, and the fur emitted the scent of ashes after being burned by the fire, which reminded of a destroyed world.

"the host."

The pet greets Kayang in his mind. This is a bunch of thoughts that contain identification and obedience, not just a word.


Kayang responded to the right greeting telepathically.

"Yours is having that noisy dream again. You miss that female alien and the smell of proud blood on her."

As a demon, Nagua always tried to pass on his share of joy to Kayang, as if he should have enjoyed it too.

But Kayang didn't feel any happiness.

After waking up from the dream, his heart was still very empty.


Suddenly, a monotonous mechanical sound was introduced into the inner room, with neither emotion nor age.

"you're awake."


He replied to the empty room, stroking Nagua's soft fur-they were almost indistinguishable from real fur.

On the other hand, the demon lynx lay on its stomach like nothing, without any expression of joy or disgust.

"Your scheduled time is up, Kayang."

"Has the orbit of Nathan 4 changed?"

"Business as usual."

The mechanical sound was confirmed, but it was also expected.

Kayang devoted so much patience to this task that he even wondered if he was too bored and wasted three years on such a task.

Since agreeing to Huron to kill the leader of the Astral Knights, Kayang has sent his most powerful spy to sneak into the home star of the Astral Knights to collect evidence of the opponent's "renegade".

Compared to the direct killings in the past, this time he unexpectedly wanted to borrow a knife to kill.

His spy did what he was entrusted, found many clues, sketching out the story of the astral knight swallowing the loyal soul drinker, but the key evidence was never found.

During this period, it was not that he had been suspicious of his spies, because he and the other party's telepathy had been interrupted several times, although the other party explained that it was because there were psionic inspections in the nest and some key departments had Anti-psionic device.

But Kayang is still very cautious, although he has confidence in his soul, but so many years in the eyes of fear has made him extremely vigilant.

Even if Sorge told him very early that the key evidence was still found, but could not be obtained, he needed to take action in person, but he delayed the action time and time again.

It just dragged on for three years.

During this period, Abaddon had also summoned him to let him give up this indifferent task and hand it over to others, but Kayang was very persistent in completing him.

He has an inexplicable interest in the man who severely inflicted Huron, and it is also a rare embellishment of his boring life.

Of course, he was not completely idle for the past three years. Abaddon confessed to him a series of tasks, the most of which was the investigation of the hazy star field and the Kadian star area.

Obviously, this war coach will soon make big moves.

And now, Kayang decided to end the task in front of him. He wanted to go to the surface of the planet, get the key evidence, and then watch the empire's judges if they ruled on their former "heroes."

That scene must be extremely interesting.

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